Игре глади 2: Лов на ватру

Игре глади 2: Лов на ватру 2013


У наставку филма „Игре глади: Лов на ватру" Кетнис Евердин се враћа у сигурност свога дома након победе на 74. Играма глади са Питом Меларком. Победа значи да морају да напусте породицу и пријатеље и крену на Победничку турнеју по Окрузима. Кетнис осећа да се рађа побуна, али Капитол и даље увелико контролише свет док Председник Сноу припрема 75. Игре глади, Кварталну покору, такмичење које би могло заувек да промени Панем.


Бојеви метак

Бојеви метак 1987


„Бојеви метак“ је ратна драма Стенлија Кјубрика из 1987. заснована на роману Густава Хасфорда The Short-Timers. Енглески наслов филма се односи на врсту муниције коју користи пешадија, а чије оловно зрно је пресвучено бакарном кошуљицом. Први део филма приказује сурову обуку америчких маринаца, а затим се радња сели у Вијетнам где прати судбине јунака филма током урбане битке за Хју за време Вијетнамског рата. Егзистенцијална конфузија и тескоба почиње још у кампу за обучавање, а кулминира крвавим исходом прије одласка у Вијетнам.


We Are the Wave

We Are the Wave 2019


A mysterious classmate leads four idealistic teens in a revolt against a rising tide of nationalistic fervor, but their movement takes a dark turn.


Our Times

Our Times 2022


It tells the story of the people's enhanced sense of gain, happiness and security during the ten years from 2012 to 2022.


Starship Troopers

Starship Troopers 1988


Juan "Johnny" Rico, a high school student living in Buenos Aires, joins the Federation military in the hope of following his love, Carmen, into space. He has to undergo harsh training to become a soldier, harsher than he expected, but despite several setbacks and traumatic experiences, Johnny perseveres and finishes his training. However, a war is brewing on the outer planets with a strange alien enemy and Johnny is thrust into the conflict.


Horseless Knight

Horseless Knight 2002


Hafez Naguib was raised between his mother's sophisticated family, and his father's poor and modest family. When his father gets killed at the time of the English occupation, he swears to take revenge for him and every other persecuted Egyptian citizen, and leads the life of a true patriot.


Squirrel and Hedgehog

Squirrel and Hedgehog 1977


Two teenagers (Geumsaegi and Juldarami) fights against an evil army.


Refinement of Faith

Refinement of Faith 2021


The drama highlights the 100-year history of the Communist Party of China, unfolding across eight key segments, each connected by a classic song.


American Suburbia

American Suburbia 2005


Witness a fascinating account of a nation's efforts to become progressive and prosperous.


Let's Trim Our Hair in Accordance with the Socialist Lifestyle

Let's Trim Our Hair in Accordance with the Socialist Lifestyle 1970


Let's trim our hair in accordance with the socialist lifestyle, alternatively translated as Let us trim our hair in accordance with Socialist lifestyle, was part of a North Korean government propaganda campaign promulgating grooming and dress standards in 2004–2005. It was broadcast on state-run Korean Central Television in the capital of Pyongyang and clips from the program were later rebroadcast on BBC 1. The television program claimed that hair length can affect human intelligence, in part because of the deprivation to the rest of the body of nutrients required for hair to grow. It was one part of longstanding North Korean government restrictions on haircuts and fashions deemed at odds with "Socialist values".