Маска 1994
Стенли Ипкис је повучен банкарски службеник коме проналазак дрвене маске мења живот из корена.
Стенли Ипкис је повучен банкарски службеник коме проналазак дрвене маске мења живот из корена.
Кад су четири аутсајдера видела оно што су велике банке, медији и влада одбили да виде, глобални колапс економије, они су добили идеју: „Опклада века“. Њихове храбре инвестиције су их одвеле до мрачног подземља модерног банкарства где морају да сумњају у све и свакога.
На Бадње вече 1946. године Џорџ Бејли (Џејмс Стјуарт), који већ дуго свој живот сматра промашеним, суочава се са финансијским крахом јер банци дугује новац, због чега завршава у затвору и озбиљно размишља о томе да изврши самоубиство.
Група илузиониста задивљује јавност низом храбро и оригинално изведених пљачки са скривеним планом због ког ФБИ и Интерпол са стрепњом покушавају да погоде њихов следећи потез. Групу предводи Атлас, а публику ће током наступа задивити пљачком банке у Паризу из Вегаса, разоткривањем криминалца из високих редова и пребацивањем његових милиона на рачуне гледалаца, збуњујући чуваре реда и закона. Специјални ФБИ агент Дилан одлучан је у намери да их заустави, а присиљен је да ради са Алмом, детективком из Интерпола са којом се од почетка не слаже. Не знајући како даље обраћа се Тадеусу, који тврди да је пљачка банке у Паризу заправо сјајно смишљена илузија. Дилан и Алма почињу да сумњају да група има неког помагача споља, и да ће им стати на пут уколико нађу ту особу. Али да ли та особа постоји или је стварно у питању магија?
Када наоружана, маскирана банда заузима Менхетн банку, блокира врата и узима таоце, детектив задужен за преговоре долази преокупиран оптужбама о корупцији за које му се суди.
Џеф и Ејми Тејлор селе се у Калифорнију. На путу ка новом одредишту кола им се заустављају у пустињи Сан Диега. Ејми прихвата понуду камионџије у пролазу да је одвезе до првог телефона. После много времена Џеф почиње да брине, и ускоро сазнаје да у ресторану из ког је требало да телефонира, нико није видео његову жену. Што је најгоре, возач који ју је повезао тврди исто.
It’s tell the story of a bank auditor pursues justice and policy changes at a time when an economic bubble is collapsing. No Dae Ho is an honest and sincere man. He works as a branch manager of Daehan Bank which is located in a small city. The branch is on a soon to be shutdown list. Surprisingly, No Dae Ho is promoted to an auditor at the bank’s headquarters in Seoul. No Dae Ho then faces corruption at the bank.
With his ill father medical bills piling up, a cash-stapped banker devises an elaborate scheme to steal one cent from every customer's account.
Four men and women working at the same bank get entangled in a complicated romance as they discover how far they’re willing to go for love.
Disguised under the shadows of a mask, a crew of desperados band together under the leadership of a criminal mastermind known only as “The Professor” to pull off the biggest heist Korea has ever seen.
Hanzawa Naoki works as a loan manager at the Osaka Nishi branch of Tokyo Central Bank. One day, Hanzawa makes a loan contract for 500 million yen with Nishi Osaka Steel Company. Hanzawa didn't want to approve the loan, but he had to due to the branch manager's order. Nishi Osaka Steel Company seems financially stable, but the company actually hides massive amounts of debt through fraudulent accounts. The company is caught. Three months later, Nishi Osaka Steel Company goes bankrupt. The bank's branch manager is Asano. He is an ambitious man and tries to shift the blame to Hanzawa. Hanzawa then attends an inquiry about the loan failure at the bank's headquarters in Tokyo. Hanzawa denies fault and promises to retrieve the 500 million yen loan. He did this because it's the only way for Hanzawa to survive as a banker.
A high-achieving high school graduate, battles for justice at South Korea’s most reputable accounting firm.
Set in 1930s Shanghai, Cheng Yi Zhi who comes from a poor family meets Wu Ru Fu, a banker and his daughter Li Zi. Inspired by Wu, Cheng Yi Zhi quits his job as a businessman and enters the finance industry; and becomes bank owner Boss Huang's closest confidante. However, he finds out that Boss Huang caused the death of Wu Ru Fu, and also colluded with various forces to build a black money empire. Cheng Yi Zhi decides to leave Boss Huang, and teams up with Li Zi to create a new bank industry. However they face opposition from Boss Huang and the Japanese. With the help of the underground party, Cheng Yi Zhi works together with the industry people to revitalize the republican.
Norby is an American sitcom television series that aired from January 5 until April 6, 1955 on NBC in color. RCA's color system wasn't used until the fall of 1954. This is the first color show that I'm aware of.
The nerve-racking events of a cold winter's day, seen from two different perspectives. The odd episodes tell the story of a team of police negotiators and special forces who respond to a hostage crisis in a small bank branch. The even episodes tell exactly the same events, only through the eyes of the criminals inside and their victims.
Shibusawa Eiichi was born in 1840 to a farmer’s family. He grew up helping his family with work, which was to manufacture and sell indigo production and also silk farming. He left his hometown at the age of 23 and began working for the government. He later traveled to Paris and learned about banking. Upon his return to Japan, he helped build up the first modern bank in Japan. He eventually became a founder or supporter to about 500 companies and was involved with about 600 public services, including education for women.
Two ambitious vice presidents become rivals when an imminent board room vacancy arises.
In August 2005, through a tunnel almost 80 meter long, thiefs invaded the bank vault of Brazil's Central Bank in Fortaleza and stole over 160 milions reais, ou or nealy 3,5 tons of cash. This documenty explores that spectacular and historic heist.
Hapless bank clerk Willie Melvin dreams of being a successful writer but is held back by his own incompetence, the dodgy dealings of his best friend Chancer, and lack of support from his mother, the bank's manager Adam McLelland and his obsequious fellow teller, Brian.
Stahlkammer Zürich is a German television series. Polish composer Joanna Bruzdowicz together with her husband, Horst-Jürgen Tittel, former top advisor to the president of the European Commission. Together, they created this 36-episode series. Bruzdowicz wrote over 15 hours of music for this series.
Louise Evans is a single mother who works as a customer advisor for big bucks investors at a slick, pin-striped bank. On a night out with her best friend Anna she's introduced to Anna's slippery new boyfriend Phillip. Phillip makes Louise an indecent proposal: accept a briefcase full of money in return for helping him to defraud one of the bank’s richest clients.