Pirati s Karibov: Mrtvečeva skrinja 2006
Pirat Jack Sparrow se je znova prisiljen spopasti z nadnaravnimi silami, tokrat v obliki zloveščega Davyja Jonesa, ki poveljuje legendarni ladji duhov Leteči Holandec.
Pirat Jack Sparrow se je znova prisiljen spopasti z nadnaravnimi silami, tokrat v obliki zloveščega Davyja Jonesa, ki poveljuje legendarni ladji duhov Leteči Holandec.
Will in Elizabeth bi rada rešila Jacka, a brez pomoči nekdanjega sovražnika, kapitana Barbosse, ne bo šlo. Toda zviti in izkušeni gusar jima namerava pomagati šele po tem, ko se bosta Will in Elizabeth skupaj z njim spopadla z nevarnim kitajskim piratom Saom Fengom. Lord Beckett se medtem polasti ladje duhov, Letečega Holandca, in njegovega strah zbujajočega kapitana Davyja Jonesa. Ladji zdaj poveljuje admiral Norrington, odločen, da se bo enkrat za vselej znebil piratske zalege.
Moški so se skozi stoletja bojevali. Nekateri za moč, nekateri za slavo ali čast in nekateri za ljubezen. V starodavni Grčiji sta strast dveh najbolj legendarnih ljubimcev v zgodovini, Pariza, trojanskega princa (Orlando Bloom) in Helene (Diane Kruger), kraljica Šparte, sprožila vojno, ki bi opustošila civilizacijo. Ugrabitev Helene s strani Pariza, ki jo loči od moža, kralja Menelausa (Bren-dan Gleeson), je žalitev, da Family Pride ugotovi, da je prizadetost Menelausu grožnja njenemu bratu Agamemnonu (Brian Cox), močnemu kralju Mycenae, ki kmalu ponovno združi vsa velika grška plemena, da bi Heleno opomogla pred Trojanci in branila čast svojega brata. Resnica je, da boj za čast Agamemnona pokvari njegov neobvladljiv pohlep, ko mora osvojiti Trojo, da prevzame nadzor nad Egejskim morjem.
Lepo princeso Buttercup ugrabijo in zadržijo proti njeni volji, da bi se poročila z gnusnim princem Humperdinckom. Njen fant iz otroštva Westley, ki se je zdaj vrnil kot Grozni pirat Roberts, jo skuša rešiti iz krempljev ugrabiteljev.
Režiser Zore živih mrtvecev Zack Snyder je po stripu Franka Millerja, ki je navdihnil tudi Mesto greha, ustvaril spektakularno vizijo legendarnega boja 300 špartanskih vojakov, ki so se leta 480 pred našim štetjem spopadli s stokrat številnejšo perzijsko vojsko. Čeprav niso imeli možnosti za zmago, so s svojo hrabrostjo, požrtvovalnostjo in odločnostjo dali zgled in upanje drugim grškim državam, da so se skupno uprle in naposled pregnale perzijske zavojevalce
V nadaljevanju sage o 300 umrlih špartanskih herojih, spoznamo grškega generala Temistoklesa, ki se s pomočjo ovdovele kraljice Gorge postavi po robu okrutnemu perzijskemu kralju Kserksu. Drugo invazijo sovražnikov želijo ustaviti že na morju, toda v osupljivi pomorski bitki jim nasproti stoji ladjevje maščevalne kraljice Artemizije, zveste Kserksove zaveznice. Vzpon ali padec kraljestev postane odvisen od številnih neusmiljenih in krvavih bojev mož na moža, kjer sta glavno orožje čast in pogum.
Uma Thurman je morilka, ki jo na njen poročni dan napadejo člani bande njenega šefa Billa (David Carradine). Uspeva preživeti napad, čeprav ostaja v komi. Pet let pozneje se zbudi s koščkom kovine na glavi in veliko željo po maščevanju v srcu.
Leto 1776, vojna za neodvisnost med kolonisti Nove Anglije in četami Georga III (1760-1820). V Južni Karolini se vdovec Benjamin Martin (Mel Gibson), junaški vojak v Franciji in Indiji, odreče boju, da bi lahko skrbel za svoje sedem otrok. Toda mirno življenje družine Martin je porušeno, ko se v vojsko pridruži najstarejši sin Gabriel (Heath Ledger); medtem se njegov oče bori za vzgojo otrok. Vendar bodo Britanci pod poveljstvom okrutnega polkovnika Tavingtona (Jason Isaacs) prišli do vrat svojega doma in tako ogrozili vso družino ...
Srednji vek, 14. stoletje William je mladi plebej, ki je izjemno nadarjen za sejme in turnirje. Po nenadni smrti svojega gospodarja se v družbi prijateljev in veveric Rolanda in Watta poda v pustolovščino in se pretvarja, da je plemeniti vitez. Med potovanji sreča Chaucerja, pisatelja, ki ponareja družinsko drevo, ki upravičuje plemiški naslov, ki si ga je prisvojil.
Potem ko je izločila nekatere člane tolpe, ki so jo poskušali ubiti na njen poročni dan, se "Mamba Negra" nadaljuje s maščevanjem in poskuša dokončati preostalo tolpo, zlasti svojega nekdanjega šefa Billa, ki jo je pustil mrtvo in jo zapustil v komi.
Zhang Qing, a present-day college student in culture and history major wants to study in professor Ye's postgraduate class, so he decides to write a historical fiction to elaborate his perspective of analyzing ancient literature history with modern concept. In the fiction, Zhang himself acts as a young man Fan Xian with mysterious life who lives in a remote seaside town of Kingdom Qing in his childhood, under the help of a mysterious mentor and a blindfolded watchman. Fan goes to the capital when he grows up, where he experiences plenty of ordeal and temper. Fan persists in adhering the rule of justice and goodness and lives his own glorious life.
In the near future, a Virtual Reality Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (VRMMORPG) called Sword Art Online has been released where players control their avatars with their bodies using a piece of technology called Nerve Gear. One day, players discover they cannot log out, as the game creator is holding them captive unless they reach the 100th floor of the game's tower and defeat the final boss. However, if they die in the game, they die in real life. Their struggle for survival starts now...
A virus has decimated humankind. Those who survived emerged blind. Centuries later when twins are born with the mythic ability to see, their father must protect his tribe against a threatened queen.
Guts, a man who calls himself "The Black Swordsman", looks back upon his days serving as a member of a group of mercenaries. Led by an ambitious, ruthless, and intelligent man named Griffith, together they battle their way into the royal court, and are forced into a fate that changes their lives.
The life story of Queen Seondeok, the first queen of the Korean people during the Silla Dynasty.
They are both chosen in their own ways to protect their people and the country. Ning Que is the only survivor of General Lin Guang Yuan’s regime, which came under a calculated and brutal attack of another dangerous general. Ning Que manages to escape to Du City with his maid, Sang Sang, and joins the best martial arts academy there. When Sang Sang becomes ill with a mysterious illness, Ning Que takes her to a doctor, only to discover that Sang Sang is the reincarnation of Yong Ye, a mysterious and powerful being that is prophesied to bring about chaos. With evil forces now trying to get their hands on Sang Sang to channel her power, Ning Que must put his life on the line to save Sang Sang and his people.
Xena is an infamous warrior on a quest to seek redemption for her past sins against the innocent. Accompanied by her comrade-in-arms Gabrielle, the campy couple use their formidable fighting skills to help those who are unable to defend themselves.
The Makai fight a secret war against the demon forces known as Horrors, evil creatures that manifest themselves through darkness to devour Humanity. On the frontlines are the Makai Knights, given the task of watching over a district and eliminating any Horrors that manifest there. GARO follows the tales of the Knights bearing the title of ‘Golden Knight Garo’, and their duty to vanquish the Horrors and protect Humanity from the darkness.
The adventures of woodsman Richard Cypher, who discovers that he was born to fulfill a prophecy of becoming a guardian hero to oppressed people. With the help of a mysterious woman named Kahlan and a wise old wizard named Zedd, he must stop a ruthless and bloodthirsty tyrant from unleashing an ancient evil and enslaving the world.
Every few years, beautiful female warriors from across the land compete in the Queen's Blade Tournament to become the ruler of the land. It's a series that loves violence as much as it hates clothes and complicated plots.
Yan Dan is the only descendant of an ancient tribe, the four-leaf scorpion. Since ancient times, her whole body has been a treasure of medicine. She and her twin sister Zhixi were able to cultivate into human form at the Queen Mother's Feast a hundred years in advance and encountered the biggest trial in her life - the love trial. She fell in love with Lord Ying Yuan but had to spend the next 800 years forgetting him. However, at this time, Yu Mo suddenly entered her life, and become her great support. Every day, Yu Mo takes Yan Dan out to do good deeds. One day while they were punishing evil, they meet Lord Ying Yuan's current reincarnation, Tang Zhou, who is currently a demon hunter. They help Tang Zhou search for the four ancient artifacts, and also discover a mysterious secret.
Emperor of the Sea is a South Korean television drama series directed by Kang Il-soo and Kang Byung-taek and starring Choi Soo-jong, Chae Shi-ra, Song Il-gook and Soo Ae. It aired on KBS2 from November 24, 2004 to May 25, 2005 on Wednesdays and Thursdays at 21:50 for 51 episodes. The historical drama is based on Choi In-ho's novel of the same title, which depicts the life of Jang Bogo, who rises from a lowly slave to a powerful maritime figure who dominated the East Asia seas and international trade during the Unified Silla Dynasty. The drama was received extremely well, holding the number one spot in the ratings for majority of the weeks it aired. It was also exported to eight countries earning approximately US$1.8 million in profits. The filming set in Wando County, South Jeolla Province also became a tourist attraction.
The legendary son of Zeus journeys across the earth fighting monsters and helping people.
In a time when dreams seem out of reach, a teen fencer pursues big ambitions and meets a hardworking young man who seeks to rebuild his life.
The ambitious success stories of 6 people surrounding Prince Lee Bang Won, and the ideological and political conflict between Prince Lee Bang Won and Jung Do Jeon, the man instrumental in helping King Taejo establish the fledgling Joseon nation.
An extraordinary discovery inspires two human princes and an elven assassin to team up on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands.
Several years ago, the emperor secretly ordered the hero Li Hui to form a mountain stronghold consisting of bandits in order to keep the pugilist world under control. His daughter, Li Jin Rong, leads the stronghold after Li Hui’s death and gives birth to Zhou Fei after marrying scholar Zhou Yi Tang. Zhou Fei’s attempts at escaping have always ended in failure, though Li Jin Rong allows her daughter to go and experience the world outside after her 16th birthday. She meets Xie Yun again after he saves her from drowning during her first escape attempt, and they embark on an adventurous journey through wulin together.
Having been saved by Emperor Dong Hua from a vicious monster attack, Princess of Qingqiu, Bai Fengjiu becomes immensely indebted to him. To repay him, Fengjiu follows Donghua around on his adventures to eliminate evil but unwittingly realizes that her feelings of gratitude towards him has turned to romantic. However, after a hundred thousand years of fighting evil, Donghua has long forgotten the meaning of “love". To protect Fengjiu, Dong Hua sends her to the human world but accidentally causes the death of Fengjiu’s friend. Fengjiu enters the dream of Ah Lan Ruo to search for the fruit that will be able to resurrect her friend. However, Fengjiu ends up getting trapped in the dream. Dong Hua comes to rescue, and realizes he has fallen in love with Fengjiu…
After being betrayed by the Hero’s party, Red hopes to start anew by opening an apothecary in a small town. He wants to keep his past life secret, but it won’t be easy...especially when a beautiful adventurer from his past asks to move in.
Zhou Zi Shu gets embroiled in a conspiracy in the martial arts world after quitting his job as the leader of an organization tasked with protecting royalty. He meets Wen Ke Xing, a mysterious martial artist who escapes from the Ghost Valley to avenge his parents’ deaths. They become fast friends and embark on an adventure to find a legendary treasure that will give its owner ultimate power over jianghu.