Vzpon viteza teme

Vzpon viteza teme 2012


V zadnjem delu trilogije o temačnem varuhu pravice se mora Batman spopasti z nadnaravno močnim in nepredstavljivo zlobnim kriminalcem Banom, ki želi uničiti Gotham City. Toda ker je Batman pred osmimi leti sprejel krivdo za zločine, ki jih ni storil, so ga izobčili, zato se mora najprej soočiti z lastnimi demoni in strahovi. Uganke in prevare dodatno preplete skrivnostna pretkanka Selina, toda ko se mesto znajde v primežu sadističnega Bana, Batman več ne pomišlja, temveč se pogumno poda v številne vrtoglave spopade, divje pregone in osupljive boje na življenje in smrt.


V žarišču

V žarišču 2015


Resnična zgodba o skupini novinarjev časopisa The Boston Globe, ki so leta 2002 razkrili množično spolno zlorabo otrok v katoliški cerkvi. Kljub pomanjkanju denarja in načrtnem zanikanju odgovornih, se odločni novinarji prebijajo preko gore arhivskega gradiva in birokratskih ovir, razkritje resnice in prekinitev molka pa očrni najvišje predstavnike cerkve, pravnike in politike po vsem svetu.



Arbitraža 2012


Življenje 60-letnega poslovneža Roberta se zdi popolno: s prodajo družinskega finančnega podjetja bo zaslužil ogromno bogastvo, srečno družinsko življenje pa si dodatno popestri z obiski privlačne ljubice. Toda ko povzroči prometno nesrečo, v kateri njegova ljubimka umre, se mu življenje čez noč postavi na glavo. Po pobegu s kraja nesreče skuša zakriti svoje sledi, toda detektiv Bryer je odločen, da prevzetnemu bogatašu dokaže krivdo. Preiskovanje Robertovega zasebnega življenja na plan naplavi tudi nečednosti, povezanimi z njegovimi posli in zdi se, da je njegov dokončni padec neizogiben.


V dolini smrti

V dolini smrti 2007


Upokojeni vojaški policist sodeluje s policijsko detektivko, da bi odkrila resnico o izginotju njegovega sina, potem ko se je ta vrnil iz službovanja v Iraku. Njegov oče Hank, ki je nekdaj služil v vrstah vojaške policije, se odpravi po sinovih sledeh, a naleti le na neprodoren zid molka. Ko sina najdejo mrtvega, se v preiskavo vključi detektivka Emily, po prvotnih nesoglasjih pa s Hankom vendarle strneta vrste in s skupnimi močmi odkrijeta srhljivo zaroto, zaradi katere so številni pripravljeni tudi ubijati.



Narc 2002




Extant 2014


An astronaut returns home from a year long solo mission in space. She tries to reconnect with her husband and son in their everyday life. Her experiences in space and home lead to events that ultimately will change the course of human history.



V 1983


Fifty spaceships, each three miles across, hover ominously above Earth's major cities. The Visitors that emerge are humanlike in appearance and extend the hand of friendship. Our planet's resources are just what these aliens need to survive. And for its future survival, unsuspecting humankind will need... a miracle!


Seven Seconds

Seven Seconds 2018


Tensions run high between African American citizens and Caucasian cops in Jersey City when a teenage African American boy is critically injured by a cop.


Your Honor

Your Honor 2017


Dark, gripping and morally complex, Your Honor tells the story of Micah Alkoby, a respected judge who is on the cusp of a big promotion. After his troubled teenage son is involved in a hit-and-run, this all changes. The victim of this accident turns out to be a member of a notorious criminal family that runs its own system of justice. How many laws is Micah willing to break in order to shield his son?


One of Us

One of Us 2016


A horrific double murder rocks the lives of two families living side-by-side in isolated rural Scotland. But instead of focusing on the investigation, One of Us explores the fallout for the grieving relatives, and the dark consequences that threaten to shatter their lives.


The Red Road

The Red Road 2014


Lines will be crossed when tragedy forces two men, a mesmerizing ex-con and an embattled local cop, to face the secrets of their past. As these two men find themselves increasingly compromised by one another, the lives of both quickly unravel.


Shots Fired

Shots Fired 2017


A media storm sets off when an African-American cop kills a white teenager in a small North Carolina town.


The Keepers

The Keepers 2017


This docuseries examines the decades-old murder of Sister Catherine Cesnik and its suspected link to a priest accused of abuse.



Undercover 2016


Undercover follows Maya, the first black Director Of Public Prosecutions. Just as she is about to take up the post and her life comes under intense public scrutiny, she learns that that her husband Nick has been lying to her for years. Twenty years ago Nick was a fearless and dedicated undercover officer, infiltrating organisations considered a danger to society because of their political beliefs. Nick built himself a fake past and now with his wife unsuspecting and his conscience killing him – his secret identity may compromise the new Director of Public Prosecutions.


The Pact

The Pact 2021


How far would you go to protect those you love? Divided loyalties test the ties of family and friends—because secrets always have consequences.



Borderliner 2017


To protect his family, police detective Nikolai covers up a murder case. But when his co-investigator Anniken suspects foul play, he is trapped in a dangerous game on duty, blurring the line between right and wrong.


Tattoo Fixers Extreme

Tattoo Fixers Extreme 2015


A number of the UK's most talented tattoo designers help clients transform their tattoo mistakes into works of art. It is estimated that one in six British people who opt to go under the needle later regret their decision. Outrageous artwork, inappropriate quotes or the name of an ex-partner can be chosen in haste but the results are permanent. The talented inkers meet desperate customers at a pop-up studio for their consultations. After the meeting, the client chooses whose design ideas they like best and the artist gets to work. When the session is over, the new tattoos are revealed.


The Secrets of Hillsong

The Secrets of Hillsong 2023


With fresh reporting and analysis from journalists, historians and policymakers, go beyond the sensational headlines and behind the velvet rope to examine the church's long pattern of covering up misconduct to protect itself.


Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes

Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes 2021


An expansion of the hit podcast and bestselling book, Catch and Kill: The Podcast Tapes brings to life the intimate interviews that broke Hollywood's most infamous story.