Sondra Currie Alien Nation: Dark Horizon Prekrokana noč 2 The Concrete Jungle Prekrokana noč Rio Lobo Policewomen Michael O'Hara the Fourth Teenage Seductress Class of '74 Bloodfighter of the Underworld Prekrokana noč 3 The Perfect Wife The Return of Sam McCloud The Last Married Couple in America Mama's Dirty Girls Kept Mach 2 Jessi's Girls The Secretary The Abduction of Allison Tate Voyager from the Unknown Fugitive Lovers Kid Cop Thicker Than Water Fat Ass Zombies Silent Justice - Selbstjustiz Illicit Behavior Demon and the Mummy Magnum, P.I. Starsky & Hutch The Golden Girls Touched by an Angel Simon & Simon Sanford Airwolf Knight Rider The Bob Newhart Show Probe Mannix Tales of the Gold Monkey Family Matters Three's Company Preiskovalci na delu: NCIS Voyagers! JAG Ironside Kolchak: The Night Stalker ER Police Woman Bronk Gospa Davis Three's Company Adam-12 The Incredible Hulk Columbo 7th Heaven The Odd Couple Cheers Murder, She Wrote 79 Park Avenue Columbo