Misija: Nemogoče - Maščevanje, 1. del

Misija: Nemogoče - Maščevanje, 1. del 2023


V novem delu misije se Ethan Hunt in njegova ekipa podajo na najnevarnejšo misijo doslej: izslediti grozljivo novo orožje, ki ogroža vse človeštvo, preden pade v napačne roke. Z nadzorom nad prihodnostjo, usodo sveta na kocki ter temnimi silami iz Ethanove preteklosti, ki se približujejo, se prične smrtonosna dirka okoli sveta. Ko pa se Ethan sooči s skrivnostnim in vsemogočnim sovražnikom, je prisiljen razmisliti, da ni nič pomembnejšega od njegove misije – niti življenja tistih, ki mu najbolj pri srcu.


Vsota vseh strahov

Vsota vseh strahov 2002


Leta 1973 je izraelska vojska izgubila borec z jedrsko raketo, ki so ga izstrelile sovražne sile. Rakete ni bilo nikoli več najti. Devetindvajset let pozneje ga stari Arabin najde na pol pokopanega in zapuščenega na Golanu ter ga proda najemniku s povezavami z neonacističnimi potenciali. Hkrati v Rusiji prihaja do nove menjave predsednika in novi vodja, komaj znan, ne vzbuja popolnega zaupanja za CIA ... Nova in vznemirljiva pustolovščina za agenta CIA Jacka Ryana (zdaj ga igra Ben Afflecka in prej sta ga zaživela Alec Baldwin in Harrison Ford). Film je imel polemiko tako, da se je problematike terorizma lotil apokaliptično, ko je bil spomin na 11. september še svež. Še več, v romanu Toma Clancyja so bili teroristi muslimanski fanatiki, toda producenti so se v adaptaciji filma odločili, da jih bodo "zamenjali" z neonacističnimi teroristi.


She Spies

She Spies 2002


She Spies is an action-adventure television show that ran from September 9, 2002 until May 17, 2004, in two seasons. The show was sold into syndication but the first four episodes premiered on the NBC network, whose syndication arm was one of the producers. Disappointing ratings during the show's second season led to its cancellation after season two ended. She Spies bore noticeable production and directive similarities with Charlie's Angels.


Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends

Roswell Conspiracies: Aliens, Myths and Legends 1999


A group of allied intelligence agents discover that extraterrestrial beings arrived on Earth centuries ago and have been thriving through the exploitation of humans. Believed to be the origins of many of the creatures humans know from myth, folklore and legends, including vampires and werewolves, the group discovers that these aliens have now formed a sinister cadre bent on taking over the world for themselves. In response, the agents form a top-secret multinational agency known as The Global Alliance, charged with protecting the world from the alien threat and keeping it a secret from the public at any cost.


Pine Gap

Pine Gap 2018


A team of talented Australian and American intelligence analysts work together to ensure global stability in one of the world's most important and secretive joint intelligence facilities... Pine Gap. But the relationship between the Australian and American intelligence analysts working at Pine Gap isn’t always rosy.



Hunted 2012


Samantha Hunter suspects someone within the private intelligence agency she works at tried to kill her and she seeks to uncover the person behind it.



Counter-Intelligence 2013


A five-part documentary series that examines in-depth the influence of espionage agencies on governments and societies, both domestically and abroad.


Global Frequency

Global Frequency 1970


Detective Sean Flynn and scientist Kate Finch are the latest recruits of The Global Frequency, a secret rogue spy agency that handles threats to global security. They must find a man who's somehow been melting people with his mind.


The Gatekeepers

The Gatekeepers 2013


A five episode special edition of the documentary film by director Dror Moreh, featuring the story of the Israeli Palestinian conflict from the point of view of six former heads of the Shin Bet, Israel's secret service whose activities and membership are closely held state secrets.


Ragion di Stato

Ragion di Stato 2015


Andrea Rosso, an agent of Italian foreign intelligence service AISE, undertakes risky missions in Afghanistan and Lebanon.