Anthony E. Cabral Broadcast Signal Intrusion Holiday Heist Holiday Baggage Bad Johnson High on the Hog Hypoxia Killing Eleanor Slice Bunker Christmas ...Again?! Holiday Heist Holiday Baggage The Coverup Streetballers Streetballers Up in the Air The Tomb The Tomb Leading Ladies Joint Body Zombie Hamlet The Awakened All you can dream Fatal Call Ratline Shadow People She Loves Me Not The Muck Bad Johnson The Drunk The Drunk The Historian The Historian Apparitional Morningside Drive Aztec Revenge The Origins of Wit and Humor The Hollow Thrill Ride Hammer Down Broadcast Signal Intrusion Нешто у вези Херија Friend Request Skeletons in the Closet High on the Hog The Importance Of Doubting Tom Surprise Me! B-Roll An Acceptable Loss The Hollow Consumed The Frontier Boys Witches Playground Girl on the Third Floor Working Man