Кључна реч Legal System
Илузије 2016
Велики пољски редитељ Анџеј Вајда враћа се са страственим биографским филмом о авангардном уметнику, Владиславу Стржеминском, који се борио против стаљинистичке ригидности и сопственог инвалидитета како би унапредио своја прогресивна схватања уметности.
The Fear of 13 2015
I Am Jane Doe 2017
Roe vs. Wade 1989
The Judge 2017
La parfaite victime 2021
The Void Inside 2020
Workers Con 2017
Free Men 2018
El Rati Horror Show 2010
So Help Me God 1993
Hot Bench 2014
A panel of three judges hear court cases, argue the merits of the case amongst themselves, and render a verdict.
Injustice 2011
William Travers, an accomplished criminal lawyer living happily with his wife in rural Suffolk, is recovering from a traumatic series of events that have shaken his faith in the legal system when he is drawn into a case involving an old friend.