Трансформерси почетак 2024
Неиспричана прича о пореклу Оптимуса Прајма и Мегатрона, познатијих као заклети непријатељи, али су некада били пријатељи повезани као браћа који су заувек променили судбину Сајбертрона.
Неиспричана прича о пореклу Оптимуса Прајма и Мегатрона, познатијих као заклети непријатељи, али су некада били пријатељи повезани као браћа који су заувек променили судбину Сајбертрона.
Када метеор пун необичне свемирске течности случајно удари Сузан Марфи на дан њеног венчања, она мистериозно нарасте петнаест метара у висину. Војска одмах креће у акцију и Сузан завршава у тајном владином комплексу. Тамо је преименују у Гинормику, а друштво јој прави група чудовишта – Др. Бубашвабац, генијални доктор који има главу бубашвабе и Мисинг Линк, мајмун-риба који, како му то и само име каже, представља еволуцијску карику која недостаје. Ту су и желатинасти и неуништиви Б.О.Б. те Инсектосаурус, ларва висока стоседам метара. Међутим, њихово време у затвору нагло бива скраћено.
Након катастрофалних разарања злих Децептицона који су, као и Аутоботи од тада нестали са наше планете. Али један аутомеханичар и његова кћер чине откриће која ће им навући и Аутоботе и Децептицоне али и америчку владу на врат.
Глобални сукоб између чудовишта за масовно уништење која нису са планете Земље и супер машина које су створене да их униште, а којима управљају људи, биће само увод у напад на човечанство епских размера.
Кад легије монструозних створења по имену каију почну да излазе из мора, почиње рат који ће однети милионе живота и исцрпети људске ресурсе. За борбу против огромних каијуа, дизајнирано је специјално оружје: огромни роботи звани џегери, које симултано контролишу два пилота, чији су мозгови спојени неуралним мостом. Али чак ни џегери не успевају да се одбране од немилосрдних каијуа. На ивици пораза, силе које бране човечанство немају избора осим да позову двоје невероватниих јунака - бившег пилота и кадеткињу на обуци - који треба да управљају легендарним, али изузетно застарелим џегером из прошлости. Они су последња нада човечанства које се бори против надолазеће апокалипсе.
Хогарт је дечак који слуша маму иако је несташан. Одличан је ученик и редовно ради домаћи, због чега му се други дечаци ругају, зову га штребером и често туку. Кад неком пијаном рибару тајанствена неман одгризе пола брода, нико му не верује. Верује му једино Хогарт који је, у потрази за кваром на антени, срео гвозденог џина. Како је див јео челичне стубове, Хогарт га је, искључивши струју, спасио од струјног удара. Тако су се див и дечак спријатељили. Али нико други не верује да је див доброћудан...
Детроит, будућност. Криминал је прогутао град, незапосленост је огромна, а градску полицију је купила и преузела мултинационална корпорација ОЦП која је смањила плате ради повећања профита, што је натерало неке полицајце да запрете штрајком. Уз то, опаки шеф подземља Лоренс Бодикер слободно убија полицајце јер тајно ради за ОЦП. ОЦП-ов менаџер Дик Џонс истовремено планира увести робота-полицајца како би отпустио људе из полиције и тако још више смањио трошкове, но робот прототип Е-209 се покаже као неуспех.
Када мистериозни догађај из прошлости Земље избије у садашњост, то на Земљи изазива рат толиких размера да сами Трансформерси неће моћи да нас спасу.
Set in the future, a giant fighting machine called the Aquarion is humanity's only effective weapon in the fight against the technologically advanced species called the Shadow Angels.
The evil warlord Gengetsu Kibaoni was defeated 444 years ago by the Last Ninja, the head of the Igasaki Family. In 2015, the Kibaoni Army starts rebuilding their empire and use fear harvested from humans to revive him. Five members of the Igasaki family must use their Nintality to transform into the Ninningers and fight to prevent the revival of Gengetsu Kibaoni.
65 million years ago, the knights of the Ryusoul Tribe were selected to participate in a war campaign against the dictating Druidon Tribe who sought to rule Earth. But the Druidon's war campaign was halted by the meteor that brought the age of the dinosaurs to an end, forcing them to flee into space. Meanwhile, the Kishiryu were placed in a deep sleep as a failsafe should the Druidon return. The chosen knights choose to live in peace while passing their mantle down across generations. In the present day, the Druidon return to reclaim Earth as the current generation of knights, the Ryusoulgers, battle them with the support of Ui Tatsui and her father Naohisa Tatsui.
It's been a long time since the great war between the Three God Generals and the Youkais, an ancient race of monstrous spirits. Since then, imprisoned in a cave protected by the mystical Seal Door, their leader Daimaou and his Youkai army wait, planning for the day they can finally strike. That day has arrived and it is up to the Kakurangers, along with the Three God Generals, to defeat the Youkais, before Daimaou's villainy destroys Earth!
Every era has an individual that begins a journey seeking the way of the road. The numerous adventures they encounter are harsh, relentless, and life threatening. It is the burning souls of these brave individuals that lead human beings to the future. People called them Adventurers. The Search Guard Successor Foundation collects treasures from all around the world that are scarce and about to be lost forever. Among the treasures, the secretive finds that contained dangerous powers were called “Precious”. If these Precious were to be robbed and utilized by Negative Syndicates, people would be put in serious danger. This is why the S.G.S. will form a secret unit to locate and defend Precious. The name of the unit is Boukengers.
All across the universe, the Jark Matter empire has conquered everything they see. Meanwhile, the insurgent force called "Rebellion" is established and gathers nine ultimate saviors from across the galaxy who are chosen by the Kyu Globes, magical spheres with the power of the constellations.
A group of young pirates from space come to Earth to obtain the "Greatest Treasure in the Universe", which can only be acquired after obtaining the Ultimate Powers of the 34 Super Sentai. However, they end up running afoul of the Space Empire Zangyack, whose earlier invasion forces were wiped out by the 34 Super Sentai long ago. As a result, the space pirates use "pirate copies" of the powers of the older teams and fight the Zangyack forces as the Gokaigers.
Out of the blue, monsters usually living beneath the Earth’s surface began to attack the terrestrial world. They were called the Underground Hades Empire Infershia. The Ozu Siblings of Makito, Houka, Urara, Tsubasa, and Kai hear from their mother, Miyuki, that they are the Magicians of Justice to stand against the Infershia. The siblings are perplexed by such an unexpected event. However, without hesitation, Miyuki charges at the Infershia, and the Ozu Siblings are forced to come together to fight as one.
The human world is attacked by the space outlaw group the Dethgaliens who have chosen the Earth to be the site of their 100th Blood Game. One human and 4 anthropomorphic Zyumans awaken their instincts to become the Zyuohgers and fight to protect all living things.
The evil empire, Shadow Line appeared to cover the world in darkness. Five childhood friends who have great imaginations were selected as the ToQgers to fight the Shadow Line.
Grandiene has been waiting for the day of resurrection, the day when the planets are in the alignment of the Grand Cross. Her children descend to the Earth to make it a realm of darkness for her. Ten years prior, Doctor Tatsumi of the Tatsumi Disaster Prevention Institute predicted this event, but nobody believed him. He left his family so he could secretly develop and construct the Rescue System. Now in 1999, Doctor Tatsumi appears again to give the means to save the world to his children as the GoGoFive team.
The Deboth Army who invaded the Earth in the time of the dinosaurs has revived. Wise God Torin selects 5 brave individuals who can defeat their respective Zyudenryu and give them powers to become the “People of the Strong Dragons”, Kyoryuger.
Three millennia after the first invasion of the Space Pirates Barban, a new set of Gingamen — Hyuuga, Gouki, Hayate, Hikaru, Saya — have been selected to protect the Earth. That is, unless the Barban are able to disrupt the ceremony!
Welcome to Megalopolis! Once a peaceful Earth city, it's now a haven for criminals aided by the nefarious Alienizer arms dealer, Agent Abrella. Now, it's up to Ban Akaza and the Special Police Dekarangers to protect the Earth from the invading Alienizers and finally bring peace and justice back to the planet.
When his video game prowess is discovered by the International Network of Excel-Science and Technology — or I.N.E.T. — high school student Kenta Date is brought in to lend his expertise to their mysterious research. Meanwhile, four classmates show up, wanting to know more about the I.N.E.T. facility. Their experience will change their lives forever, as I.N.E.T. survives an attack by the nefarious Dr. Hinelar and an army from another dimension determined to conquer our reality! Now, it's up to Kenta and his four classmates to "install Megaranger" and become the team of heroes their video games prepared them to be!
When an all-powerful enemy appears to destroy all parallel worlds, a hero with the spirit of all Super Sentai will rise to fight back. Transforming into Zenkaiser, he joins forces with four robots called Kikainoids with the spirit of Super Sentai robos from across history.
Commander Sugata discovered the existence of the Royal Underground Empire Tube, a malignant force that desires to dominate the land, which is based underneath Japan. He recruits five young people, each one specializing in a style of martial arts, and teaches them in the ways of the mystical "Aura Power" energy. A year after he recruited and trained the Maskmen, Tube is ready to strike.
It's the 30th century and time travel is illegal. To help monitor and police time crimes, the Time Protection Department is founded. But when Don Dolnero and his nefarious gang manage to trick four new TPD cadets into allowing them travel to the 20th century, the four cadets are forced to pursue them for the sake of history. There, in a time foreign to them, the cadets enlist Tatsuya Asami, a young martial artist, to aid their mission. Together, these five youngsters become the Timerangers. And though they try to live as ordinary 20th-century citizens, the Timerangers dedicate their lives to stopping Dolnero and others that may follow in his footsteps, attempting to forever alter the proper timeline!
It is the year 1999. The Machine Empire of Baranoia, led by Emperor Bacchus Wrath, has invaded Earth with the intention of wiping out all human life and bringing about machine rule. Chief Counselor Miura of the UAOH (United Airforce Overtech Hardware), in a desperate attempt to quell this invasion, has revived super energies born of the lost civilization of Pangaea. Enlisting an elite squad of the finest officers the UAOH has to offer, Miura has harnessed Tetrahedron Power, granting the team the power to transform into the Ohrangers… and save humanity from its darkest crisis yet!
After the Bowzock, a ruthless — not to mention reckless — gang of interstellar biker thugs, destroy his home planet of Hazard, Dappu visits Earth where he discovers five humans with the ability to harness "Carmagic." With this power, these five heroes can defeat the Bowzock before the band of witless bikers is able to add Earth to its list of wrecked worlds.