
Круг 2002


Рејчел је млада новинарка која једног дана наилази на видео о којем се доста причало. Наиме, ко погледа тај видео добија телефонски позив и умире након 7 дана. Након што њен нећак Еидан погледа ту видео траку почиње да се боји за његов живот, те почиње да истражује сам видео и сам садржај видеа који је већ угрозио неколико живота.


Вештица из Блера

Вештица из Блера 1999


Филм сведочи о застрашујућем путовању троје филмаџија кроз шуму Блек Хилса, откривајући ужасне догађаје који су се збивали пред њиховим камерама. Филмаџије још увек нису пронађене. Годину дана након нестанка, пронађен је њихов снимљени материјал. „Пројект: Вештица из Блера“ је њихова оставштина.


Језиве приче из мрака

Језиве приче из мрака 2019


Како би спасили своје животе, група тинејџера мораће да се суочи са својим највећим страховима.


Слендер мен

Слендер мен 2018


Радња филма дешава се у малом градићу у Масачусетсу где четири средњошколке изводе ритуал с циљем разоткривања опасног Слендер Мена. Када једна од њих мистериозно нестане, девојке почињу да сумљају се ради о још једној жртви Слендер Мена.


Кућа хиљаду лешева

Кућа хиљаду лешева 2003


Два млада пара се током ноћи изгубе и одлазе у мрачну кућу у којој живи породица психопата. Убиства, канибализам и сатанистички обреди неки су од хиљаде страхота које их тамо очекују.



Кендимен 2021


Докле год досеже сећање мештана, мирно чикашко насеље терорише прича о духу убици који уместо руке има куку, а кога врло лако могу призвати они који су довољно смели да пет пута за редом, гледајући се у огледало, понове његово име. Сада, деценију пошто су куле у насељу срушене, визуелни уметник Ентони Мекој и његова девојка, директорка галерије, Бријана Картрајт, усељавају се у луксузни стан, преуређен до непрепознатљивости. Ентони ће открити застрашујућу, истиниту причу која стоји иза Кендимена. Нестрпљив да одржи свој уметнички статус у чикашким круговима, он почиње да истражује језиве детаље и не слутећи отвара врата у прошлост, раскринкава властити ум и покреће незаустављив талас насиља који га судара са током властите судбине.


Мотманово пророчанство

Мотманово пророчанство 2002


Џон Клејн, новинар престижног Вашингтонског листа, напушта посао након што му жена умире након чудних околности... Наиме, када су коначно пронашли кућу о којој су одувек сањали да имају и када су склопили уговор да је купе, његова жена доживљава несрећу, готово ју је прегазило чудно лептиролико биће у огртачу. У болници, Џон је нашао скице које је она цртала пре него што је умрла. Почиње да истражује необичне извештаје из тог малог града у Западној Вирџинији који укључују и бројна пророчанства и појављивање бизарних бића с крилима. Две године касније на волшебан начин се обрео једне ноћи у том малом градићу... и што дубље истражује и копа да открије мистерију привиђења многих из тога места – баш све указује на лептир-човека – и сам његов живот доводи се у велику опасност...


Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai

Theatre of Darkness: Yamishibai 2013


Yamishibai is a picture-story style of animation whose motif is surrounded and based off the rumors, and urban legends throughout the history of Japan.


Dan Da Dan

Dan Da Dan 2024


In a bet to prove whether ghosts or aliens exist, two high schoolers face terrifying paranormal threats, gain superpowers and maybe even fall in love?!



MythBusters 2003


MythBusters is a science entertainment television program created and produced by Australia's Beyond Television Productions for the Discovery Channel. The show's hosts, special effects experts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman, use elements of the scientific method to test the validity of rumors, myths, movie scenes, adages, Internet videos, and news stories.



Durarara!! 2010


In Tokyo's downtown district of Ikebukuro, amidst many strange rumors and warnings of anonymous gangs and dangerous occupants, one urban legend stands out above the rest—the existence of a headless "Black Rider" who is said to be seen driving a jet-black motorcycle through the city streets. Mikado Ryuugamine has always longed for the excitement of the city life, and an invitation from a childhood friend convinces him to move to Tokyo. Witnessing the Black Rider on his first day in the city, his wishes already seem to have been granted. But as supernatural events begin to occur, ordinary citizens like himself, along with Ikebukuro's most colorful inhabitants, are mixed up in the commotion breaking out in their city.


I Love Tokyo Legend - Kawaii Detective -

I Love Tokyo Legend - Kawaii Detective - 2012


Tsukiko Otonashi is a fashionista who is too beautiful to be a detective. She is also intrigued by urban legends so much so that she believes all crimes are somehow linked to these legends. She even conducts her investigations in such a way as to prove them to be true. Tsukiko also likes to make use of whatever she can. She especially likes to enlist the help of crime lab officer Hitoro Katsuura, who happens to have a crush on her. Many other unique characters will make appearances as she investigates the crimes related to urban legends, using odd and exquisite techniques.


Hell Teacher Nube

Hell Teacher Nube 1996


Nueno Mesuke, better known as Nube, is a school teacher who does more than just teach. You see, Nube's left hand is a huge, nasty-looking demon's claw. He uses it to get rid of malicious demons, ghosts, spirits and other supernatural beings that are giving his students a hard time. Nube's left hand was normal, until one fateful day when he exorcised an extremely powerful demon from a child. He was outmatched and lost his left hand. The only way to fight it was to let it enter his body. As a result, Nube has a demonic left hand where his own hand used to be. To educate and protect — that is what Jigoku Sensei Nube does.


1000 Ways to Die

1000 Ways to Die 2009


The science of living and the randomness of death are combined with a dash of Darwinism. Forensic experts, pathologists, toxicologists, herpetologists, and other experts offer eloquent explanations of mortality.


Our Unwinding Ethos

Our Unwinding Ethos 2019


Urban legends, seemingly true yet seemingly fantastical, connect the past and future. While conducting research at Bride’s Pool, professor of folkloristics Poon Dor-lai experiences what appears to be paranormal encounters, but soon uncovers criminal exploits behind it. She teams up with journalist Fu Chi-pok to probe into the matter, unravelling the unknown background of bride-to-be Wong Yuk. The two decide to team up to continue work on Chi-pok's missing father's research paper on urban legends, but in the process, they discover many cases that bear similarity to the legends and they begin to suspect his disappearance.


Boogiepop Phantom

Boogiepop Phantom 2000


Five years ago, a string of grisly murders shook the city to its core and now the rumors have begun once more. Boogiepop... Everyone knows about Boogiepop: meet her one dark night and you are taken. People tell each other the stories and laugh: no one believes that she can possibly exist in this day and age. Still, strange things appear to be going on and the darkness is taking on many forms. Something is out there.


Eerie, Indiana

Eerie, Indiana 1991


Teenage weirdness investigator Marshall Teller adventures through his new small-town home with his friends, geeky Simon Holmes and mysterious Dash X.


It's a Mystery

It's a Mystery 1996


A children’s magazine show talking us through the fact and fiction of mysterious subjects and spooky goings on.


Ninja Collection

Ninja Collection 2020


Yamishibai: Japanese Ghost Stories spin-off. The story will center on the Tōkeshū ninja group in Tokyo, the city where dreams and desires swirl like eddies in a river. With ancient techniques passed down through generations, the ninja are intent on wiping out the "darkness" enveloping people in the current Reiwa era.


The Lowe Files

The Lowe Files 2017


Follow Rob Lowe and his two sons, Matthew and John Owen, as they investigate unsolved legends and eerie age-old stories on a bonding family adventure years in the making.


Urban Legends

Urban Legends 2007


Urban Legends is a 30 minute 2007 television documentary-style series hosted by Michael Allcock. David Hewlett became the new host in 2011. In each episode, three urban legends are dramatized and presented to the television audience; the audience is then to speculate which one or two of the three is true. Each legend has witnesses to tell the story. For the one or two fake legends, the witnesses are actors, while the true legend uses real people affected by the story. Included in each episode are two quick quiz-like stories, called mini-myths, which air before the commercial breaks. Each will begin with the number of the mini myth and its name, followed by the story. After the commercial, the answer to the mini-myth is announced and the rest of the programming continues as it previously had. The show originally aired on the Biography Channel in the U.S., History Television in Canada and FX in the United Kingdom where it was hosted by Mark Dolan. It has also aired in Argentina, New Zealand, Sweden, Norway, Australia, Finland, Estonia, The Netherlands, Russia, Hungary and Denmark. The series briefly returned to the Syfy network as an "Original Series" with new episodes starting on Monday April 18, 2011, then moved to the regular time, Fridays at 10. The new episodes followed exactly the same format as the original but were narrated by Stargate's David Hewlett. The show now airs occasionally as reruns and mini-marathons on both SyFy and Chiller.


Fake Documentary

Fake Documentary "Q" 2021


Strange things are happening in present day Japan. Fake Documentary "Q" blends found footage and alternate reality premises to present a disturbing vision of a paranormal world lurking underneath day-to-day experiences.


Yarisugi Toshi Densetsu

Yarisugi Toshi Densetsu 2007


Celebrities and comedians share and discuss various intriguing urban legends from around the world. The show concludes by leaving viewers to decide what to believe.


Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube

Hell Teacher: Jigoku Sensei Nube 2025


A school is host to a variety of supernatural beings and incidents. The best teacher for such a school is Nube, a teacher with a demon's hand who serves as an exorcist.