V višave

V višave 2009


Življenje 78-letnega upokojenca Karla je vedno potekalo mirno in neopazno, zato se na stara leta odloči uresničiti svoje sanje ter izpolniti dolgoletno obljubo. S pomočjo tisočih balonov, ki jih naveže na svojo hišo, poleti naproti fantastičnim avanturam, a s seboj nevede odnese tudi radovednega tabornika. Čeprav čemerni možakar v mladeniču sprva vidi le nadlego, se nenavadni par počasi spoprijatelji in skupaj se spopadeta z divjimi viharji, spoznata govorečega psa in se soočita z norim znanstvenikom.



Tisto 2017


Ko v kraju Derry v ameriški zvezni državi Maine začnejo izginjati otroci, se skupina otrok znajde iz oči v oči s svojim največjim strahom - spopadejo se z zlobnim in zloveščim klovnom Pennywisejem, ki že stoletja mori in ustrahuje ljudi. V čevlje strašnega klovna je stopil Bill Skarsgard, obkrožajo pa ga mladi nadarjeni igralci, med njimi Jaeden Lieberher, Jeremy Ray Taylor, Sophia Lillis, Finn Wolfhard, Wyatt Oleff, Chosen Jacobs, Jack Dylan Grazer in Nicholas Hamilton.


Stephen Tompkinson's Australian Balloon Adventure

Stephen Tompkinson's Australian Balloon Adventure 2010


Stephen Tompkinson's adventure begins in dramatic fashion when his maiden flight over South Australia's Flinders Ranges ends in a crash landing at 40 mph. But he presses on to the Barossa Valley, where a serene flight over the vineyards is followed by a far from calm cricket match against local winemakers - the outcome of which sends Stephen packing for Victoria and a spell on the mighty Murray River. Stephen's bid to win Australia’s biggest balloon competition continues. A childhood dream is fulfilled when he walks out onto the pitch of the Melbourne Cricket Ground during an Aussie Rules game - and trumped the following morning when his balloon flies through the ground's goalposts. His balloon truck gets a makeover and the city's Greek festival nearly ends in a diplomatic incident. Then heavy rain prevents him flying over Canberra - and to get back on track he risks a flight to 10,000 feet. Actor Stephen Tompkinson's attempt to win Australia's prestigious Canowindra Balloon Challenge concludes in this final episode. Stephen heads to Sydney, where he samples some of the city's culinary delights with MasterChef's Matt Preston, helps judge a drag competition, and receives some encouragement from the British High Commissioner to Australia. When the day of the race finally arrives, he meets his competitors at Canowindra. The teams have to hit three targets laid out over the countryside, but things start disastrously for Stephen when he misreads the wind and drifts off-course. Can he recover and win the challenge?


Stephen Tompkinson's African Balloon Adventure

Stephen Tompkinson's African Balloon Adventure 2009


Stephen Tompkinson and hot air balloon pilot Robin Batchelor embark on the journey of a lifetime across the African continent. They experience the amazing abundance and diversity of wildlife and explore the relationship between Africa's game and its people.


Pop the Balloon LIVE

Pop the Balloon LIVE 2025


Reality stars and everyday singles test their romantic chemistry in this live dating experiment hosted by Yvonne Orji.