Астрална подмуклост: Црвена врата

Астрална подмуклост: Црвена врата 2023


Да би једном заувек умирили своје демоне, Џош Ламберт и Далтон Ламберт са колеџа морају да уђу дубље у „Даље“ него икада раније, суочавајући се са мрачном прошлошћу своје породице и мноштвом нових и ужаснијих страхота који вребају иза црвених врата .



Ексхумација 2024


Након што је пронашао порекло узнемирујуће натприродне невоље до гробнице предака богате породице, тим стручњака за паранормално премешта остатке — и убрзо открива шта се дешава онима који се усуде да се петљају са погрешним гробом.


Dan Da Dan

Dan Da Dan 2024


In a bet to prove whether ghosts or aliens exist, two high schoolers face terrifying paranormal threats, gain superpowers and maybe even fall in love?!


Hell Teacher Nube

Hell Teacher Nube 1996


Nueno Mesuke, better known as Nube, is a school teacher who does more than just teach. You see, Nube's left hand is a huge, nasty-looking demon's claw. He uses it to get rid of malicious demons, ghosts, spirits and other supernatural beings that are giving his students a hard time. Nube's left hand was normal, until one fateful day when he exorcised an extremely powerful demon from a child. He was outmatched and lost his left hand. The only way to fight it was to let it enter his body. As a result, Nube has a demonic left hand where his own hand used to be. To educate and protect — that is what Jigoku Sensei Nube does.


The R.I.P. Files

The R.I.P. Files 2012


A group of ghost hunters use science and metaphysics combined to find proof of the paranormal while investigating the scariest places on the planet.


The Subway Spirits Series

The Subway Spirits Series 2023


"Subway Spirit" introduces viewers to the enigmatic world where the living and the dead intertwine, through the compelling story of a young girl named Amy. Portrayed by a talented and captivating actress, Amy becomes the focal point of the series, navigating the ethereal complexities that unfold after a transformative event in a subway. This supernatural drama, a brainchild of the visionary Ryan Martin N , promises to be a soul-stirring exploration of life, death, and the mysterious connections that bind them.


Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube

Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube 2025


A school is host to a variety of supernatural beings and incidents. The best teacher for such a school is Nube, a teacher with a demon's hand who serves as an exorcist.