Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups 2015


Det var en gång en ung prins vars far, Kungen av Öst, sände honom till Egypten för att söka efter en pärla. När prinsen anlände erbjöd folket honom något att dricka. När han hade druckit upp hade han glömt att han var son till en kung och att han skulle leta efter pärlan och föll i djup sömn. Ricks pappa brukade läsa den här sagan för honom när han var pojke. Vägen mot öst ligger framför honom. Kommer han ge sig av?


Vanilla Sky

Vanilla Sky 2001


David Aames är en ung, snygg förlagspamp med gott om pengar som kan få allt han önskar. Ändå verkar det som om något saknas i Davids liv. En kväll träffar han sin drömkvinna Sofia och tror sig ha funnit den pusselbit som fattades. Men ett ödesdigert möte med den svartsjuka älskarinnan Julie vänder upp och ner på Davids tillvaro och skickar in honom i ett kaos av romantik, sex, misstänksamhet och drömmar.



Windfall 2022


En man gör inbrott i en teknikmiljardärs tomma semesterhem, men det hela går snett när den stolta affärsmannen och hans fru anländer.



Sundown 2022


Neil Bennett, hans syster Alice och hennes barn är på lyxsemester i Mexiko. Vistelsen får dock ett abrupt slut när de nås av dåliga nyheter hemifrån. På flygplatsen säger Neil att han har glömt sitt pass på hotellet - en lögn som blir upptakten till ett familjedrama helt utanför ramarna ...


The Disaster Artist

The Disaster Artist 2017


Greg Sesteros stora dröm är att bli skådespelare. I en teaterklass träffar han den excentriske och mystiske outsidern Tommy Wiseau. De blir snabbt kompisar och bestämmer sig för att förverkliga sin dröm - ta över Hollywood och slå igenom som skådespelare. The Disaster Artist bygger på en verklig historia och tar oss med bakom kulisserna av The Room – kultfilmen som har uppmärksammats stort för att vara den bästa sämsta film som någonsin gjorts.


Min fru har en fästman

Min fru har en fästman 1937


De äkta makarna Lucy och Jerry betvivlar varandras trohet. De tar ut skilsmässa och börjar träffa nya bekanskaper. På något sätt tycks de ständigt förstöra för varandras kommande lycka. Kanske fungerar de bäst tillsammans trots allt...


Bringing Up Bobby

Bringing Up Bobby 2011


Olive Younger är en europeisk skönhet som i åratal jagat den amerikanska drömmen och på kuppen blivit en expert inom bondfångeri. Nu har hon bestämt sig för att lägga den kriminella karriären på hyllan och påbörja ett laglydigt liv med sin 10-årige son Bobby, men när lagens långa arm hinner ikapp separeras dem och sonen adopteras bort till ett välbärgat par. Hur ska hon få tillbaka Bobby?


Rags to Riches

Rags to Riches 1987


Rags to Riches is an American musical comedy drama series that was broadcast on NBC for two seasons from 1987 to 1988. Set in the 1960s, the series tells the story of Nick Foley, a self-made millionaire who adopts five orphan girls. Each episode included music videos of hit songs from the era sung by the cast integrated into the plot.


The Philanthropist

The Philanthropist 2009


The title character, Teddy Rist (portrayed by James Purefoy), is a billionaire playboy haunted by the death of his only child. His life changes when he rescues a young boy during a hurricane in Nigeria. As a result, Rist begins using his fortune to personally change the lives of others.[4] The Philanthropist is based loosely on the life of Bobby Sager.[5] The Philanthropist is an American action drama series that premiered on NBC on Wednesday, June 24, 2009. The program was a limited summer series, principally filmed in South Africa. It opened to strong ratings, but saw a drop in viewers in subsequent weeks. The Philanthropist is a Carnival Films production in association with The Levinson/Fontana Company and Original Media. Tom Fontana, Barry Levinson, Peter Horton, Charlie Corwin, Gareth Neame, and Teri Weinberg served as executive producers.



Porkpie 1995


Porkpie was a British sitcom on Channel 4 television starring Ram John Holder as Augustus "Porkpie" Grant. It was a spinoff from Desmond's. Porkpie kept several key characters from Desmond's and in the first episode Grant was seen standing outside the barbershop Desmond used to run, saying: "Desmond, since you died it hasn't stopped raining. I know how much you used to say it can rain in England, and it's true. Must be one of two things: either a thousand angels weeping for you, or you having a good drink up in heaven and you spilling it all over the place."


Our Love

Our Love 2013


Some relationships are put to the test in the most painful ways. Zhong Keke meets Tang Shaolei by accident when she ends up saving him from a street fight. Although Keke suspects that Shaolei is a materialistic man, she falls in love with him anyway.


J.J. Starbuck

J.J. Starbuck 1987


J.J. Starbuck is an American crime drama series that aired on NBC from September 1987 to June 1988. The series follows cornpone-spouting Jerome Jeremiah "J.J." Starbuck, a billionaire Texan who wears ten-gallon hats, cowboy boots and fancy western shirts. He drives a flashy limousine with steer horns on the hood and a horn that plays "The Eyes of Texas," and spouts a steady stream of folksy homilies.


Lord of the Mysteries

Lord of the Mysteries 2025


With the rising tide of steam power and machinery, who can come close to being a Beyonder? Shrouded in the fog of history and darkness, who or what is the lurking evil that murmurs into our ears? Waking up to be faced with a string of mysteries, Zhou Mingrui finds himself reincarnated as Klein Moretti in an alternate Victorian era world where he sees a world filled with machinery, cannons, dreadnoughts, airships, difference machines, as well as Potions, Divination, Hexes, Tarot Cards, Sealed Artifacts… The Light continues to shine but mystery has never gone far. Follow Klein as he finds himself entangled with the Churches of the world—both orthodox and unorthodox—while he slowly develops newfound powers thanks to the Beyonder potions. Like the corresponding tarot card, The Fool, which is numbered 0—a number of unlimited potential—this is the legend of “The Fool”.


Mizo's Story

Mizo's Story 1977


Mo'ataz Abu Al-Ezz, famously known as Mizo, is a reckless playboy who inherited a fortune from his father, but he squanders it on his parties and girls until he goes bankrupt. He accidentally meets Nafisa, the naive rich girl, and tries to make her fall for him to get to her fortune.


In Love with Eyes of an Ugly Girl

In Love with Eyes of an Ugly Girl 2019


With a high salary and a beautiful girlfriend, one would expect Osamu to be the envy of all around him. Yet there is something missing in his life. On the other end of the spectrum, 25-year-old Ota Miyuki works part-time at a ramen restaurant while trying to fulfill her dreams of becoming an actress. Though her parents may have named her Miyuki with the intention of her being beautiful and happy, the reality is she is ugly – ugly enough for her parents to worry over her future. Miyuki herself, though she hates it, is also quite aware of this fact. This is where Osamu and Miyuki meet. Shocked by Miyuki's pure and fresh personality, he is drawn to her, but...