
Малавита 2013


Након што су постали заштићени сведоци због цинкарења, шеф мафије и његова породица селе се у миран градић у Француској. И поред свих напора ЦИА агента Стенсфилда да их држи под контролом, Фред Манцони и његова породица се врло лако враћају старим навикама и разоткријвају свој идентитет, олакшавајући некадашњим пајташима да им уђу у траг.



Magpie 2019


After serving 17 years in prison for a murder conviction, Asa Katz receives an early release on the condition that he continues to cooperate with the police as their jailhouse informant. Asa returns to his old neighborhood and to his older brother, David, a successful realtor who made his money in dubious business dealings. Conflicting interests put Asa in precarious situations, and he finds himself torn between his life of crime and his work with the police, all the while skillfully navigating both worlds to his advantage.