Livet är underbart

Livet är underbart 1946


George Bailey står på en bro på julafton och överväger att ta sitt liv. En ängel vid namn Clarence har fått i uppdrag att hjälpa George och därmed bli en fullfjädrad ängel. Clarence får en genomgång av Georges liv där det framgår hur mycket han har kämpat för sin hemstad och för sina vänner. När de så möts och George önskar att han aldrig blivit född tar Clarence med George tillbaka till stan för att visa hur det skulle vara om han inte funnits. När George till slut återvänder till den riktiga världen med insikten att det trots allt är värt att leva strömmar det in folk för att hjälpa honom och Clarence blir en riktig ängel.


En andra chans

En andra chans 2000


För 13 år sedan reste Jack Campbell till London och lovade sin flickvän Kate att han skulle komma tillbaka om ett år. Idag lever Jack det ljuva livet och har glömt allt om Kate. Men när Jack på julafton möter den mystiske Cash ändras allt. Morgonen efter vaknar Jack upp i en förortsvilla, hans Ferrari har blivit en familjebil, de exklusiva kläderna har bytts ut mot skogshuggarskjortor och han jobbar inte på Wall Street utan på svärfaderns däckfirma. Och bredvid honom i sängen ligger Kate ...


En andra chans

En andra chans 1993


En affärsman återförenas med fyra vilsna själar som var hans skyddsänglar i barndomen - alla med en speciell anledning att vilja fortsätta in i nästa liv.



Always 1989


Steven Spielberg har regisserat det här varma komediäventyret om en våghalsig pilot och hans närmaste omgivning. Peter Sandrich (Richard Dreyfuss) tycker om att leva riskfyllt men hans kvinna Dorinda (Holly Hunter) och hans bäste vän Al (John Goodman) vet att han inte kan fortsätta leva på samma sätt. Efter att ha offrat sig för att rädda Al, står han nu inför sin största utmaning: att hjälpa Dorinda att gå vidare med sitt liv. Storslaget filmat med fantastisk koreografi i luften. I övriga roller ser vi bland annat Brad Johnson och Audrey Hepburn.



Milagro 1988


I Milagro Valley i New Mexico ligger en by där ingenting förändrats på 300 år. När ett storföretag köper upp all mark runt omkring välkomnar byborna initiativet med öppna armar, alla utom en...


A Shoe Addict's Christmas

A Shoe Addict's Christmas 2018


Romantiskt juldrama om Noelle som får nya perspektiv på julen när hon träffar sin skyddsängel som tar med henne på en julresa i tid och rum.


Saving Grace

Saving Grace 2007


Grace Hanadarko is a tormented, fast-living Oklahoma City police detective who, despite having an excellent career in solving crimes, takes self-destruction to new heights. After seeing tremendous tragedy, both professionally and personally, Grace reaches a turning point one night and meets a rough-hewn angel with a similar past who wants to help lead her back to the right path.


All Dogs Go To Heaven: The Series

All Dogs Go To Heaven: The Series 1996


All Dogs Go to Heaven: The Series is an animated television series which aired from 1996 to 1998 in syndication and on the Fox Family Channel from 1998 to 1999, with 41 half-hour episodes produced in total. It aired on Cartoon Network in 1999 to 2000. It was produced by MGM Animation and was distributed by Claster Television. Don Bluth’s 1989 animated feature All Dogs Go to Heaven featured a roguish German Shepherd named Charlie who died, went to heaven, conned his way back to Earth for vengeance on his killer Carface and then found redemption through a little orphaned girl named Ann-Marie. The film was popular with audiences, spawning a sequel, All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 and this animated series. The theme song for the series is "A Little Heaven", written by Lorraine Feather and Mark Watters. The singers were Gene Miller of Nashville, Clydene Jackson-Edwards and Carmen Twillie. Most of the voice actors from the feature films reprised their roles in the series, including Dom DeLuise, Ernest Borgnine, Charles Nelson Reilly, Bebe Neuwirth, Sheena Easton and Adam Wylie. Steven Weber provided the voice of Charlie B. Barkin, who was voiced in the films by Burt Reynolds and Charlie Sheen.


Tensou Sentai Goseiger

Tensou Sentai Goseiger 2010


The alien invasion force called Warstar destroy the Heaven’s Tower, the bridge between the Earth and the Gosei World, home of the Gosei Angels. Five apprentice Gosei Angels who happened to be on the Earth transform into Goseiger and fight to defend the Earth.


Teen Angel

Teen Angel 1997


When Marty DePolo dies after eating a six-month-old hamburger, he is chosen to be his best friend's guardian angel.


Casper And The Angels

Casper And The Angels 1979


Casper and the Angels is a 30-minute Saturday morning animated series produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions and aired for one season on NBC. Casper the Friendly Ghost was a guardian angel for two female motorcycle space cops named Minnie and Maxie in the year 2179. They were joined by a rambunctious ghost named Hairy Scary, who would scare villains and troublemakers, but unlike most other ghosts, was accepting of the fact that Casper was a gentle ghost who did not like to scare people. The show was apparently Hanna-Barbera's second attempt to cash in on the popularity of Charlie's Angels, the first being Captain Caveman and the Teen Angels. Twenty-six 15-minute segments shown as thirteen 30-minute episodes were produced, as well as two 1979 television specials: Casper's Halloween Special and Casper's First Christmas.The show was shown on Cartoon Network and Boomerang for a few years.



Shimobee 2022


Yurina, a mystified high school girl, casually downloaded a mysterious app. Since then, whenever Yurina is in trouble, a silent, mysterious old man servant appears and helps her! Adapted from the manga "Shimobee" (しもべえ) by Murata Hiroyuki (村田ひろゆき).


Angel from Hell

Angel from Hell 2016


When over-the-top Amy enters Allison’s organized but imperfect life and claims to be her guardian angel, they form an unlikely friendship and Allison can’t be sure if Amy is actually an angel or just nuts.


The Secret Angel

The Secret Angel 2012


An angel called L accidentally saves Han Si Yeong, who was meant to die, when she gives him her necklace. Now it's her mission to live on earth and protect Si Yeong for 100 days, while an angel of death tries to manipulate him into taking his own life. If she fails, she'll be banished from heaven forever and stranded without her powers. However, the more time the angels spend on earth, the more human they become, and with that come human feelings.


Kara: Secret Love

Kara: Secret Love 2014


"Secret Love" is written as an Omnibus Mini-Series consisting of 5 episodes, focusing on the ups-and-downs of love relationships such as a first love, breakups, secret crushes, etc. Each episode features a member of the girl group KARA, teamed up with a leading man. "Secret Love" will be produced in advance, then be aired in Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan and other Asian countries.


Kor Pen Jaosao Suk Krung Hai Cheun Jai

Kor Pen Jaosao Suk Krung Hai Cheun Jai 2015


Wiwa has a wedding shop, but has never been a bride though she longs to be one. When an accident lands her in a popular celebrity's body, is this a chance to make her dreams come true?