Paul Rubell Miami Vice Stranski ucinki Otok Transformerji David The Final Terror Thor Peter Pan Državni sovražniki S1m0ne Družba pravih gospodov The Cell Hancock The Insider My Name Is Bill W. Blade Bojna ladja Echoes in the Darkness XXX - Trojni X Need for Speed: Želja po hitrosti Past Tense Transformerji 4: Doba izumrtja The 5th Wave The Stone Boy When You Remember Me Promise Promise My Name Is Bill W. The Island of Dr. Moreau Transformerji 2: Maščevanje padlih Hitri in drzni 8 Finding the Way Home Challenger Bumblebee Seventh Son Home Fires Burning The Burning Season Stay the Night Maščevalci Toughlove Ruby Cairo Mulan When You Remember Me