Нова планета мајмуна: Краљевство

Нова планета мајмуна: Краљевство 2024


Неколико генерација у будућности након Цезарове владавине, мајмуни су сада доминантна врста и живе складно, док су људи сведени на живот у сенци. Док нови тирански вођа мајмуна гради своје царство, један млади мајмун креће на мукотрпно путовање које ће га навести да преиспита све што је знао о прошлости и да донесе изборе који ће дефинисати будућност и мајмуна и људи.



Дина 2021


Прича прати Пола Атреидеса из куће Атреидес, сјајног и надареног младића рођеног за велике ствари, који мора да отпутује на најопаснију планету у свемиру како би осигурао будућност своје породице и свог народа. Када се нађе усред сукоба око ексклузивне дистрибуције најцењенијим ресурсом који постоји, највреднијем елементу галаксије који се налази само на Аракису и који може откључати највећи потенцијал човечанства, у ком ће преживети само они који могу да победе свој страх.


Ратови звезда: Eпизода IV - Нова нада

Ратови звезда: Eпизода IV - Нова нада 1977


Четврта епизода саге Ратови звезда враћа се на напуштену планету Татуин. Млади Лук Скајвокер открива своју судбину када га током потраге за изгубљеним роботом спашава усамљени џедај Оби-Ван Кеноби. Док галаксијом бесни рат, а побуњеничке снаге се боре против злог Галактичког царства, Лук и Оби-Ван добијају помоћ важног пилота по имену Хан Соло. Прикључује им се необични роботски дуо Р2-Д2 и Ц-3ПО, те се овај тим упућује да спаси принцезу Леу, предводницу побуњеника, с мисијом да униште најважније оружје Царства.



Наполеон 2023


Лични поглед на порекло француског војсковође и брз, немилосрдан успон до цара, посматран кроз призму Наполеонове зависничке, нестабилне везе са његовом женом и једном истинском љубављу, Жозефином.


Дина - пустињска планета

Дина - пустињска планета 1984


По роману Френка Херберта. У далекој будућности појављује се човек који би могао да буде пророк кога већ дуго очекује цела галаксија. Војводу и његову породицу Император шаље на пешчану планету са које се вади зачин који је неопходан за путовање кроз свемир. Потез је направљен да би уништили војводу и породицу, али њихов син успева да побегне и тражи освету користећи јединствену екологију планете као једно од оружја...


The Great Queen Seondeok

The Great Queen Seondeok 2009


The life story of Queen Seondeok, the first queen of the Korean people during the Silla Dynasty.



Foundation 2021


Follow a band of exiles on their monumental journey to save humanity and rebuild civilization amid the fall of the Galactic Empire.


A Casa das Sete Mulheres

A Casa das Sete Mulheres 2003


When the men go to war, the women also battle. This tale takes place in the XIX century, during a terrible civil war. Italy’s revolutionary leader Garibaldi must choose between two loves: a sweet aristocratic lady or a brave woman who leaves her husband to accompany him into battle. This super-production recounts the saga of women who do not go to war but must bear pain, solitude and new passions while their husbands and fathers fight the battles.


Sakura Wars the Animation

Sakura Wars the Animation 2020


Ten years after the demon war, the new Imperial Combat Revue’s Flower Division is assigned a new captain, Seijuro Kamiyama. Now, Sakura and the rest of the troupe must adjust to the change, face a demon invasion, and prepare for an upcoming tournament. They’ll have to juggle all this while keeping up with their training and continuing to put on shows at their home, the Imperial Theater.


Star Wars: Droids

Star Wars: Droids 1985


An animated television series that features the exploits of R2-D2 and C-3PO. The series takes place between the events depicted in Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope.



Voicelugger 1999


Voicelugger is a Japanese tokusatsu that aired from January 12 to March 30, 1999. It was the last production by Shotaro Ishinomori, released posthumously, who intended for the series to be serious, while it was originally written to be a parody of older tokusatsu programs. The acting cast consisted of Japanese voice actors and popular singers of music in Japanese animation.


Russian Empire

Russian Empire 2000


A documentary series which presents a modern look at the history of the Russian state from 1697 to 1917. Each episode covers the reign of one or several monarchs from Peter I to Nicholas II.


Amsterdam Empire

Amsterdam Empire 1970


When Jack's affair is exposed, his wife Betty becomes his worst enemy, plotting to destroy him and seize his beloved coffee shop empire, the Jackal.


Mária Terézia

Mária Terézia 2017


The young Maria Theresia sees her life clearly in front of her: she will marry Franz Stephan of Lorraine and start a family of many with him. Even if Franz Stephan is not quite sure of his luck and her father, Emperor Charles VI, and his powerful advisor Prince Eugene of Savoy forge quite different plans for them. It looks quite as if the young archduchess must sacrifice her happiness to the cause of the state



Revelation 2017


Thousands of years ago, the 5 Kings guarded the land of the Xia Dynasty with magic artifacts. Later, the leader of the Dragon Clan, Zu Long, helped humanity by establishing the Yun Chui Empire. The empire overlooks the calm ocean where Xi and the Black Water Clan have maintained it for 1,000 years in peace. Now, waves are surging from below and chaos will rise once again.


The Waterfront

The Waterfront 1970


Inspired by true events, the series dives into the flawed Buckley family as their attempts to retain control of their crumbling North Carolina fishing empire drive them to increasingly dangerous means to keep themselves afloat.


The World's War: Forgotten Soldiers of Empire

The World's War: Forgotten Soldiers of Empire 2014


British historian David Olusoga, along with other historians, narrates the story of millions of Indian, African and Asian troops who fought and died alongside French and British troops to help win the war against Germany, Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire.


Houjin Yatsurugi

Houjin Yatsurugi 2011


After 30 years of peace is Kisawazu, the Eight Swords of Sealing are scattered from the Yatsurugi Shrine once more. This even reawakens the Undersea Empire Zabun, who plan on finding the swords and using them to reawaken their master King Orga. As well as them, the mystical embodiment of the phoenix, Yatsurugi, arrives and merges with Takeru Yamato, a young fisherman and regular visitor to the shrine. Now with this new power, Yatsurugi, and eventually the similar deity Kisara, come forth to stop the unsealing of King Orga and return the Swords to the Shrine, as had been dne for many generations before them.


Epic History TV

Epic History TV 2015


Epic History makes videos about the most dramatic and important stories from our past, from the rise and fall of empires to global conflicts and revolutions. Our team have history degrees and decades of experience in documentary production, and regularly collaborate with specialist historians around the world, so you’re in safe hands as we explore some of the most epic moments in history.