Опасне девојке

Опасне девојке 2004


Ово је прича о озбиљном проблему са којим се суочавају све девојке широм Америке. Кејди Херон постаје "табула раза" када први пут дође у средњу школу Норт Шор у малом граду код Чикага. С обзиром на то да је живела у Африци, Кејди и не слути колико ствари у цивилизацији могу да буду дивље док јој се не укрсте путеви са једном од најопаснијих врста уопште - "матицом", коју у овој школи представља прорачуната и хладнокрвна Реџина Џорџ. Међутим, она заиста убада ову матицу кад се заљуби у бившег Реџининог дечка Арона Семјуелса. Сада Реџина намерава да јој узврати тако што се претвара да још воли Арона како он не би излазио са Кејди, истовремено се претварајући да јој је другарица. Кејди нема другог избора осим да употреби исто "оружје" да би остала у игри, тако да надметање за врх "света девојака" постаје првокласно препуцавање у коме учествује цела школа. Кејди се пење уз друштвену лествицу и пада низ њу схватајући да је живот у џунгли цртани филм у поређењу са средњом школом.



Бриљантин 1978


Педесетих година прошлог века, тинејџери Дени и Сенди заљубили су се током летњег распуста. Међутим, с почетком нове школске године ствари су се промениле. Дени припада групи најпопуларнијих момака у школи, међу којима су Кеники, Сони и Дуди, које прати лоша репутација. Упркос чињеници да се спријатељила са Френчи, која припада групи бунтовница, Сенди је, како тврди њихова предводница Ризо, превише добра да би била њихов члан. Ипак, Сендина највећа брига је веза коју имала са Денијем...



Жене 2008


Мери Хајнс живи у богатом предграђу, у лепој кући, у складном браку, има ћерку, воли да уређује врт, мисли да има срећан брак, осим што њеног мужа Стивена у задње време никад нема код куће. Мери је немарна што се тиче изгледа и нимало сумњичава према Стивеновом одсуствовању. Стицајем околности, њена најбоља пријатељица Силвија, којој је каријера важнија од романтичних веза, а изнад свега поштује пријатељство и оданост, за време маникира у Саксу сазна да Стивен вара Мери. Брзо сазове преостале две пријатељице, Еди и Алекс, да се договоре што да раде. Свака има другачије мишљење: Алекс, управо у доброј сексуалној вези с другом женом, сматра да Мери одмах треба да сазна, а Еди, поновно трудна, ни сама не жели да чује ништа лоше, па не жели ни да Мери сазна. Али, Мери и сама сазнаје за Стивенову неверу. Његова љубавница је секси заводница Кристал, која у Саксу продаје парфеме.



TMZ 2007


Based on the popular gossip website, this entertainment newsmagazine delivers daily updates on Hollywood's rich, beautiful and screwed-up. The program often shows highlights of the day's staff meeting during which reporters pitch ideas for stories to air that day.


TMZ Live

TMZ Live 2012


This hourlong show is an edited version of the previous day's live video chat on TMZ, which features site founder Harvey Levin and others discussing the day's celebrity and entertainment news. Besides news, it provides a candid look at how the gossip site operates, bringing viewers into the site's newsroom, where the daily chats take place. "TMZ Live" allows viewers to present their opinions on the featured topics through social media, phone calls and video chat.


Koffee with Karan

Koffee with Karan 2004


Celebrity host Karan Johar gets up close and personal with various Bollywood personalities and discusses their major career milestones.


Best Week Ever

Best Week Ever 2004


Best Week Ever is a weekly television program on the United States cable/satellite network VH1. It started airing in 2004 and was put on hiatus in the summer of 2009. In January 2010, it was announced that the show was cancelled. On August 3, 2012, VH1 announced the return of Best Week Ever. New weekly episodes began January 18, 2013. On the show, comedians analyze the previous week's developments in pop culture, including recent happenings in entertainment and celebrity gossip. The show's tagline is, "It's everything you love, everything you missed, and all the stuff you need to see again."


RTL Boulevard

RTL Boulevard 2005


RTL Boulevard is a daily television programme on the Dutch broadcasting station RTL 4. It was set up as a television equivalent of a tabloid, with a lot of airy subjects, news items and gossip about the stars, fashion and criminality. The programme is renowned for its sarcastic and cynical tone.


The Salon

The Salon 2003


The Salon was a British reality TV show where various members of the public were invited daily to have treatments in a studio built beauty salon situated in Balham, south-west London, and in the second series, a purpose-built studio inside the Trocadero, Piccadilly Circus.



Rumours 2022


Erik is forced to move to an island to get away from his past, but you don't easily run away from rumours, and a broken past.


Wives and Daughters

Wives and Daughters 1999


Wives and Daughters is a 1999 four part BBC serial adapted from the novel Wives and Daughters: An Everyday Story by Victorian author Elizabeth Gaskell. It focuses on Molly Gibson (Justine Waddell), the daughter of the town doctor, and the changes that occur in her life after her widowed father chooses to remarry. The union brings into her once-quiet life an ever-proper stepmother (Francesca Annis) and flirtatious stepsister, Cynthia (Keeley Hawes), while a friendship with the local squire brings about an unexpected romance.


Gossip Girl: Acapulco

Gossip Girl: Acapulco 2013


Sofía López-Haro returns unexpectedly to Acapulco after leaving mysteriously the year before. Her best friend, Bárbara Fuenmayor, angry that she has always been forced to live in Sofía's shadow, is not happy with her return, especially after discovering that before leaving Acapulco, Sofía had slept with her boyfriend, Nico.


Gossip Girl Indonesia

Gossip Girl Indonesia 2020


The story revolves around a group of privileged Jakarta teens and the notorious IG account @GossipGirl.Indo who watches their every move and becomes the source of all the important news about these raging hormone teens' scandal.


He Knew He Was Right

He Knew He Was Right 2004


He Knew He Was Right was a 2004 BBC TV adaptation of the Anthony Trollope novel He Knew He Was Right. It was directed by Tom Vaughan.





Four men and women are trapped together. To escape, they have to find something in common with each other. The worst escape game begins!


Portuguese Problems

Portuguese Problems 2024


Portuguese Problems is a highly anticipated six-episode sketch comedy series that is scheduled to air on March 18, 2024 on Radio Television Portugal International as well as the RTP Play App the following day). This uproarious sketch comedy show parodies well known genres and puts them through the lenses of first generation kids of immigrants, delving into the humorous and heartwarming experiences of growing up in an ethnic home.


Inside the Producer's Studio with Kandy Muse

Inside the Producer's Studio with Kandy Muse 2023


The Muse is back! In this tea-ridden series from RuPaul’s Drag Race Season 13 and All Stars 8 finalist Kandy Muse, Kandy embodies the role she was born to play - The Producer. Kandy's revisiting the spiciest drama, iconic Untucked fights and behind-the-scenes havoc with the help of some of her favorite Drag Race sisters.