Са нама се завршава

Са нама се завршава 2024


Уплашена, али одлучна Лили Блум (Блејк Лајвли) сели се у Бостон како би остварила свој животни сан и започела сопствени посао. Ускоро упознаје шармантног неурохирурга по имену Рајл Кинкејд (Џастин Балдони) с којим ће осетити неодољиву хемију. Ипак, након што се лудо заљуби у њега, Лили почиње да открива страну његове личности која је подсећа на трауму из детињства. Да би ствари биле још теже, у живот јој се изненадно враћа њена прва љубав, Атлас Кориган (Брендон Скленар), а Лили ће морати да се избори са собом како би донела праве одлуке за своју будућност.



Ренфилд 2023


У овој модерној причи о чудовиштима о Дракулином оданом слуги, Николас Холт игра Ренфилда, намученог помоћника Дракуле, најнарцисоиднијег шефа у историји. Ренфилд је приморан да обезбеди плен свом господару и одговори на сваки његов изазов, колико год га то понижавало. Али сада, након векова сервилности, Ренфилд је спреман да открије да ли постоји живот изван сенке Принца таме. Кад би само могао да смисли како да оконча своју зависност.



Gnaw 2017



Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon?

Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon? 2011


Khushi and Arnav have diametrically opposite ideologies. If Khushi believes in means, Arnav believes only in ends. Khushi's relationships are the most important to her, whereas Arnav believes all people come with a price and can be manipulated for one's benefit.


Sanaeha Sunya Kaen

Sanaeha Sunya Kaen 2014


Kin is the President of KTK Corporation and is marrying his long time girlfriend of 7 years Ganok. On their wedding night, the bride goes to retrieve a wedding present that she had forgotten for her newly wedded husband. Tawan had just left the airport after finding out that her fiancé had been cheating for two years and is now breaking off their engagement. Moreover, they are expecting their first child. Tawan, hurt and heart-broken, walks home in the rain and while crossing the street was hit by a car driven by Ganok. Tawan was hospitalized. Ganok was later pronounced death. Kin was devastated that he had just lost the love of his life, and demanded to know who that person was that caused his wife's car accident. He later went to Tawan's hospital room and read the name on her ID tag. That name is now forever embedded in his mind and promised Ganok that he will seek revenge for her with the upmost satisfaction....


Killer Relationship with Faith Jenkins

Killer Relationship with Faith Jenkins 2022


Faith Jenkins investigates burgeoning romances from their sweet beginnings, and follows what happened all the way through to their bitter endings. With her background as a criminal prosecutor in the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, and her expertise in matters of the heart, Faith gives her professional POV of the nightmarish cases. With firsthand accounts from victims' family, friends and law enforcement, each episode reveals the inner workings of intimate attachments that seemed fated to last forever and ended in murder.


Danger of Her

Danger of Her 2020


Qiao Wei and the women around her unravel dark secrets, take revenge, and reveal the treacherous nature of manipulation and the complexities of trust.