Невиђени 2 2018
Наши невиђено сјајни јунаци покушавају да воде миран и „нормалан“ породични живот. Што је готово немогуће када поседују такве моћи. Њихова мисија ће ускоро изаћи на видело: стигао је нови злочинац који прети све да уништи.
Наши невиђено сјајни јунаци покушавају да воде миран и „нормалан“ породични живот. Што је готово немогуће када поседују такве моћи. Њихова мисија ће ускоро изаћи на видело: стигао је нови злочинац који прети све да уништи.
Џон и Џејн Смит су просечан брачни пар из предграђа који ужива у свом обичном браку у провинцији. Међутим, једно од другог крију оно због чега би се поубијали да знају: господин и госпођа Смит су заправо веома добро обучени и плаћени изузетно ефикасни атентатори који раде за супарничке организације. Господин и госпођа Смит откривају нова узбуђења у браку када их организације унајме да убију једно друго. Тада почиње права забава. Резултат је врхунски акциони спектакл, док господин и госпођа Смит у свом браку испробавају и своје вештине.
Након што су основали сопствену детективску агенцију, Ник и Одри Шпиц започињу случај за стварање каријере када је њихов пријатељ милијардер киднапован са венчања.
Окосница филма је група пријатеља која се редовно састаје како би заједно проводили вечери уз дружење и игру. Те су вечери свима дугогодишња традиција, а уједно и бег од свакодневних брига, све док једне вечери не сведоче догађају који ће им променити живот.
Ово је урнебесна животна комедија о пет парова чији се међусобно повезани животи потпуно мењају кроз изазове предстојећег родитељства.
Главни јунак је Еван, новопечени конгресмен из Њујорка, који се спрема за свој први радни дан. Овај духовни политичар нуди молитву као свој мото: „Променимо свет“. Међутим, и не слути да чика с брадом одозго већ има велике планове за њега. Одмах на почетку дешавају се необичне ствари и егоцентрично организовани живот мора да се окрене наглавачке. Почев од мистериозне доставе старинских алата и великих дрвених греда до чудноватог праћења свих могућих птица, Еван постаје сигуран да испушта све конце из руку. Његов сигурни пад у комичну збрку кулминира посетом високог странца који тврди да је Бог, а који има један једноставан, мада бесмислен, захтев: Еван мора да сагради Нојеву барку како би припремио своје пријатеље и породицу за велики потоп.
Шта се дешава када ожењени мушкарац са Менхетна пошаље жену и сина на одмор и остане сам код куће?
Кристина Лукас свакога јутра се буди у непознатој соби покрај непознатог мушкарца. Не зна где се налази нити ко је она. Убрзо сазнаје да је непознат човек њезин супруг Бен и да након саобраћајне несреће коју је доживела сваки дан изгуби наново памћење чим заспи. Покушавајући реконструирати прошлост, Кристина копа по стварима и наилази на камеру на којој је сама себи снимила поруку…
Смањивање говори нам о томе шта би се десило да, постоји формула која смањује људе на висину од десетак центиметара. Тако смањени, људи схватају колико износе трошкови живота у новом окружењу. Уз обећање да ће имати бољи живот, један сасвим обичан човек, Пол са супругом Одри доноси одлуку да напусти свој стресни живот у Омахи, да се смањи и пресели у нову, малу заједницу. Тај избор покренуће лавину нових изазова и животних авантура.
Family is the most important thing, and the children of Władysław and Maria Lubicz from Warsaw can always count on each other, no matter what surprises life offers.
The premise of the series revolves around the daily lives of different couples of all ages from 20 to 65, but who are not connected to each other. Each couple has their own space where they live, while the story of each couple in each episode is not connected to the stories of the other couples.
Story of a mother and three daughters living in modern day Korean society. The drama conveys a message about the low fertility rate, divorce rate, and the problems of the younger generation who are avoiding marriage.
Suomen huutokauppakeisari is finnish TV serie, which follows everyday activities of auction house, located in Uurainen, Hirvaskangas.
A woman puts everything on the line to achieve her goal of being able to move into a luxury penthouse in the Gangnam District. In the process, she gradually finds herself turning into a monster.
Ji Sun Woo is an associate director of a family clinic with a perfect life—a great career, married to a handsome, young-looking man, mother to an adoring son, and surrounded by seemingly caring friends. She couldn't be more content. Lee Tae Oh, her husband, is an aspiring movie director. However, when his temptation leads him to betray Sun Woo along with the people around her, she gets driven to revenge. The perilous twists-and-turns of a married couple's life unfolds.
When a sales agent and her husband find that all their dreams may vanish into thin air due to problems at work, they scrimp and strive to make a better living for themselves. Liu Ai is the best salesperson in the business. Her husband Yang Guang is a designer. The two have a simple dream, to make enough money so that they can have kids and buy a house. Liu Ai is shocked when come year end, her boss reneges on the money that she rightfully earned, so she quits her job in a fit of temper. Already in a slump over her situation, her husband also encounters problems at work. Reality hits hard, but through the encouragement of friends, she and her husband decide to cast aside the roadblocks in their lives. Riding against the tide, Liu Ai starts a small company in a road to becoming the real queen of sales
Damian, 38, is an overseas Taiwanese, divorced his wife and returned to Taiwan to open his restaurant, Verso. While at Verso, he meets Jerry. Their relationship intensifies and Damian yearns to start a family, with Jerry reluctant to take on parental duties at such an early age. Four years later and through surrogacy, they are now gay parents to a four-year-old boy. Jerry still has not come out to his parents and has now become a fulltime dad even though his parents still pressure him to marry a woman. Damian is busier than ever at Verso and their son Kai is just getting ready for pre-school....
Lee Jae-Sang is a lawyer at JK Law Firm, which is one of the biggest law firms in South Korea. He is an excellent lawyer, but he only cares about winning for his benefit. One day, he has a mysterious car accident and he is drawn into a parallel world. There, Lee Jae-Sang finds himself working as a prosecutor. He is strict in carrying out the law. He is married to Ra Shi-On, who loves Lee Jae-Sang and is faithful to him. In the world where Lee Jae-Sang came from, he broke up with Ra Shi-On ten years earlier and Ra Shi-On works as a detective. Lee Jae-Sang struggles to cope with his different selves.
Liao Sha is an elite in the sales industry, who is known for her ability to strive amidst difficult circumstances. Her husband Fang Cheng, on the other hand, is an ordinary IT employee despite many years of work experience. However, an incident caused Liao Sha to lose the opportunity to promote, and she was switched to another department. Fang Cheng decides to work hard to support his wife. This causes the balance of the family to suddenly change but provides an opportunity for the couple to have a change in thinking. Together, they face and overcome the obstacles in front of them, and understood the true essence of marriage.
This drama tells the story of a boy who becomes critically injured due to an incident of school violence and his family who seeks the truth and fights for justice in his name.
This is the anime adaptation of Kantoku Fuyuki Todoki (Insufficient Direction), the first essay manga by the "queen of the manga world," Moyoco Anno. The comedic and heartwarming autobiographical story follows her everyday married "otaku lifestyle" with Hideaki Anno, "the founder of the otaku cult."
Set in 1930s Shanghai, Cheng Yi Zhi who comes from a poor family meets Wu Ru Fu, a banker and his daughter Li Zi. Inspired by Wu, Cheng Yi Zhi quits his job as a businessman and enters the finance industry; and becomes bank owner Boss Huang's closest confidante. However, he finds out that Boss Huang caused the death of Wu Ru Fu, and also colluded with various forces to build a black money empire. Cheng Yi Zhi decides to leave Boss Huang, and teams up with Li Zi to create a new bank industry. However they face opposition from Boss Huang and the Japanese. With the help of the underground party, Cheng Yi Zhi works together with the industry people to revitalize the republican.
It depicts the life of an ordinary married couple, how they overcome hardships together and both mature over ten years. In the 1990s, roadman Chen Ye falls in love at first sight with the department store clerk Li Zhao Di. He tricks her into marrying him by promising her that he will take the TOEFL test and emigrate with her, turning her into a wealthy expat lady. Meanwhile, Zhao Di has been pampered by her family since litte, and her temper comes to light when the newlyweds start living together. In order to help her husband concentrate on taking the test, she takes care of the whole household, but Chen Ye still fails in the end. Moreover, Chen Ye even loses his job and Zhao Di is found out to be infertile. Zhao Di falls into despair and starts questioning whether she made the right decision.
Five moms in a competitive grade school community keep their enemies close, and one another closer, as envy and secrets tangle and unravel their lives.
A work that sheds new light on the figure of Lee Bang-won, a leader who took the lead in the founding of the nation.
When a popular anchorwoman for a prime time news show becomes the suspect in a murder case, her estranged husband - who has worked as a prosecutor in the past but now works as a public defender - decides to defend his wife.
A sudden tragedy brings the wife of an assemblyman out of her private life and forces her to confront family secrets and her own troubling past.