
Кум 1972


Дон Вито Корлеоне, најстарији је члан и харизматични вођа мафијашке породице италијанског порекла. Породица Корлеоне контролише део илегалног тржишта Њујорка и држи га под надзором. Све ће се променити доласком извесног Солоца, гангстера кога подржава друга мафијашка породица. Солоцо долази са намером да растура дрогу по читавом Њујорку, што ће разбеснити старог Корлеонеа, који не подноси дрогу и све што она доноси. Корлеоне је задовољан приходима од рекета и коцке, те није заинтересован за нове пословне подухвате који укључују наркотике. Ускоро ће неко покушати да убије старог Корлеонеа, затим да отме једног од његових саветника, а све са циљем да присили Корлеоноевог сина Мајкла да уђе у посао с дрогом.


Упознајте Џоа Блека

Упознајте Џоа Блека 1998


Медијски моћник, милионер Бил Периш има све што се може пожелети, мада он, после богатог и испуњеног живота, не жели више ништа. Све што му остаје јесте да се увери како ће његове ћерке имати срећне животе. Једног дана изненада среће мистериозног странца по имену Џо Блек. Младић се представља као Смрт и нуди Паришу још мало времена на овом свету у замену за неку врсту туристичке руте где ће га он упознати са свакодневицом свог живота на земљи. Бил је спреман за овај подухват све док не примети да се његова млађа ћерка Сузан зближава са Блеком.


У ствари љубав

У ствари љубав 2003


Филм прати животе осам веома различитих парова и њихових љубавних проблема у неколико међусобно повезаних прича, месец дана пре божића у Лондону, Енглеска...


Едвард Маказоруки

Едвард Маказоруки 1990


Једном давно, давно, у дворцу на врху брега живео је изумитељ чија је највећа креација био Едвард. Но, иако је Едвард био неодољиво шармантан, није био сасвим без мане. Нагла смрт његовог изумитеља оставила га је недовршеним, са огромним металним оштрицама уместо руку. Едвард је годинама живео сам у тами дворца до једног дана, када га је љубазна продавачица Авон козметике одвела својој кући, да живи са њеном породицом. И тако је започела Едвардова фантастична пустоловина.


Љубав на први поглед

Љубав на први поглед 2023


Хедли и Оливер почињу да се заљубљују на лету од Њујорка до Лондона, али када се изгубе на царини, могу ли пркосити свим изгледима да се поново уједине?


Између две ватре

Између две ватре 2004


Прича о харизматичном неспособњаковићу Питеру Лафлеру, власнику оронуле теретане „Код просечног Џоа“, чија више него просечна клијентела обухвата самозваног гусара, изузетно мрачног заљубљеника у спорт и жгољаву бубалицу. Убрзо постаје очигледно да је теретана „Код просечног Џоа“ у финансијским проблемима и ускоро ће је лепа адвокатица Кејт Вич затворити - осим ако Питер не плати 50.000 долара. Иако та теретана не представља нарочиту претњу теретанама Глобо и фитнес Голијату прекопута, чији је власник Вајт Гудмен, он види лаку прилику да их преузме, па то и покушава да уради. Питерова шарена екипа сталних муштерија није одушевљена због тога и организује такмичење у доџболу против теретана Глобо, договоривши се да победник добије све.



Озлоглашена 1946


Ингрид Бергман тумачи улогу Алише Хуберман, чији отац је осуђен због шпијунаже за нацисте. Њу владин агент Т. Р. Девлин позива да заједно инфилтрирају групу нациста који су побегли у Бразил након Другог светског рата. Током обуке, Алиша се заљуби у Делвина. Делвинова осећаја су неодређена због познавања њене прошлости. Када Делвин добије наређење да наговори Алишу да се уда за Себастијана, пријатеља њеног оца и члана групе, како би сазнала шта група смера, он је у агонији пре него што се одлучи за дужност уместо љубави.


Звук срца

Звук срца 2007


Случајни сусрет младе челисткиње и харизматичног гитаристе и певача био је љубав на први поглед. Након једне романтичне вечери Лајла је договорила нови сусрет са Луисом али њен строг, заштитнички настројени отац није то допустио натеравши је да настави са турнејом. Скрхани Луис више није могао да свира, а Лајла је живела у увјерењу да је у саобраћајној несрећи изгубила дете које су зачели те ноћи. Судбина је ипак хтела да дете преживи. Данас 11годишњи дечак Еван живи у сиротишту из којег бежи у нади да ће ипак пронаћи родитеље. Дечак је наследио музичку ноту својих родитеља те поседује способност да звук ветра преточи у прелепу мелодију.


Прича са западне стране

Прича са западне стране 2021


Нова адаптација истоименог мјузикла из 1957. године, „Прича са западне стране доноси забрањену љубав и ривалство између Џетса и Шаркса – две тинејџерске уличне банде различитог етничког порекла.


Мостови округа Медисон

Мостови округа Медисон 1995


Двоје обичних људи случајно су се сусрели и доживели несвакидашњу романсу. Усамљена фармерова супруга и лутајући фотограф ући ће у романтичну везу која ће их, иако кратка, обоје дубоко променити.


Прича са западне стране

Прича са западне стране 1961


Упознајемо две супарничке уличне банде: Џетсе, другу генерацију америчких тинејџера и Шарксе, порториканске имигранте. Кад рат између Џетса и Шаркса досегне врхунац, вођа Џетса, Риф, одлучује са изазове Шарксе на последњу борбу. Пристаје да се састане са вођом Шаркса , Бернардом, на ратном већу које ће се одржати на школском плесу. Како би био уверљивији, Риф са собом доводи свог старог пријатеља Тонија. Но Тони се заљубио у Барнардову сестру Марију. Њихова љубавна прича ће се попут оне Ромеа и Јулије, завршити трагично.


The Tale of Lady Ok

The Tale of Lady Ok 2024


The fierce survival and success of a female slave in the Joseon Dynasty, and the story of a woman whose name, identity, and even her husband were all fake.


Court Lady

Court Lady 2021


Cheng Chumo, once a shiftless young man, transforms his life after falling for Fu Rou, a diligent merchant's daughter. To win her heart, Chumo dedicates himself to studying and eventually decides to serve his country by leading a campaign against coastal pirates. Meanwhile, Fu Rou becomes a court-weaving official through a series of events, complicating their secret meetings. As she uncovers dark secrets and a dangerous plot, Fu Rou and Chumo must use their wits and skills to overcome their challenges together.



Snowdrop 2021


In 1987, bloodied man Soo-ho jumps into a women's university dormitory in Seoul. Yeong-ro, a female student who fell in love with him at a group blind date, tends to his wounds as the dormitory is ensnared in intense surveillance. As Soo-ho's secrets unravel, he must eventually face the conflict between his heart to Yeong-ro and responsibility to his comrades, as well as to his sibling who awaits him in his home country. What will be of their fate?


My Love Story!!

My Love Story!! 2015


Takeo Goda is a giant guy with a giant heart. Too bad the girls don't want him! (They always go for his good-looking best friend, Makoto Sunakawa.) Used to being on the sidelines, Takeo simply stands tall and accepts his fate. But one day when he saves a girl named Rinko Yamato from a harasser on the train, his (love!) life suddenly takes an incredible turn! Takeo can hardly believe it when he crosses paths with Rinko again, and he finds himself falling in love with her... But with handsome Suna around, does Takeo even stand a chance?


When I Fly Towards You

When I Fly Towards You 2023


Set off by a sweet chance encounter, 16-year-old Su Zaizai finds herself helplessly drawn to Zhang Lurang — her smart, charming yet distant schoolmate.


High-End Crush

High-End Crush 2015


Romantic comedy depicting the heartfelt and pure love story by a man, a successful CEO with everything in his hands, who falls in love for the first time in his life with a woman, who has been living in completely opposite circumstances from his and is a rising artist in his own company.


Marry Me Now

Marry Me Now 2018


Park Yoo-Ha studied hard in medical school and finished her intern course. She works hard to become a doctor due to her father. Her father raised 4 children by himself and her oldest sister also sacrificed for the family. Park Yoo-Ha is not interested in other people. Suddenly, her father marries a woman rich enough to own a building. Meanwhile, Jung Eun-Tae works as a doctor. He volunteered for performing medical service abroad, but he comes back to Korea. Jung Eun-Tae is not interested in marriage, because his father placed priority on his medical work over family and Jung Eun-Tae believes he is like his father.


Dharma & Greg

Dharma & Greg 1997


Dharma & Greg is an American television sitcom that aired from September 24, 1997, to April 30, 2002. It stars Jenna Elfman and Thomas Gibson as Dharma and Greg Montgomery, a couple who got married on their first date despite being complete opposites. The series is co-produced by Chuck Lorre Productions, More-Medavoy Productions and 4 to 6 Foot Productions in association with 20th Century Fox Television for ABC. The show's theme song was written and performed by composer Dennis C. Brown. Created by executive producers Dottie Dartland and Chuck Lorre, the comedy took much of its inspiration from so-called culture-clash "fish out of water" situations. The show earned eight Golden Globe nominations, six Emmy Award nominations, and six Satellite Awards nominations. Elfman earned a Golden Globe in 1999 for Best Actress.


Go Go Squid!

Go Go Squid! 2019


Tong Nian is a genius 19-year-old student with high IQ and low EQ, who is also a famous anime cosplay person and sings well. She’s falls in love at first sight with Han Shang Yan, who is a game genius in the e-sports world and never pays attention to the girls.


My Superhero

My Superhero 2022


Zhang Guang Zheng is a nerdy couch potato who just takes what life gives him and doesn't aspire for more. However, he decides that it's time for a change after falling for flight attendant Zhang You En. Joining Zheng You En's mother Liu Meili's group of dancing grannies at the public square becomes an eye opening experience for him. The ladies' courage and passion for life inspires him to do the same. At this time, his seemingly strict hotel manager has initiated a program on employee development. With the encouragement of friends, Zhang Guang Zheng works hard to pass the assessment in order to obtain opportunities for further studies. He forges ahead, constantly narrowing the distance between Zheng You En and him. In turn, he also makes an impact in the lives of the people around him such as the Zhang You En who used to keep to herself, Wang Niulang who's afraid to fall for someone and Chen Jing Dian who gave up on his postgraduate entrance examination for fear of failing.



Crush 2021


The series is based on the romance novel of the same name, which is originally named Qin He Yi Kan (衾何以堪) by Mu Fu Sheng. The series revolves around the love story between Su Nianqin and Sang Wuyan, who go through difficulties and finally grab their happiness.


Dear Mayang Street

Dear Mayang Street 2020


Set during a time of reform in the 1980s, this is a story about youth and love that revolves around 6 families living on Mayang street in Guangzhou. Ou Xiao Jian is a bad boy who dates Ma Xiao Xiao, a school girl in the neighborhood. Yi Dong Dong has had a crush on Ma Xiao Xiao from the moment they met. The 18-year-old Yi Dong Dong moves with his family back to their hometown and falls in love at first sight for his neighbor Ma Xiao Xiao. When he realizes that she is attracted to his friend Xiao Jian, he kept his feelings to himself and protect her from a distance. Xiao Xiao is constantly worried for Ou Xiaojian who spends his time fooling around with other delinquents. Utterly exhausted due to the problems between them, Ma Xiaoxiao and Ou Xiaojian part ways. Later, Xiaoxiao becomes a lawyer and Dongdong passes the local civil service exams. Meanwhile, Xiaojian undergoes many ups and downs.


Forever and Ever

Forever and Ever 2021


This story is about Shi Yi, a gentle pleasant and low-key but industry's top voice actress, who ran into the elegant returnee chemistry professor Zhousheng Chen at the airport one day. They gradually develop a mutual understanding in getting along with each other, and join hands to preserve traditional craftsmanship and overcome many storms as they decide to accompany each other for the rest of their lives...


Here Is My Exclusive Indulge

Here Is My Exclusive Indulge 2021


It tells the sweet romance between Fu Sihan, the domineering CEO with a disability, and Yun Xiangxiang who gets a chance to restart her life and get back at her enemies. In her previous life, Yun Xiangxiang and her mother lost everything after falling victim to the schemes of her father's mistress and illegitimate daughter. Yun Xiangxiang gets a second chance when she is reborn on the day that her mother was supposed to die. In order to change their tragic fate, she starts on the sweet road of revenge. This time around, she encounters Fu Sihan. Even though he has a disability and sits in a wheelchair, there is no hiding his imposing presence as a powerful executive. His appearance in her life has just made her journey a lot smoother.


A Gentleman's Dignity

A Gentleman's Dignity 2012


Four men with complicated love lives refuse to admit they're getting older, and attempt to prove that forty is the new thirty!


Whisper Me a Love Song

Whisper Me a Love Song 2024


Bubbly, energetic first-year high school student Himari falls head over heels for her senpai, Yori, after hearing her band perform on the first day of school. Himari tells Yori she just loves her, and, to Himari's surprise, Yori says she loves Himari back! But when Himari realizes that she and her senpai are feeling two different kinds of love, she begins to ask herself what "love" really means.


Still 2gether

Still 2gether 2020


On Tine and Sarawat's second year as a couple, they face several circumstances that would test their relationship, including those that involve their responsibilities as the leaders of the cheerleading club and the music club, respectively.


Angels Fall Sometimes

Angels Fall Sometimes 2024


Lin Tuo and An Zhi Que met at a job fair during the summer internship of their junior year. They fell in love at first sight, and after deepening their understanding of each other, they determined their relationship. As graduation season approaches, the two join hands as they went through university to working life together and plan for a better future. Although the road of life was not going smoothly, but with their mutual encouragement, it gradually got on the right track.


Siege in Fog

Siege in Fog 2018


An arrogant third master of a powerful family falls in love at first sight with a pretty young maiden and uses every means possible to force her hand in marriage, despite her harboring a crush on another man. In the beginning of a coerced marriage, she resents him and rejects all his advances and gestures of love, but their love story slowly develops after going through obstacles in times of war and chaos. However, things get complicated when her old flame returns and becomes her husband’s assistant.