Den of Thieves: Pantera

Den of Thieves: Pantera 2025


Big Nick är tillbaka på jakt efter Donnie i Europa. Donnie har blivit indragen i den förrädiska och oförutsägbara världen av diamanttjuvar och den ökända Panther-maffian, som planerar en stor kupp mot världens största diamantbörs.


Black Lotus

Black Lotus 2023


En före detta kommandosoldat använder sina färdigheter från militären i en solo-insats för att rädda sin väns dotter från ett brottssyndikat i Amsterdam.


Untamed Royals

Untamed Royals 2024


En grupp rika tonåringar begår brott som eskalerar från oskyldigt småbus till allvarligare dåd, vilket får kaotiska konsekvenser – för andra än dem själva.


American History X

American History X 1998


I Los Angeles gängland där rasism och nynazism har starka fästen bröderna Derek och Danny Vineyard mister sin far, en polis som blir mördad i ett skottdrama med svarta inblandade. Sorgen och hatet pressar den verbalt begåvade Derek mot radikala handlingar och han blir snart den karismatiske ledaren för en nynazistisk rörelse. Den yngre brodern Danny, som desperat söker en fadersgestalt, anammar blint Dereks ideologier. Ett skottdrama med dödlig utgång blir den slutlig vändpunkten för den splittrade familjen. Derek döms till tre års fängelse.


The Kill Room

The Kill Room 2023


En konsthandlare hamnar mitt i en härva av lönnmord och penningtvätt vilket gör att hon måste spela de inblandade parterna i både konstvärlden och undre världen mot varandra.



M 1931


En hel tysk stad terroriseras av en patologisk barnmördare. Oron växer för varje mord och polisen söker utan framgång efter mördaren, genomför razzior och slår hårt ner mot den undre världen. Ledarna för de kriminella gängen träffas och slår fast att mördaren inte bara är ohygglig, utan även dålig för affärerna. De bestämmer sig därför för att själva leta reda på mördaren och stoppa honom.


De feta åren är förbi

De feta åren är förbi 2004


Tre unga människor vill förändra världen och gör nattliga räder i rika människors hus. De stjäl ingenting men möblerar om för att skapa oro och lämnar lappar efter sig med varningar om att husets ägare kan börja räkna sina sötebrödsdagar.


The Menendez Brothers

The Menendez Brothers 2024


Lyle och Erik Menendez, som dömdes till livstids fängelse för mord på sina föräldrar, talar ut i denna dokumentär som undersöker det chockerande brottet och rättegången.



Estômago 2007


I en hund-äter-hund-värld har Raimundo Nonato hittat ett alternativt sätt att gå vidare: han lagar mat. Oavsett vilka sociala skikt denna bedrägligt oskyldiga unge man lever i, finslipar han sina färdigheter och slipar sina knivar – och sedan blir han kär. Jorges kvicka komiska fabel tillhandahåller en smart konstruerad gastronomisk allegori för ambition och överlevnad.


Crimewatch Live

Crimewatch Live 2009


Crimewatch hits the streets of Britain to appeal for help with unsolved cases.



FBI 2018


The New York office of the FBI brings to bear all their talents, intellect and technical expertise on major cases in order to keep their city and the country safe.


Batang Quiapo

Batang Quiapo 2023


A young man rises to be one of the biggest outlaws in the neighborhood while he navigates his way in life to survive in Quiapo. Hoping to earn the affection of his parents, his feat draws him closer to the truth about his identity.


City Hunter

City Hunter 1987


Ryo Saeba works the streets of Tokyo as the City Hunter. He's a "sweeper" and with his sidekick Kaori Makimura, he keeps the city clean. People hire the City Hunter to solve their dangerous problems, which he does with a Colt Python. When Ryo's not working on a case, he's working on getting the ladies, and Kaori must keep him in check with her trusty 10 kg hammer.


Top Boy

Top Boy 2019


Two seasoned drug dealers return to the gritty street of London, but their pursuit of money and power is threatened by a young and ruthless hustler.



Barry 2018


A listless hitman is enthralled by theatre acting and becomes eager to leave his old life behind in pursuit of a new career.


Infernal Affairs

Infernal Affairs 2023


During the 1944 Wang Jingwei regime of the 2nd Sino-Japanese War, Lu Feng, an orphan, returns home to Shanghai after studying for two years in Japan. Unbeknownst to the world, he has been ordered to enter the No. 76 Headquarters as an undercover agent for the Communist Party. Along the way, Lu Feng encounters the mysterious Hua Xiang Yu, a capable and skilled woman who has just returned from studying abroad in America, and his old childhood friend, Huo Fei. Both individuals seem to hold secrets of their own. Time and time again, as Lu Feng strives to protect his undercover identity, he finds himself on the opposite side of Hua Xiang Yu. Slowly and uncertainly, the two circle around each other, each hoping to uncover the other's real purpose. In this time of chaos where corruption and violence dominate the world, these underground agents, can only choose to fight for what they believe is right... and, hopefully, bring about a more peaceful tomorrow.


Hound's Hill

Hound's Hill 2025


A successful and renowned novelist — haunted by trauma and a mysterious blackmailer — returns to his hometown to reckon with his unresolved past.


Joe Pickett

Joe Pickett 2021


A game warden and his family navigate the changing political and socio-economic climate in a small rural town in Wyoming on the verge of economic collapse. Surrounded by rich history and vast wildlife, the township hides decades of schemes and secrets that are yet to be uncovered.



Thriller 1973


Thriller is a British television series, originally broadcast in the UK from 1973 to 1976. It is an anthology series: each episode has a self-contained story and its own cast. As the title suggests, each story is a thriller of some variety, from tales of the supernatural to down-to-earth whodunits.



Sidestreet 1975


Sidestreet was a Canadian television drama, which aired Sundays on CBC from 1975 to 1978. It starred Sean McCann and Donnelly Rhodes as police working the mean streets of 1970s Toronto. The producers of "Sidestreet:" wanted to feature community service officers instead of ordinary detectives. They aimed to concentrate on issues such as blockbusting, strikebreaking, rape, poverty, and the problems of the elderly in the city, instead of major crimes.


Killer Soup

Killer Soup 2024


Swathi dreams of owning a restaurant. But when a murder derails her plan, she and her lover take an outrageous step — to replace him with her husband.


In the Nick of Time

In the Nick of Time 2005


Five people, strangers to each other, are in the wrong place at the wrong time. They witness a murder and from then on an endless tangle of adventures begins for them. Dalia, Zoumboulia, Spyros, Fotis, Angela... unite in a group, draw strength from each other and aim to deliver justice in an old and dark case... Through dangers and upheavals they will manage to reach in the truth of the case but also their own, personal truth.


Believe: A Bridge to You

Believe: A Bridge to You 2024


This series, produced to commemorate the 65th anniversary of TV Asahi, tells the story of Riku Kariyama, an architectural designer passionate about bridge construction. He faces an unexpected difficulty of being imprisoned, but he never gives up, continuously searching for a path of hope and rebirth. The intricate suspense and heart-pounding, stirring human stories intertwine, weaving a grand drama.


RoOT - Route of OddTaxi -

RoOT - Route of OddTaxi - 2024


The hardened veteran detective Rena and bright-eyed rookie Sato take on a menial investigation. The job goes well until a thug named Dobu steals their evidence. Disheartened, they take a job looking into the life of a taxi driver named Odokawa in hopes of redeeming themselves. They wind up in the middle of a missing girl case, with gangsters, aspiring students, and surprises around every corner.


Fereshteh's Sin

Fereshteh's Sin 2023


Fire is not a bad thing, it burns the excess, something that remains will remain!