Русалка. Језеро мртвих

Русалка. Језеро мртвих 2018


Сусрет са необичном девојком на обали језера, и њен пољубац, мењају Ромин живот. Због тог сусрета брзо ће зажалити: иако до тада врхунски спортиста, после сусрета потпуно остаје без животне снаге. Његова девојка Марина спремна је на све како би спасила вереника од мрачних тајни које крије прошлост језера.


The Lake

The Lake 2022


After returning from abroad after a break-up with his long-term partner, Justin plans to connect with his teenage daughter he gave up for adoption. His plans to make new memories with his daughter at the family cottage go awry when he discovers his parents left it to his picture-perfect step-sister, Maisy-May.


A Summer

A Summer 2008


The home decorator and tv host Ernst Kirchstegier travels around Sweden where he design and decorates everything from an outhouse to big villas with his simple but yet beautiful style.



Sommartorpet 2000


Sommartorpet was a Swedish home improvement television programme broadcast by Sveriges Television. It was broadcasted in the summer and based around the renovation of an old house.