Сви северни градови

Сви северни градови 2016


Бобан и Борис живе у напуштеном комплексу готово идентичних бунгалова, окружени залуталим магарцима, пластичним боцама и црвеним бобицама, дивљом трском, високим дрвећем и сезонским радницима. Долазак неког новог у овај осамљени простор преокреће њихову уходану свакодневицу.



Sami 2001



True Minimalist Travel

True Minimalist Travel 2017


Global travel with nothing but a bum bag. Sharing the realities of 'true minimalist travel' and a choice to live simply. A travel adventure series with a difference, there’s no luggage! ​ Experienced traveller and amateur filmmaker Benjamin Luke Mitchell (Lost Yet Free), explores the possibilities of freedom if one opens up their mind and leaves the backpack behind. No packing or carrying necessary, the philosophy here is to live simply, without restraints. Our curiosities spur the way, and an ultralight approach allow us to access places and global gifts beyond the reach of a big, heavy sack. This is a personal quest, an introspective story about a man learning how to confront that continual feeling of bewilderment. True Minimalist Travel is not full of glamor or celebrations, nor will it show you the top day-trips, tours and sights, but it will uncover the very essence of why we travel in the first place and for each instalment told, it becomes a journey in itself.