Форест Гамп

Форест Гамп 1994


Година 1982., Форест Гамп, човек ниске интелигенције, седи на станици и људима који чекају аутобус прича своју животну причу. Детињство и младост провео је са мајком у малом месту у Алабами. Већ у раном детињству схватио је да је другачији од других и да се за све у животу треба изборити. Но ниска интелигенција није га спречила да постигне многе ствари и добро се забави. Тако у детињству упознаје чак и Елвиса Прислија.


Кишни човек

Кишни човек 1988


Када му умре отац, с којим се никада није слагао, Чарли са девојком Сузан одлази на сахрану. Тамо сазнаје да му је отац у наследство оставио само аутомобил и грм ружа, док је три милиона долара оставио удружењу "Cicinnati Trust". Сазнаje да има брата који живи у установи за психички поремећене особе. Рејмонд је аутистичан, чита, фотографски памти, поготово бројеве, међутим, не повезује чињенице. Како би се боље упознао с братом кога практично први пут види, а и како би се домогао три милиона долара, Чарли води Рејмонда са собом. Испочетка је груб према Рејмонду и нема стрпљења, док Сузан покушава да га уразуми. Рејмонд се боји авиона, па према Лос Анђелесу где Чарли живи путују аутом. Чарлијева намера је да уз помоћ адвоката добије старатељство над Рејмондом и тако се домогне наследства, међутим, путујући мало по мало, Чарли почиње да има више осећаја и стрпљења за свога брата. Како му је компанија запала у дугове, он се с Рејмондом запутио у Лас Вегас...



Рачуновођа 2016


Иза маске наизглед досадног рачуновође Криса Вулфа, крије се једно сасвим друго лице које није ни најмање досадно. Он ради за тешке криминалце и плаћене убице. Вулф је математички стручњак који има више афинитета према бројевима него према људима. Док као рачуновођа ради у малом ЦПА офису, истовремено исти посао обавља и за најопасније светске криминалне организације. Због својих способности запао је за око Министарству финансија које води Реј Кинг, али са временом почиње да ради за компанију унутар које је Дана Камингс открила финансијску малверзацију која укључује милионе долара. Након књиговодствене контроле, Крис полако разоткрива истину.



Троугао 2009


Прича је усресређена на путнике крстарења по Атлантском океану који, након што их погоде тајанствене временске неприлике, прелазе на други брод на којем се суочавају с још већим проблемом од невремена на отвореном мору.


Моћни ренџери

Моћни ренџери 2017


Радња филма прати пет обичних тинејџера, који морају постати нека врста суперхероја када сазнају да је њихов мали град Ејнџел Гроув заједно са светом на ивици уништења јер му прети инвазија ванземаљаца. Убрзо откривају да су они једини који могу спасити Земљу од пропасти. Но, како би то учинили, мораће да превазиђу своје личне проблеме пре него буде прекасно и удруже се као Моћни ренџери.



Коцка 1997


Алдерсон се буди у ћелији, тражи излаз и наилази на нову коцку. Бивши полицајац Квентин постаје лидер групе људи који су се заједно нашли у безизлазној ситуацији. Међутим, Квентинов ауторитет често искушава доктор Халовеј, који се бави теоријама завере. Ворт, који је радио за владу, сетио се да је са овим пројектом повезан и сам врх државе. Када Ливен, која студира математику, открије да све ћелије имају нумеричке кодове, а лопов Ренез схвати да има начина да се пређе из ћелије у ћелију, заточеници почињу да се надају да можда и постоји начин да побегну. Међутим, опсесивни Казан постаће главна претња њиховом опстанку у коцки са мноштвом смртоносних замки.



Ezra 2024




X+Y 2014




Тали 2018


Марло је мајка троје деце која управо очекује четврто. Видевши да она једва излази на крај са свим обавезама које јој мајчинство намеће, њен брат одлучује да јој помогне и у ту сврху ангажује дадиљу која ће имати задатак да се стара о деци искључиво ноћу и на тај начин обезбеди родитељима мало мира у вечерњим часовима. Иако првобитно скептична, Марло убрзо открива предности новог аранжмана и почиње да гради блиски однос са дадиљом Тали.


The Good Doctor

The Good Doctor 2017


Shaun Murphy, a young surgeon with autism and savant syndrome, relocates from a quiet country life to join a prestigious hospital's surgical unit. Unable to personally connect with those around him, Shaun uses his extraordinary medical gifts to save lives and challenge the skepticism of his colleagues.



Scorpion 2014


Eccentric genius Walter O’Brien and his team of brilliant misfits comprise the last line of defense against complex, high-tech threats of the modern age. As Homeland Security’s new think tank, O’Brien’s “Scorpion” team includes Toby Curtis, an expert behaviorist who can read anyone; Happy Quinn, a mechanical prodigy; and Sylvester Dodd, a statistics guru.


Aapki Antara

Aapki Antara 2009


Aapki Antra was a Zee TV soap opera which premiered on June 1, 2009 and ended on February 18, 2010. The story is about a girl, Antara, who is diagnosed with autism and who positively affects the lives of those she encounters during her life.



Atypical 2017


Sam, an 18-year-old on the autism spectrum, takes a funny, yet painful, journey of self-discovery for love and independence and upends his family.


Astrid et Raphaëlle

Astrid et Raphaëlle 2020


Astrid Nielsen works in the library of the judicial police. She has Asperger's syndrome. With an incredible memory, she excels at analyzing files of ongoing investigations. The district commander decides to use it to the fullest, entrusting her with very complex investigations which have remained unsolved to date.


Extraordinary Attorney Woo

Extraordinary Attorney Woo 2022


With a genius-level IQ, Woo Young-woo learns to embrace her extraordinary self while forming a tight-knit community of friends and allies.


Move to Heaven

Move to Heaven 2021


Finding life in all that’s left behind, a detail-oriented trauma cleaner and his estranged uncle deliver untold stories of the departed to loved ones.


Good Doctor

Good Doctor 2013


A man, who is an autistic savant, aspires to become a paediatrician. He overcomes societal discrimination and uses his exceptional abilities to achieve his dreams.



Touch 2012


Martin Bohm, a widower and single father, is haunted by an inability to connect to his autistic, mute 11-year-old son, Jake. Their relationship and their lives take an extraordinary turn when he discovers his gifted son has the ability to see things that no one else can and the patterns that connect seemingly unrelated events.


Catch The Ghost

Catch The Ghost 2019


A romantic investigative drama about rookie detective Yoo-Ryung who solves cases with her overflowing sense of justice and exceptional spatial perception but always gets herself into trouble because of her rash actions. She meets the Wangsimni station constabulary chief, a man who avoids cases and seeks stability who always ends up cleaning up after the problems caused by Yoo Ryung and holds the key to solving the cases.



Impulse 2018


16-year-old Henry Coles is an outsider in her new town of Reston, New York. With a major chip on her shoulder and no friends, she remains withdrawn and isolated, but everything changes when a traumatic encounter with a classmate triggers something deep within Henry— unleashing a power she cannot control.


Close Your Eyes

Close Your Eyes 2024


Hayat is forced to leave her son, Jude, who is eight years old and is diagnosed with autism, in the custody of her friend Munes who tries to provide for him a stable and secure life.


Walk with the Light

Walk with the Light 2004


Sachiko and Masato Azuma, in their 4th year of marriage, had been so excited about the birth of their long-waited first child. They named their baby boy "Hikaru" (meaning light in Japanese). Nobody doubted that the birth of their precious son Hikaru would bring great happiness to the Azumas' family life. Until one day, Sachiko noticed that there was something different about Hikaru. This heartwarming drama is a story about family. Hikaru's mother goes through so many difficulties raising her autistic son, sometimes so overwhelmed that she doesn't know what to do. Then at Hikaru's school, with the help of one very special teacher, Rio-sensei, she learns to deal with her son's autism and think positive about her family life. Her story will touch the heart of all mothers with young children, mothers who have brought up young children, as well as woman who will be mothers in the future.


Good Doctor

Good Doctor 2018


Minato Shindo has savant syndrome. His memory is amazing, but he has difficulty communicating with other people. When Minato was little, he dreamed of becoming a doctor. He met Doctor Akira Shiga and he wanted to become a pediatric surgeon. Akira was surprised by the 7-year-old's memory of the human organs and he decided to support Minato in achieving his dream. Eventually, Minato graduated from medical school and passed the national exam for medical practitioners. Now, Akira works as a director at a large hospital. He suggests to Minato to work in the pediatric surgery department at the hospital where he works.


The Project 17 : Side by Side

The Project 17 : Side by Side 2019


Ping An is an autistic teenager who gains recognition for being a badminton prodigy. Zihao is his younger brother and a fellow badminton player. Xiao Na is a bright and cheery young woman who helps out at her grandpa's badminton court for the summer. She gets close to both brothers and becomes attracted to Zihao. However, their journey is not as smooth-sailing as they'd hope and the two brothers are pushed to a difficult crossroad.


We Best Love

We Best Love 2021


What's the feeling of being suppressed? Zhou Shu Yi knows about that too well. Since after fifth grade, he has been suppressed by Gao Shi De, falling from forever No.1 to forever No.2. Thus, after Grade 12, he thinks he doesn't have to bear this anymore because they will go to different universities. However, future doesn't come in his way. At university, he meets Gao Shi De in the PK contest held by his favorite swimming club. Not only does he fail to win in front of his secretly-loved senior but he also almost drowns himself because of cramp. What's worse is that the senior is seeing Gao Shi De. He wonders why Gao Shi De is everywhere?


From the Heart

From the Heart 2000


A young autistic woman, Mayuko, who has difficulty understanding and processing human emotions, meets with a young former psychiatrist, Shinichi, who is still getting over the unexpected death of his longtime girlfriend. Shinichi begins to help her with her skills of human interaction, but as he gets to know Mayuko better, he finds that she may be helping him to remember the feelings of love that he has forgotten in his grief.



Patience 2025


Patience Evans works in a clerical role filing police records. An autistic woman, she has a special interest in solving puzzles and a secret fascination and talent for criminology—her unique perspective allows her to connect the dots through clues in a way others simply cannot.


East Side

East Side 2023


East Side follows Momi, an ex-Secret Service agent-turned-fixer who plays by his own rules as he brokers shady property deals between the Arab residents of East Jerusalem, and the powerful Jewish groups trying to take control of the area by whatever means possible. Brooding and well-connected, Momi slips between communities with ease. But behind his cool facade, the deadly consequences of his double-dealing are taking their toll, and at the center of his world is 18-year-old autistic daughter Maya.


A Kind of Spark

A Kind of Spark 2023


When she discovers a centuries-old mystery within her town, autistic teen Addie finds her voice and lets her light shine as she stands up for those who were persecuted for being different like her.