
Мумија 1999


Каиро, 1923. Амерички пустолов Рик О'Конел, у потрази је за благом скривеним у изгубљеном граду Хамунаптра. Придруже му се лепа библиотекарка Евелин и њен размажени брат Џонатан, а супарници су им група похлепних Американаца. Евелинино познавање египтологије ипак се покаже пресудним кад њена екипа прва пронађе митски град, а затим и тајанствени саркофаг. Не знајући да је у њему мумија свештеника Имхотепа, Евелин пушта хиљадугодишње зло на слободу...


Повратак мумије

Повратак мумије 2001


Теба, 3067. пр. Христа, Староегипатски Краљ Шкорпиона одлучио је да са својом војском покори познати свет, али је после седам година ратовања изгубио све битке. Суочен са смрћу усред пустиње заветовао се богу Анубису да ће му предати душу помогне ли му да победи непријатеље. Након што му је Анубис то и омогућио, душа Краља Шкорпиона заувек је припала богу умрлих. Египат, 1933. Пустолов Рик О'Конел оженио је у међувремену своју љубав Евелин те са њом и синчићем Алексом истражује староегипатске гробнице. Након што су у сукобу са пљачкашима гробова умало изгубили живот, О'Конелови се враћају у Лондон, али ни тамо неће имати мира. Поновно ће их напасти крадљивци староегипатских драгоцености, али прави ће се проблеми јавити када у музеју оживи врховни свештеник Имхотеп са којим се Рик обрачунао пре девет година, а чији ће послушници отети Алекса...


Егзодус: Богови и краљеви

Егзодус: Богови и краљеви 2014


Мојсије изводи Јевреје из Египта на слободу у обећану земљу, након сукоба са египатским фараоном Рамзесом II. Прича филма је заснована на Књизи Изласка, која је део Старог завета. Познатом холивудском редитељу Ридлију Скоту је било битно да прикаже мање познате детаље из живота Мојсија и Рамзеса II.


Принц Египта

Принц Египта 1998


Пре много година, фараон Сети наредио је да се сва мушка јеврејска деца у Египту утопе, али једна је очајна мајка свога сина ставила у кошару и пустила је низ реку, надајући се да ће њен синчић преживети. Кошару с малим дететом пронашла је сама египатска краљица, која је маленог Мојсија одгојила као брата престолонаследника Рамзеса. Годинама касније, браћу, која су одрасла у срећи, љубави и богатству, раставиће Мојсијево сазнање о његовом правом пореклу. Након што побегне из града и далеко од брата који ће наследити вођство неправедног режима, Мојсију ће се обратити и сам Бог, дајући му задатак ослобођења јевреја које би требао повести у обећану земљу.


Богови Египта

Богови Египта 2016


Опстанак човечанства је у рукама обичног смртника, хероја Бека. Бек се удружио са египатским богом Хорусом како би спасио свет који је у рукама Сета, немилосрдног бога таме. Откако је Сет преузео власт, некада мирно и просперитетно египатско царство постало је поприште хаоса и сукоба. Бек и Хорус крећу у коначан обрачун са Сетом и његовим присталицама.


Господин Пибоди и Шерман

Господин Пибоди и Шерман 2014


Господин Пибоди је пас који говори, и најпаметнији пас на свету. Шерман је дечак кога је Пибоди усвојио. Јер, ако дечак може да усвоји пса, зашто пас, при томе најпаметнији пас на свету, не би могао да усвоји дечака? Када се у причу умеша и времеплов ВЕЈБЕК, почиње несвакидашња авантура најдаровитијег пса на свету и мало мање паметног дечака на путу кроз историју човечанства.



Cleopatra 1999


Cleopatra, the famed Egyptian Queen born in 69 B.C., is shown to have been brought by Roman ruler Julius Caesar at age 18. Caesar becomes sexually obsessed by the 18 year old queen, beds her, and eventually has a son by her. However, his Roman followers and his wife are not pleased by the union. In fact, as Caesar has only a daughter by his wife, he had picked Octavian as his successor.



Tut 2015


The story of the Egyptian Pharaoh, one of the most renowned leaders in human history. This ambitious special-event series tells the story of Tut’s rise to power and his struggle to lead Egypt to glory, while his closest advisers, friends and lovers scheme for their own nefarious interests. “Tut” opens up a fascinating window into a world filled with heart-breaking romance, epic battles, political backstabbing, conspiracy, jealousy, and even murder — proving his world was not far removed from our own — and that his reign as the youngest Egyptian king played out as a real-life drama for the ages.


The Mummy: The Animated Series

The Mummy: The Animated Series 2001


The Mummy: The Animated Series is an animated television series produced by Universal Animation Studios to capitalize on the success of The Mummy. It premiered on Kids' WB! On the The WB network on September 29, 2001. It is set sometime between 1920 and 1934. The characters and plot were derived from the film, but the series could not replicate its success, efforts to make it consistent with real-world features were almost non-existent as, for example, Lake Titicaca is described as both puma-head shaped and as being found below the ruins of Macchu Picchu. The poor quality of the animation disappointed fans of the special effects-laden movie. It was retooled and rechristened The Mummy: Secrets of the Medjai for its second season, which began on February 15, 2003. Although the quality is considered to have improved between the first and second seasons, the show failed to find an audience and was cancelled on June 7, 2003. Reruns of the show aired on Toon Disney. The entire series was released on DVD in America R1 in three volumes on July 22, 2008.


The Cleopatras

The Cleopatras 1983


Eight-part drama covering the lives of the queens of Egypt from Cleopatra II in 145 BC to the death of the famous Cleopatra VII in 30 BC.


Egypt's Golden Empire

Egypt's Golden Empire 2001


This three-part special tells the story of the Egyptian empire from its beginning in 1560 B.C. to its collapse in 1080 B.C. Interviews with scholars and dramatic re-creations bring the story to life.


In the Beginning

In the Beginning 2000


In the Beginning is a 2-part biblical television miniseries directed by Kevin Connor. It stars Martin Landau and Jacqueline Bisset and it premiered on NBC on November 12, 2000.


Ancient Egypt: Chronicles of an Empire

Ancient Egypt: Chronicles of an Empire 2022


Around 5000 years ago, one of the largest and most powerful empires in history emerged on the Nile – Ancient Egypt. This mysterious era continues to fascinate us. In eight episodes, this series shows the unique achievements of the ancient Egyptians in government, culture, and society. International scientists and researchers decode the facets of this advanced civilisation. The first territorial state in history was founded more than 3000 years ago – making it older than any nation in existence today. Crises keep dividing the region and causing chaos, and it is these phases that the people on the Nile fear the most. They know that only order and stability can lead to prosperity. Egyptians are given a sense of identity and unity by their diverse cultures.


Ancient Worlds

Ancient Worlds 2010


Archaeologist and historian Richard Miles traces the development of Western civilization, from the first cities in Mesopotamia to the fall of the Roman Empire. In this six-part series, Miles travels through the Middle East, Egypt, Pakistan and the Mediterranean to discover how the challenges of society -- religion and politics, art and culture, war and diplomacy, technology and trade -- were dealt with and fought over in order to maintain a functioning civilization. Stories are told of disappeared, ruined and modern cities, from ancient Iraq to modern Damascus, to reveal how successes and failures of the ancients shaped the world today.


Egyptian Tomb Hunting

Egyptian Tomb Hunting 2018


Tony Robinson goes on a journey across Egypt where a series of incredible new tomb discoveries are being made.


Dear America

Dear America 1999


Based on the best-selling Scholastic books; Dear America features the rich and spirited stories of young women at various turning points in history.


Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher

Immortal Egypt with Joann Fletcher 2016


It spans over 5,000 years of history that have shaped the world. It is full of spectacular sites and epic stories and an evolving society of inventors, heroes, heroines, villains, artisans and pioneers. Professor Joann Fletcher reveals the highs and lows of the most beguiling civilisation in humanity’s rich history in this four-part series made for BBC2.


The Greatest Pharaohs

The Greatest Pharaohs 1997


Ancient Egypt's history stretches back thousands of years to the dawn of recorded time. This series traces this immense and rich history from the earliest dynasties, to the builders of the pyramids all the way through to Egypt's conquest by Alexander the Great. Come and explore the greatest civilization of all time.


Chasing Mummies

Chasing Mummies 2010


Chasing Mummies: The Amazing Adventures of Zahi Hawass is a reality television series which is airing on The History Channel in the United States. Produced by Boutique TV, this series depicts the adventures of archaeologist and Egyptologist Dr. Zahi Hawass and his discoveries in Egypt as he is followed by young archeological fellows and a camera crew. The series began on Wednesday, 14 July 2010 and aired Wednesdays at 10pm on the History Channel. The shows illustrates the complexities in the almost never-ending quest to preserve and discover artifacts from ancient Egypt.


Mummy Mysteries

Mummy Mysteries 2020


An international team of archaeological experts reveal the true stories behind ancient Egypt's most infamous mummies, using modern forensic science, they uncover tales of life and death in one of history's most mysterious civilizations.


Drive Thru History: Ancient History

Drive Thru History: Ancient History 1970


Join Dave Stotts on an adventure through world history as he tells the stories of the people, places, and events that shaped the ancient world, and how those ancient civilizations and the Christian faith shaped Western Civilization and the world we live in today.


Legends of the Pharaohs

Legends of the Pharaohs 2021


This documentary series brings to life Egypt’s great pyramid builders and traces one remarkable century of epic construction at Giza, shining a light on the personal stories of individuals who took part in the construction of the pyramids and the Great Sphinx.


Treasures of Ancient Egypt

Treasures of Ancient Egypt 2014


Alastair Sooke tells the story of Ancient Egyptian art through 30 extraordinary masterpieces.