Nyckelord Roman Catholic Church
Alice, Sweet Alice 1976
12-åriga Alice Spages är väldigt avundsjuk på sin syster Karen som är omtyckt av alla. Men en dag mördas Karen brutalt av en okänd figur som bär en dockmask. Efter ett andra mord är Alice den huvudmisstänkta. Men är det verkligen hon eller någon som vill sätta dit henne?
Fiskarens skor 1968
The Catholics 1973
The Reluctant Saint 1962
The Lost Tribe 2009
Hexenkinder 2020
Sur les pas de Marie 2022
Marching to Zion 2015
Leopard Vision Vol.1 2015
Rocky Road to Dublin 1968
Don Stanislao 2020
Padre Pio 1968
God's Daughters 2014
Revelation 2020
In a world television first, Revelation takes cameras into the criminal trials of notorious Catholic priests accused of sex crimes against children. Through a series of extraordinary interviews filmed during the trials, Revelation uncovers the secret lives and motivations of some of the most reviled men of modern times. How does a man of God become a predator of children? Revelation culminates in the Vatican with the story of a high ranking Cardinal accused of abusing boys in an orphanage in Australia. Across three compelling episodes Revelation presents the deepest portrayal of the culture and system that protected perpetrators of heinous crimes against children.
Religious biographies 1970
A series of about twenty movies about religious matters. (Holy orders, lives of Saints, Marian Shrines etc.) They all last 52 minutes. By Armand Isnard.