
Valovanje 2024


Ko zemljo zajame povodenj, si živalska druščina z mačko na čelu poišče zavetje na čolnu. Da bi preživele, se morajo naučiti sobivati ter si kljub razlikam zaupati in pomagati. Popotovanje, polno preprek, a tudi lepote in nežnosti, nudi prepotreben premislek o pomenu skupnosti za izgradnjo novih svetov.


Tiho mesto: Prvi dan

Tiho mesto: Prvi dan 2024


Potem ko smo v prvem in drugem delu srhljivke spremljali družino, ki se je privajala na tišino znotraj in zunaj doma, sicer so tvegali, da jih ob najmanjšem zvoku napadejo pošasti, se v novem delu vračamo na prvi dan, ko bomo spoznali, zakaj in kako je do tega sploh prišlo. Ko New York napadejo nezemeljska bitja, ki lovijo po zvoku, se ženska po imenu Sam bori za preživetje...



Duša 2020


Učitelj glasbe sanja, da bi nastopil kot jazzovski glasbenik. Ko končno dobi priložnost, se zgodi nekaj nepričakovanega: na poti iz službe pade v kanal in ostane brez duše ... Nova animirana mojstrovina studiev Disney in Pixar gledalca popelje na ulice New Yorka in mu zastavi življenjska vprašanja.



Seanse 2012


Tetraplegik Mark želi raziskati skrivnosti intimne ljubezni, zato za pomoč zaprosi lokalnega duhovnika in svojo negovalko. Medtem ko mu duhovnik nudi nasvete in moralno oporo, mu negovalka priskrbi seksualno terapevtko Cheryl. Kljub zabavnim začetnim težavam Mark in Cheryl uspeta premagati meje telesnih omejitev, vendar nevede odpreta vrata novim poželenjem in nepričakovanim ljubezenskim čustvom.


Apocalipsis Z: el principio del fin

Apocalipsis Z: el principio del fin 2024


Ko se po planetu razširi steklina, ki ljudi spremeni v agresivna bitja, se Manel z mačko izolira doma in se zanaša na svojo pamet, da bi preživel; vendar se morata kmalu odpraviti na iskanje hrane po kopnem in morju ter se izogibati številnim nevarnostim.


Njeni tastari

Njeni tastari 2000


Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) je nekoliko neroden medicinska sestra, ki mora po napovedi zaroke pri Pam (Teri Polo) preživeti nekaj dni s starši, da jih spozna. Njihov začetni sestanek ne bo imel veliko sreče, zlasti zaradi sumov, ki jih Greg vzgaja v strogem očetu dekleta (Robert de Niro), zaščitniškega očeta, ki je delal za CIA, čeprav je zdaj upokojen, in to zelo težko narediti vtis. Jim od začetka popolnoma zavrne Grega, a ko ga bolje spozna, njegova zavrnitev postane absolutna prezir in postane moški najhujša nočna mora, ki kljub temu, da ljubi svojo dekle in želi narediti dober prvi vtis, potone globlje in globlje v blato lastne nesposobnosti in moral se bo močno boriti, da bo spremenil grozno mnenje svoje sorodnikove deklice o njem.


Ave, Cezar

Ave, Cezar 2016


Zabaven vpogled na zlata leta Hollywooda je delo znamenitega režijsko-scenarističnega dvojca, bratov Coen. V filmu, prežetem s črnim humorjem in elementi kriminalne drame, nastopa izvrstna igralska zasedba, sestavljena iz zvezd 21. stoletja. Eddie Mannix je t. i. fixer. V 50. letih prejšnjega stoletja so filmski studii v ZDA najemali sumljive tipe, ki so za vsako ceno varovali ugled filmskih zvezdnikov. Da bi preprečili širjenje kočljivih informacij, so morali biti izjemno iznajdljivi, njihove metode so bile velikokrat vprašljive, uporaba nezakonitih sredstev pa je bilo nenapisano pravilo tega poklica.



Argylle 2024


Samotarska avtorica Elly Conway, ki piše vohunske romane o tajnem agentu Argyllu in globalni vohunski združbi ugotovi, da zaplet nove knjige, ki jo piše, začne odražati dogodke iz resničnega sveta v realnem času. Njeni mirni večeri doma tako postanejo preteklost in Elly z mačkom Alfiejem v nahrbtniku ter v spremstvu vohuna Aidena dirka po vsem svetu, da bi ostala korak pred morilci, pri tem pa se meja med njenim izmišljenim in resničnim svetom pričenja brisati.



Babe 1995




Garfield 2024


Svetovno znanega mačka, ki sovraži ponedeljke, obožuje lazanjo in rad lenari doma, čaka divja pustolovščina zdoma. Potem ko Garfield nepričakovano sreča davno izgubljenega očeta, razcapanega uličnega mačka Vica, sta s pasjim prijateljem Odiejem prisiljena zapustiti svoje čudovito razvajeno življenje in se pridružiti Vicu v skrajno smešnem in hudo tveganem ropu.


10 življenj

10 življenj 2024


Razvajeni maček Beckett samoumevno jemlje srečo ki ga spremlja odkar ga je rešila in vzljubila Rose, dobrosrčna in strastna študentka. Ko izgubi svoje deveto življenje, usoda vskoči in ga pripravi na noro pustolovščino.


Nights with a Cat

Nights with a Cat 2022


When Fuuta comes home tired at night, all he wants to do is spend time with his new cat. All the mysterious habits and mannerisms of house cats are carefully reproduced in this relaxed and cute comedy about living with an adorable furball!



ThunderCats 2011


The ThunderCats are on the move! After the kingdom of Thundera is attacked by the lizard people, Lion-O leads Tygra, Cheetara and the other heroes on a quest for the Book of Omens and the magic stones of legend. But he'll have to face villains like Mumm-Ra, the ancient evil sorceror, and Slithe, the dangerous lizard general. Luckily, he has the Sword of Omens and its amazing powers at his disposal.


Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake

Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake 2023


Fionna and Cake – with the help of the former Ice King, Simon Petrikov - embark on a multiverse-hopping adventure and journey of self-discovery. All the while a powerful new antagonist determined to track them down and erase them from existence, lurks in the shadows.


Red Dwarf

Red Dwarf 1988


The adventures of the last human alive and his friends, stranded three million years into deep space on the mining ship Red Dwarf.


Sabrina, the Teenage Witch

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch 1996


On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina Spellman discovers she has magical powers. She lives with her 600-year-old aunts Hilda and Zelda as well as talking cat Salem in the fictional town of Westbridge, Massachusetts.



Servamp 2016


When a stray black cat named Kuro crosses Mahiru Shirota's path, the high school freshman's life will never be the same again. Kuro is, in fact, no ordinary feline, but a servamp: a servant vampire. While Mahiru's personal philosophy is one of non-intervention, he soon becomes embroiled in an ancient, altogether surreal conflict between vampires and humans.


The Pet Girl of Sakurasou

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou 2012


Sorata Kanda, a high school sophomore living in Sakurasou, the den of their academy's problem children, spends his days being dragged around by the strange residents, swearing he's going to escape Sakurasou one day.


Felix the Cat

Felix the Cat 1958


Felix the Cat follows the offbeat adventures of that curious feline, Felix. Although he was quickly overshadowed by Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse, America's favorite cat still remains a classic.


Top Cat

Top Cat 1961


Top Cat, known as T.C. to his alley cat friends, is a mischievous prankster who lives in a trash can in the alley ways of New York City. He and his alley-cat cohorts think of get rich schemes and assorted pranks which are mostly involving and aimed at Officer Dibble, their nemesis and friend. T.C. manages to get out of his tight situations with hilarity and charm and even helps Dibble on occasion who is underscored by his overbearing sergeant...


Early Edition

Early Edition 1996


Gary Hobson thinks he may even be losing his mind when tomorrow's newspaper mysteriously arrives today giving him a disconcerting look into the future. What will he do with tomorrow's news?



ThunderCats 1985


The inhabitants of the planet Thundera evacuate just before it is destroyed. They were pursued by a band of mutants. All but one of their escape ships was destroyed. Only a small group of Thunderans (Thundercats) remained. With only half engine power, the group, which was led by Jaga, had to set a course for the nearest planet. Jaga commanded their ship while the other seven were in their stasis tubes. Jaga died on their journey to Third Earth and their ship crashed there. Soon they made friends with various groups in the area and they designed a fortress. Mumm-Ra the centuries-old embodiment of evil, along with the mutants that destroyed the rest of the Thunderans are a constant threat. But Lion-O, the new leader of the Thundercats, with his weapon the "Sword of Omens" will help the Thundercats to have a standing chance.


Scaredy Cats

Scaredy Cats 2021


On Willa Ward’s twelfth birthday, she inherits a beautiful charm necklace that belonged to her mother, who was a witch. She soon learns 2 bad witches, Wilma and Wanda are after her locket so they can have ultimate power, and she alongside her best friends Scout and Lily turn into cats to escape.


Exploding Kittens

Exploding Kittens 2024


It's the ultimate fight between good and evil when God and his nemesis, the spawn of Satan, are sent to Earth to live with humans — as talking cats.


Cat God

Cat God 2025


The story unfolds through the eyes of cats, offering glimpses of intense battlefields, fleeting moments in history, heartfelt family bonds, and imaginative visions of the future. Rendered in a variety of styles, including ink painting, 2D animation, 3D visuals, and stop motion, it captures the essence of Eastern aesthetics. Ten surreal and enigmatic scrolls about cats are revealed, one by one, drawing the audience into their mysterious world.


The Smurfs

The Smurfs 1981


Classic Saturday-morning cartoon series featuring magical blue elf-like creatures called Smurfs. The Smurfs, named for their personalities, inhabit a village of mushroom houses in an enchanted forest. These loveable creatures are led by Papa Smurf and live carefree... except for one major threat to their existance: Gargamel, an evil but inept wizard who lives in a stone-built house in the forest; and his feline companion, the equally nasty Azrael.


Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks

Pixie and Dixie and Mr. Jinks 1958


Pixie & Dixie and Mr. Jinks is a Hanna-Barbera cartoon that featured as a regular segment of the television series The Huckleberry Hound Show from 1958 to 1961.


Bee and PuppyCat

Bee and PuppyCat 2014


On a charming magical island, the impulsive Bee and her furry pal get up to all sorts of adventures while working for an intergalactic temp agency.


Tom and Jerry

Tom and Jerry 2022


Kawaii is topped with speedy and humorous movements, which is the real pleasure of "Tom and Jerry", who are constantly chasing each other and fighting with each other. A pop and cute chasing game begins with a Japanese original character design! Tom, a fussy cat who can't be hated, Jerry, a cute but clever mouse, and Taffy, a small and cute mouse, all transform into adorable characters, such as their favorite food. The hottest series with fun transformations!


My Cat from Hell

My Cat from Hell 2011


From cats that break up relationships to violent felines that put their owners in the hospital, cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy has seen it all. Follow Jackson as he brings his unique understanding of cats to desperate families on the verge of giving up on their furry companions.


My Roommate is a Cat

My Roommate is a Cat 2019


Getting a roommate is the last thing an eccentric author like Mikazuki would do, until a stray cat sparks an idea for his next novel. After plucking the little killer off the streets, Mikazuki is inspired in ways he would have never expected