Кључна реч Cat
Straume 2024
Гарфилд 2024
Гарфилд, светски позната кућна мачка која мрзи понедељак, воли лазање, ускоро ће имати дивљу авантуру на отвореном! Након неочекиваног поновног сусрета са његовим давно изгубљеним оцем – разбарушеним уличним мачком Виком – Гарфилд и његов псећи пријатељ Оди приморани су из свог савршено размаженог живота да се придруже Вику у урнебесној пљачки са високим улозима.
Тихо место: Дан први 2024
Док је Њујорк нападнут од стране ванземаљских створења која лове слухом, жена по имену Семи се бори да преживи.
Орион и мрак 2024
Дечак са активном маштом суочава се са својим страховима на незаборавном путовању кроз ноћ са својим новим пријатељем: џиновским, насмејаним створењем по имену Мрак.
Душа 2020
Музичар који је изгубио страст према музици бива транспортован из свог тела и мора да пронађе свој пут назад, уз помоћ дететове душе која учи ствари о себи …
Краљевство мачака 2002
Главни лик ове приче, Хару је обична 17-годишња девојка. Она нема неку специјалну способност, нити неку изузетну лепоту. Када се суочава са реалношћу она није у стању да доноси одлуке за себе, тако често се приклања туђим мишљењима да би избегла неки изазов. Једног дана, Хару спашава мачку ризикујући свој живот. Испоставља се да је та мачка принц Мачјег Краљевства, међутим, Хару је заробљена унутар света мачака. Могу ли Барон и Мута да је спасу из света мачака.
Аргајл 2024
Када заплети фиктивних шпијунских романа ауторке Ели Конвеј почну да одражавају тајне акције шпијунске организације из стварног живота, мирне вечери код куће постају ствар прошлости. У пратњи свог мачка Алфиеја и Ејдена, шпијуна који је алергичан на мачке, Ели јури широм света да би остала корак испред убица док граница између Конвејиног измишљеног света и њеног стварног почиње да се замагљује.
Гарфилд 2004
Гарфилд, дебели, лењи, љубитељ лазања, има све што мачка може да пожели. Али када Џон, у покушају да импресионира Лиз - ветеринара и стару средњошколску симпатију - усвоји пса по имену Оди и доведе га кући, Гарфилд добија једину ствар коју не жели. Конкуренција.
綿の国星 1984
Њени родитељи 2000
Грег Фокер је мушка медицинска сестра, планира да запроси своју дугогодишњу девојку Пем, али сазнаје да пре него што пристане, њену руку мора затражити од строгог оца Џека Брнса. Грег ни не слути каква га све искушења чекају у посети Брнсовима, на коју пристаје неоптерећен, мислећи да ће ситуацију решити на најлакши могући начин.
Гробље кућних љубимаца 2019
Филм прати Др Луиса Крида (Џејсон Кларк), који након што се пресели са својом женом Рејчел (Ејми Сајмиц) и њихово двоје мале деце из Бостона у рурални Мејн, открива мистериозно гробље сакривено дубоко у шуми недалеко од нове породичне куће. Када се деси трагедија, Луис ће се обратити за помоћ свом необичном комшији Џуду Кренделу (Џон Литгоу) и тада почиње ланчана реакција опасних догађаја који ће ослободити несхватљиво зло које доноси застрашујуће последице.
Gifted 2017
Shrek the Halls 2007
Аријетин тајни свет 2010
Филм говори о сићушној Аријети, младој „позајмљивачици” ствари која живи са својом породицом испод паркета у кући. Она се спријатељује са људским дечаком по имену Шо, који има срчаних проблема још од рођења и живи са својом баком Садако. Када њена служавка Хару посумња да постоје људи испод пода, Аријети и њена породица морају да побегну да не би били откривени, иако то значи да напусте свој дом који јако воле.
The Cat in the Hat 2003
Stuart Little 1999
Sleepwalkers 1992
Chi's Sweet Home 2008
An American Shorthair kitten wanders away from her mother and siblings one day while enjoying a walk outside. Lost in her surroundings, she struggles to find her way back home. She is soon found by the Yamada family. Finding a home for her proves to be difficult, so the family eventually decides to keep the kitten, naming her "Chi".
ThunderCats 1985
The inhabitants of the planet Thundera evacuate just before it is destroyed. They were pursued by a band of mutants. All but one of their escape ships was destroyed. Only a small group of Thunderans (Thundercats) remained. With only half engine power, the group, which was led by Jaga, had to set a course for the nearest planet. Jaga commanded their ship while the other seven were in their stasis tubes. Jaga died on their journey to Third Earth and their ship crashed there. Soon they made friends with various groups in the area and they designed a fortress. Mumm-Ra the centuries-old embodiment of evil, along with the mutants that destroyed the rest of the Thunderans are a constant threat. But Lion-O, the new leader of the Thundercats, with his weapon the "Sword of Omens" will help the Thundercats to have a standing chance.
The Smurfs 1981
Classic Saturday-morning cartoon series featuring magical blue elf-like creatures called Smurfs. The Smurfs, named for their personalities, inhabit a village of mushroom houses in an enchanted forest. These loveable creatures are led by Papa Smurf and live carefree... except for one major threat to their existance: Gargamel, an evil but inept wizard who lives in a stone-built house in the forest; and his feline companion, the equally nasty Azrael.
Sabrina, the Teenage Witch 1996
On her sixteenth birthday, Sabrina Spellman discovers she has magical powers. She lives with her 600-year-old aunts Hilda and Zelda as well as talking cat Salem in the fictional town of Westbridge, Massachusetts.
Wonderful Precure! 2024
In Animal Town where humans and animals live together, Iroha who loves animals is very close to her dog Komugi! One day, a mysterious creature called a GaruGaru goes berserk in her city. In order to protect Iroha, Komugi transforms into a human and even a Pretty Cure…!? We have to protect such berserk animals! Let's join forces and return the animals to the Niko Garden!
I, Tsushima 2021
The story centers on a woman who is getting on in years, but all her cats think she's a man so they call her Ojiichan. One day a brazen cat named Tsushima appears in Ojiichan's yard.
Red Dwarf 1988
The adventures of the last human alive and his friends, stranded three million years into deep space on the mining ship Red Dwarf.
Early Edition 1996
Gary Hobson thinks he may even be losing his mind when tomorrow's newspaper mysteriously arrives today giving him a disconcerting look into the future. What will he do with tomorrow's news?
My Cat from Hell 2011
From cats that break up relationships to violent felines that put their owners in the hospital, cat behaviorist Jackson Galaxy has seen it all. Follow Jackson as he brings his unique understanding of cats to desperate families on the verge of giving up on their furry companions.
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake 2023
Fionna and Cake – with the help of the former Ice King, Simon Petrikov - embark on a multiverse-hopping adventure and journey of self-discovery. All the while a powerful new antagonist determined to track them down and erase them from existence, lurks in the shadows.
Mamekichi Mameko – The Daily Life of a NEET 2022
The story of Mamekichi Mameko NEET no Nichijou follows Mameko, a NEET ("Not in Education, Employment, or Training") young woman who lives with her dog Komachi and her three cats - Tabi, Simba, and Melo. "I'll do my best...starting tomorrow!" is Mameko's motto, and her daily life is a little bit normal, a little bit fun, and a little bit strange.
Funniest Pets & People 2006
Funniest Pets & People is a solid half-hour of pure entertainment with a proven format featuring hysterical, fast-paced video clips submitted by viewers who share the funniest moments of their favorite Pets & People.
Poyopoyo 2012
Seemingly too cute for many, this will be a comedy for all ages and types. Follow this unique family and its spherical cat, in a warm-hearted comedy for the winter!
Bunnicula 2016
A dark comedic adventure about the titular Bunnicula, a vampire rabbit, Mina, his owner, and her two pets, Chester the cat and Harold the dog. Instead of blood, Bunnicula feeds on carrots to sustain himself which gives him super abilities which come in handy on his and his friends escapades.
The Pet Girl of Sakurasou 2012
Sorata Kanda, a high school sophomore living in Sakurasou, the den of their academy's problem children, spends his days being dragged around by the strange residents, swearing he's going to escape Sakurasou one day.
Rafferty's Rules 1987
Rafferty's Rules was an Australian television drama series which ran from 1987 to 1990 on the Seven Network. Rafferty's Rules was one of the first programs undertaken by the Seven Network's then new in-house drama unit, going into production in May 1985 as "a 15-part courtroom drama". The program had started out as a pilot episode, recorded in early 1984 with the actor Chris Haywood in the lead role. When the pilot episode was remounted later in 1984, Chris Haywood wasn't available and the lead role was re-cast to John Wood. This second recording was eventually broadcast as the program's first episode.
Nights With a Cat 2022
When Fuuta comes home tired at night, all he wants to do is spend time with his new cat. All the mysterious habits and mannerisms of house cats are carefully reproduced in this relaxed and cute comedy about living with an adorable furball!
ThunderCats 2011
The ThunderCats are on the move! After the kingdom of Thundera is attacked by the lizard people, Lion-O leads Tygra, Cheetara and the other heroes on a quest for the Book of Omens and the magic stones of legend. But he'll have to face villains like Mumm-Ra, the ancient evil sorceror, and Slithe, the dangerous lizard general. Luckily, he has the Sword of Omens and its amazing powers at his disposal.
Telecat 1983
Created by French surrealist artist Roland Topor and director Henri Xhonneux, Telecat is a news show parody hosted by a tomcat named Groucha (who always had his arm in plaster) and an ostrich named Lola. It featured a variety of sentient objects and revolved around the idea that the real-life elementary particles known as gluons were “the souls of objects”.
The Masterful Cat Is Depressed Again Today 2023
When Saku took in a stray black cat, she never expected that he would become the equivalent of a housekeeping life partner. But Yukichi, a giant cat who towers over Saku, is not your ordinary feline. He takes great pride in his culinary skills, and a good sale at the supermarket always gets his whiskers twitching. Saku may not have her act together yet, but at least she has Yukichi!