Vertical Limit

Vertical Limit 2000


Peter Garrett är en ung och ambitiös bergsklättrare som dragit sig tillbaka från den riskfyllda sporten efter en tragisk klättringsolycka där han och hans syster såg sin pappa dö. Han har inte haft kontakt med sin syster sedan dess. Tre år efter olyckan måste han ändå ge sig in i bergsklättringen igen, då hans syster och delar av hennes team sitter fast på K2, världens näst högsta berg. Det blir en hård kamp mot elementen och klockan.


Touching the Void

Touching the Void 2003


Maj 1985, Peru. Joe Simpson och Simon Yates, två orädda unga bergsklättrare, ger sig iväg för att ta sig upp för den dittills obestigna västra sidan av Siula Grande, en avlägsen och förrädisk bergstopp i de peruanska Anderna. Simpson och Yates når toppen, men precis efter att de börjat nedstigningen förvandlar en olycka deras djärva expedition till en desperat kamp för överlevnad. "Touching the Void" bygger på Joe Simpsons internationella bästsäljare och dokumenterar en av vår tids mest enastående sanna berättelser om vad en människa kan uthärda. Denna fängslande, fascinerande film kombinerar dramatiska rekonstruktioner av den ödesdigra klättringen med intervjuer med de två män som den nästan dödade.


North Face

North Face 2008


Ingen hade överlevt tidigare. Men Führern krävde ett mirakel 1936.Ingen hade hittills lyckats bestiga den nästan lodräta nordsidan på Eiger – alpernas mest fruktade berg. Inför de Olympiska Spelen i Berlin ville Hitler visa musklerna för omvärlden och lovade guld och ära till unga tyskar som vågade anta utmaningen. Två vänner, Toni och Andi, anländer till foten av berget tillsammans med rivaler från hela Europa. Vem blir först att besegra det som kallas för Dödens berg? Actionäventyret North Face (Nordwand) anses, med sina hisnande scener och halsbrytande stunts, vara den bästa bergsklättrarfilmen som någonsin gjorts.


The Alpinist

The Alpinist 2021


Marc-André Leclerc klättar ensam, långt ifrån rampljuset. På avlägsna alpina platser utför denna frisinnade 23-åring några av historiens djärvaste friklättringar. Trots detta får han knappt någon uppmärksamhet.



Meru 2015




Everest 1998


Mount Everest reser sig 8.848 meter över havet och dess topp är den högsta platsen på jorden. Där är luften så tunn att den endast innehåller en tredjedel syre jämfört med på normal höjd, vilket kan göra att klättrare blir förvirrade och desorienterade. Våren 1996 tog ett erfaret team under ledning av Ed Viesturs med sig en IMAX kamera till "världens tak". Med i teamet fanns också Jamling Tenzing Norgay, son till den legendariske sherpan Tenzing Norgay som tillsammans med Edmund Hillary var den förste att bestiga Mount Everest.


The Summit

The Summit 2013


I augusti 2008 bestämmer sig 24 bergsklättrare sig för att anta sitt livs största utmaning och bestiga världens farligaste bergstopp, det förrädiskt branta K2. Två dygn senare är 11 av dem döda.Hyllad och gripande dokumentär om en bergsbestigning med dödlig utgång regisserad av Nick Ryan. Bland de medverkande finns den svenske bergsklättraren och äventyraren Fredrik Sträng.


Lhakpa Sherpa – Bergets drottning

Lhakpa Sherpa – Bergets drottning 2024


Dokumentär om en bergsklättrare som riskerar allt för en rekordsatsning mot toppen av Mount Everest, i hopp om att ge sina döttrar en ljusare framtid.


Bergens hemlighet

Bergens hemlighet 1926


Triangeldrama i en alpby mellan två bergsklättrare och den ditresta danserskan Diotima, spelad av Leni Riefenstahl.



Bergwelten 2012


People experience adventures on mountains all around the world. Personalities, fascinated by the world of the mountains, bring us closer to the freedom many people experience in such breezy hights.


Encouragement of Climb

Encouragement of Climb 2013


Aoi prefers indoor hobbies and is afraid of heights, but her childhood friend Hinata loves to show off her passion for mountain climbing. As young children they once watched the sunrise from the top of a mountain, and now they've decided to take up mountain climbing in hopes of seeing that sunrise again. They have cooking battles with mountaineering gear, climb small hills in their neighborhood, and meet new mountaineering friends as they learn the ropes of the hobby. When will they finally see that sunrise again?



Everest 2014


group of students enrol in the Nehru Institute of Mountaineering, in Uttarkashi, for undergoing training to climb Mount Everest. Anjali Singh Rawat, who feels neglected by her father, wishes to win his love by fulfilling his dream of climbing Everest. Aakash Joshi is a videographer, who is to make a documentary on Arjun Sabharwal's expedition to Everest. As the plot proceeds a relationship between Anjali and Aakash fruitions


Reel Rock

Reel Rock 2010


Every fall the REEL ROCK Film Tour brings the year's most exciting new climbing films to live audiences around the world. For 2010, the tour features six amazing short films, with stories from the cutting edge of alpine climbing, bouldering, sport climbing, and traditional climbing.


Les Coulisses De L'Exploit

Les Coulisses De L'Exploit 1970


"Les Coulisses De L'Exploit" was a French television program of sports information created by Jacques Goddet and Raymond Marcillac, and broadcast on RTF Television then on the first channel of the ORTF from December 13, 1961 to August 16, 1972. The principle of this program is to report on sports news but also to meet men and women performing exceptional feats. According to Raymond Marcillac: "Competitive sport is not our only field of action. It never has been. We want to discover beings whose life is enriching, exhilarating; men who have accomplished acts that can be offered to our admiration without reluctance."


Tartarino sulle Alpi

Tartarino sulle Alpi 1968


Tartarin sur les Alpes is a novel written by the French writer Alphonse Daudet in 1885. It is the second part of a trilogy which also includes Tartarin de Tarascon (published in 1885) and Porto Tarascona (published in 1890). Seeing his position as president of the Alpine Club of Tarascon threatened because of his fellow citizen Costecalde, who questions his abilities as a mountaineer, Tartarin travels to the Bernese Alps to accomplish a memorable feat. In 1968, a television transposition of Tartarino sulle Alpi was broadcast by Rai, directed by Edmo Fenoglio, with Tino Buazzelli as the protagonist. The series was broadcast between 06/09/968 and 09/27/1968.


Les Carnets De L'Aventure

Les Carnets De L'Aventure 1977


Les Carnets de l'Aventure is a cult French television program of adventure and extreme sports documentaries broadcast on Saturday afternoons on Antenne 2 (France 2) between 1980 and 1989. At the beginning of the 80s, in full transformation of mountain activities into high level sports, Les Carnets de L'Aventure revealed from to the country that invented alpinism to the whole world the "French-Touch" of these talents of the new approach to the mountains and its new disciplines. Patrick Edlinger and solo free climbing with the film La Vie au Bout des Doigts, directed by Jean-Paul Janssen in 1982. But also his brother in arms Patrick Berhault, Christophe Profit in the solo ascent of Les Drus, the trilogies of Jean-Marc Boivin in hang-gliding, the Himalayan expoits of Marc Batard but also those of Patrick Gabarrou, opener of routes in the Alps and elsewhere, Patrick Vallencant and his extreme skiing, Paul-Émile Victor and many others...


First On The Rope

First On The Rope 1999


Chamonix in the 1930s was a resort where a cosmopolitan, fashionable and sporting society thronged, in search of novelties and thrills found in mountaineering. These people rub shoulders with the Chamoniards but do not meet except on the trails of Mont-Blanc. The accident of Joseph, the patriarch of Servettaz, guides from generation to generation, marked the spirits. It is his son Zian who decides to take up the torch. Married to Bianca, the daughter of the wealthy Milanese industrialist who was partly responsible for her father's death, Zian lives out her great love story - a threesome - with the mountain always remaining the most demanding mistress. Tired of the agonizing expectations and loneliness during her husband's ascents, Bianca returns to Italy, Zian joins her, but society life is not his world, he returns to Chamonix. During an outing in the mountains, Zian falls into a crevasse. Bianca, alerted by a presentiment, returns to the one she loves above all...


Al Filo De Lo Imposible

Al Filo De Lo Imposible 1982


Al Filo De Lo Imposible is a documentary series, broadcast on the second Spanish channel, with the theme of adventure and exploration of wild and extreme places on Earth, such as climbing peaks over 8,000 meters, exploring the polar ice caps, free-flying crossings, scuba diving, etc. This series, which includes more than two hundred documentaries whose first program was broadcast in January 1982, under the title "Dimension 8000", is the only television program that has filmed the 14 peaks over 8,000 meters high that exist on the planet, as well as the three poles (the North Pole, the South Pole and Everest).



Hillary 2016


The life of the legendary mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary, from his lonely childhood, to the man he became - Hillary the climber - a man that conquered Mt Everest, a man loved by a nation.


First Ascent

First Ascent 2010


First Ascent is Sender Films' groundbreaking 6-part series that takes you to the cutting edge of adventure. Produced over two years on five continents, First Ascent follows the greatest climbers to majestic locations around the globe on their quests to redefine what is possible in the mountains.


Ultimate Survival: Everest

Ultimate Survival: Everest 2004


Everest veteran Ben Webster leads a group of climbers through every aspect of a daring summit attempt. This is the ultimate reality program that explores the trials of a team climbing the world's highest mountain. And, for the first time ever, feature footage will be shot from the perspective of each climber. Four climbers, four cameras. Who will make it to the top? Who will survive?