Ključna beseda Screenwriter
Sedem psihopatov in shih tzu 2012
Z oskarjem nagrajeni režiser in scenarist komične kriminalke Morilca na kolektivca predstavlja nove zabavne zagate nespretnih kriminalcev. Neuspešni scenarist Marty išče navdih za novo zgodbo, zato se poveže s prijateljem Billyjem in njegovim zločinskim partnerjem, ki ugrabljata domače ljubljenčke in jih nato vrneta v zameno za bogato nagrado. Stvari se zapletejo, ko ujamejo psa nepredvidljivega gangsterja, ki je pripravljen za svojega ljubljenčka sprožiti pravo mafijsko vojno z obilico nepredvidljivega komičnega kaosa.
Vsi mi tujci 2023
Adam je melanholični scenarist, ki živi v skoraj prazni stolpnici na obrobju Londona. Neke noči po naključju spozna Harryja, še enega osamljenega prebivalca stavbe. Medtem ko se med moškima razvija strastno razmerje, Adama vse bolj vleče v predmestje, kjer je odraščal. V hiši, kjer je vse videti kot nekoč, ga pričakata starša, ki sta umrla pred tridesetimi leti …
Polnoč v Parizu 2011
Režiser usodnih ljubezenskih zgodb Ljubezen v Barceloni in Zadnji udarec sledi mladima ameriškima zaročencema Gilu in Inez na službeni poti v Parizu. Inez se osredotoča na turistično podobo mesta, pisatelj Gil pa med polnočnimi sprehodi išče navdih za svojo novo knjigo. Nenavadno odkritje ga popelje v osrčje zlate dobe večnega mesta romantike, kjer spozna številne literarne in druge umetniške ikone. Toda nova življenjska spoznanja vedno bolj bremenijo Gilov odnos z Inez.
Les Poupées russes 2005
Barton Fink 1991
Newyorški intelektualec, pisec nagrajevanih dramskih besedil, raztreseni Barton Fink, se odzove vabilu mogočnega producenta in odpotuje v Hollywood, da bi tam napisal scenarij za prostaško pretepaško dramo. Nastani se v skrivnostnem hotelu, tam pa ga pesti resna kreativna blokada. Njegov sosed, debeli trgovski potnik, mu skuša pomagati, vendar niz bizarnih pripetljajev Bartona vse bolj odvrača od pisanja.
Sunset Boulevard 1950
Leaving Las Vegas 1995
The Player 1992
Bros 2022
Mladost 2015
Notti magiche 2018
Trumbo 2015
Mank 2020
Knight of Cups 2015
In a Lonely Place 1950
Le Mépris 1963
The Muse 1999
The Front 1976
Was It Love? 2020
After 14 years devoid of romance, a struggling movie producer and single mom faces the unexpected arrival of 4 men into her life—an author, an actor, a CEO, and a younger man—who might just revive her dormant desire for love.
Oh! Master 2021
A romantic comedy about a thriller dramas screenwriter and an actress that specializes in romantic comedy. While the writer chooses not to date, the actress cannot seem to date.
The Many Faces of Ito 2017
A jaded rom-com screenwriter in her 30s mines four love-sick women for their stories under the guise of providing them with romantic advice.
Twilight 2023
Writer Qi Lianshan wants to adapt his psychological reasoning novel into a script. After seeing Liu Xia, who successfully guide a woman who wants to jump off a bridge with her psychological knowledge, he invites her to be a consultant . In the process of adapting the novel, Qi Lianshan gets deeply attracted by Liu Xia, and in the end, the two gained a successful career and a beautiful love story.
Unhandy Handyman 2015
The handymen in an obscure Hokkaido town shut out by the snow are the meddlesome owner Matsui Hideo, the thrice divorced Umemoto Soichi, and the young budding scriptwriter Takeyama Jun who has lost his way. Takeyama had left Tokyo in disgust after an argument with the director on the set over liberties taken with a scene that he had put all his feelings into. He intended to go to Furano where a leading scriptwriter, who dropped out of a drama series midway, lives. However, the bus service has been brought to a standstill by the snowstorm. Takeyama stopped by at a pub in order to fill his stomach. He found himself caught in a great misunderstanding, got drunk and lost both his wallet and mobile phone. Now he has no choice but to stay in this town.
On Story 2011
An inside look at the creative process behind some of our most popular and beloved movies and television shows. All episodes feature recorded conversations between acclaimed and award-winning screenwriters, TV creators, and filmmakers from the Austin Film Festival's annual conference and year round events.
See You Again 2022
A movie star from the Republican era encounters a rookie screenwriter from the 21st century. Two people from different worlds cross the boundaries of time and space to start a romantic story of living together. During the 1930s, Xiang Qin Yu finds himself time travelling to the modern era after getting shot on the filming set. The movie star who is arrogant on the outside but a softie on the inside happens to meet Jin A Yin, an unknown screenwriter who is simple and quick-witted. As they fall in love, Xiang Qin Yu also looks into the shooting incident and the truth behind his fateful reincarnation.
Get Married or Not 2020
Tells about the love life of a woman aged over 35 years and has decided not to want to get married. His friend who is none other than the powerhouse of the company and owner of the beauty salon trapped between rescuers and applicants.
The Screenwriter 2015
Mockumentary based on the life of Israeli-Arab writer and journalist, Sayed Kashua, creator of the series 'Arab Labor'. Kataeb, Palestinian writer and journalist living in Israel, loses interest in writing his successful series and instead wants to write a series on a 40 year old going throw a mid-life crisis he is experiencing. As a Palestinian and Israeli he confronts with questions about identity, national definitions, as well as his relationships with his family, and the society and country he lives in.