Кључна реч Cia Agent
The A-Team 2010
Classified 2024
Добар дан да се умре мушки 2013
Брус Вилис је поново у култној улози Џона Меклејна, „правог“ хероја са умећем и ставом да увек остане једини преживели. Овог пута, полицајац који не узима таоце налази се на погрешном месту, након што дође у Москву да помогне отуђеном сину Џеку. Док руско подземље вршља и припрема рат, два Меклејна откривају да их комбинација њихових потпуно супротних метода чини незаустављивим херојима.
Safehouse 2023
Alien Endgame 2022
The Agency 2024
Covert CIA agent Martian is ordered to abandon his undercover life and return to London Station. When the love he left behind unexpectedly reappears, their romance reignites, pitting his career, his real identity and his mission against his heart while hurling them both into a deadly game of international intrigue and espionage.
Moscow, 1977. Two 'PONIES' ('persons of no interest' in intelligence speak) work anonymously as secretaries in the American Embassy. That is until their husbands are killed under mysterious circumstances in the USSR, and the pair become CIA operatives. Bea is an over-educated, Russian-speaking child of Soviet immigrants. Her cohort, Twila, is a small-town girl who is as abrasive as she is fearless. Together, they work to uncover a vast Cold War conspiracy and solve the mystery that made them widows in the first place.