Life 2017
En grupp astronauter ombord på den internationella rymdstationen ISS hittar tecken på utomjordiskt liv från Mars, men problemen hopar sig när upptäckten visar sig vara långt farligare än de trott.
En grupp astronauter ombord på den internationella rymdstationen ISS hittar tecken på utomjordiskt liv från Mars, men problemen hopar sig när upptäckten visar sig vara långt farligare än de trott.
Efter att en planlöst drivande satellit kraschar nära en avlägsen by i New Mexico upptäcker räddningspatrullen att alla invånare i samhället, utom, konstigt nog, ett spädbarn och en gammal hemlös man, har gått en fruktansvärd död till mötes. De överlevande förs till ett underjordiskt högteknologiskt laboratorium där förbryllade vetenskapsmän slåss mot tiden för att fastställa vad det är för typ av utomjordiskt dödligt virus som satelliten burit med sig, innan det sprider sig över världen.
Ultraman Leo is an Ultra foreign to the Land of Light, instead hailing from the fallen Planet L77 of the Leo constellation, where he and his brother Astra were royalty. After his planet was destroyed by Alien Magma and his twin Giras kaiju, Leo traveled to Earth, intending to make it a second home. While there, he blended into human society as Gen Ohtori, and became a gym instructor at a fitness club for children. But, when the Alien Magma that destroyed L77 came to conquer Earth, he was forced to take action. Leo met Ultraseven during his initial fight against Alien Magma, and became the first Ultra Crusader of Earth to not hail from the Land of Light. Unlike most of the previous Ultras to visit Earth, Leo's fighting style specializes in martial arts giving him far greater physical abilities than any other known Ultras. Despite his foreign origins, he, along with Astra, were readily accepted into the pantheon of the Ultra Brothers. During his tenure on Earth, Leo and Seven became very close, and it was for this reason that Seven would eventually entrust the training of his son Ultraman Zero to Leo and Astra.
Yapool, an ancient interdimensional race of beings tries to conquer the Planet Earth with his army of monsters, called Terrible-Monsters. The newest member of the Ultra Brothers, Ultraman Ace, arrives on Earth to aid humanity in the battle against Yapool. Touched by the sacrifices of Seiji Hokuto and Yuko Minami, he revives them and grants them the Ultra Rings, which allows them to transform into Ultraman Ace in times of need.
Josh Gates sets off on the most extraordinary expedition of his career. He'll journey over 50,000 miles to four continents to tackle mankind's greatest question: Are we alone in the universe?
With mounting evidence that aliens exist, the compelling clues and testimonies that support this claim often come from the same sites on our planet. Why is that? Alien Corridors seeks to answer this question in a gripping, investigative documentary series that decodes this evidence of world’s hotspots of intergalactic visitation, and attempts to explain what extraterrestrial life is doing here.
Fifty million stars in our galaxy have the potential of supporting life forms capable of traveling to other planets, says world-renowned authority Erich von Daniken, whose film version of his best-selling book, CHARIOTS OF THE GODS, gives stunning visual proof that some form of life from outer space landed on Earth centuries ago. Just what they did here and the influences they left behind is the core of the film. Although this controversial film may provide the answers to age old mysteries, it may be the beginning of an entirely new set of questions. Germany, 1972, Color, 90 minutes, English Language.