Charlie Clouser Nine Inch Nails: And All That Could Have Been Nine Inch Nails: Closure Nine Inch Nails: Fragility 1.0 Game Changer: The Legacy of Saw Moog Nine Inch Nails & David Bowie: Dissonance Nine Inch Nails: Further Down The Spiral Tour I Speak for the Dead: The Legacy of Jigsaw Žaga 2 Žaga Žaga 3 Žaga 4 Death Sentence Nevidno zlo 3 Deepwater Žaga 7 3D Oko brez obraza The Stepfather Žaga X The Neighbor Unhuman Game Changer: The Legacy of Saw Game Changer: The Legacy of Saw Dead Silence Aquaman Spirala bolečine: Nova zapuščina igre Žaga Žaga 6 The Collection Žaga 8 Žaga 5 SPIN: From the book of TWIST (A SAW parody)