Passion 2025
An amateur association football player tries to regain his passion for the sport after suffering a detrimental calf injury during his biggest game yet.
An amateur association football player tries to regain his passion for the sport after suffering a detrimental calf injury during his biggest game yet.
Desmond Capta awakes each day to find his life has been caught in an endless loop; disturbed only by nefarious visions that plague his mind. Can he break the wheel or remain trapped in his own mind forever?
A young, excitable reporter's work partner goes radio silent while interviewing residents of a small, desolate town. Determined to find him, the reporter sets out on a mission to track down a closeted serial killer known as "The Baron," whom his partner was investigating. However, the search becomes increasingly difficult as the town appears lifeless, and his partner remains nowhere to be found.
In an alternate universe, the dinosaurs have roared one too many times before the asteroid hits Earth. The consequences that follow could be catastrophic.
A dream induced by the intrusive thoughts of a cost-of-living sufferer.
A Christmas-themed music video made for the Bastille song "Hangin'".
The renowned action hero of 'Big Town' HardManEli gets a message from his trainer to meet him in the forest for a mission. However when he arrives he realises it's a trap and he must battle it out against his archenemy SoftBoiEli to be crowned the 'Eli of Big Forest'.
As Jack is recovering from a heartbreaking loss, his day to day life becomes consumed by the memories of what he once lost.
Mark wakes up and does not remember what he did the previous evening and must confront the darkest parts of himself through looking at the physical evidence around his house.