Bron till Terabitia

Bron till Terabitia 2007


För tioåriga Jess är livet en lång kamp. Han är utanför i skolan, hans föräldrar har inte råd att köpa det nyaste och häftigaste leksakerna till honom och Janice från åttonde klass är ständigt ute efter honom. Men så en dag flyttar tjejen Leslie in i huset bredvid och hon är också annorlunda och utanför. De blir snabbt vänner och börjar utforska skogarna runt om deras hus. Tillsammans skapar de ett vidunderligt fantasiland som de kallar Terabitia där de bekämpar gnomer, jättar och andra fantasimonster. I Terabitia klarar de allt, och plötsligt är vardagens problem inte längre oövervinneliga. Men det största äventyret av alla väntar fortfarande på Jess…


Till vildingarnas land

Till vildingarnas land 2009


Filmen berättar historien om Max, en oregerlig och känslig pojke som känner sig missförstådd och som rymmer hemifrån till Vildingarnas Land. Max landar på en ö där han möter mystiska och besynnerliga varelser vars känslor är lika vilda och oförutsägbara som deras handlingar. Vildingarna längtar desperat efter en ledare som kan guida dem, precis som Max längtar efter ett kungadöme att härska över...


Mona the Vampire

Mona the Vampire 1999


Mona the Vampire is a Canadian/French animated television series based on the series Robyn le Vampire, directed by Louis Piché and Jean Caillon, originally based on the short stories created and written Sonia Holleyman and later written by Hiawyn Oram. It is mainly shown on YTV, Radio-Canada, VRAK.TV, CBBC and Cartoon Network Poland. The series follows the extraordinary adventures of 10-year-old Mona Parker and her friends as they battle a new foe of the supernatural in every episode. The show was produced in Montreal by Cinar, in association with Alphanim, Fancy Cape Productions, Agogo Media and Tiji.


Mundo da Lua

Mundo da Lua 1991


The show features Lucas Silva e Silva, a boy who earns a recorder from his paternal grandfather, Orlando, at the age of 10. Amid the typical problems of moving from childhood to adolescence, Lucas creates stories on the tape recorder from how he would like things to be. He lives at his grandfather's house with his parents, Rogerio, a teacher who works out for three jobs and Carolina, who works in a boutique; the older sister, Juliana; and maid Rosa, who dates Marcelo and talks to broadcaster Ney Nunes on her radio.


Being Ian

Being Ian 2005


Being Ian is a Canadian animated series produced by Studio B Productions, Corus Entertainment and Nelvana, focusing on 12-year-old Ian Kelley, who aspires to become a filmmaker. It originally aired from January 1, 2005 to April 22, 2007. The series is created by and based on the early life of actor/writer Ian James Corlett. It is set in the city of Burnaby, British Columbia. Produced in 2004, it debuted January 4, 2005 on YTV. The series aired in the United States on Qubo from September 19, 2009 - October 24, 2009.



Wishbone 1995


Wishbone is a children's television show. The show's title character is a Jack Russell Terrier of the same name. Wishbone lives with his owner Joe Talbot in the fictional modern town of Oakdale, Texas. He daydreams about being the lead character of stories from classic literature He was known as "the little dog with a big imagination". Only the viewers and the characters in his daydreams can hear Wishbone speak. The characters from his daydreams see Wishbone as whatever famous character he is currently portraying and not as a dog.


The Wayne Manifesto

The Wayne Manifesto 1997


The Wayne Manifesto is an Australian children's television series that aired on the ABC in 1996. Based on the children's books by David McRobbie, it is centred around the life 12-year-old Wayne Wilson, showing the world both as the way he would like it and the way it really is. Filmed in Brisbane, Australia, it aired most weekdays in the afternoon at 4pm on the ABC.