
Trainspotting 1996


För Renton och hans polare från Edinburghs arbetarklass finns det två sätt att existera. Att vara helt hög. Eller att försöka bli helt hög. Men vad händer om en i gänget bestämmer sig för att sluta? Från regissören Danny Boyle och hans filmteam från Shallow Grave kommer en strid ström av språkstilar och berättarkonst som växlar mellan att vara kul, fasansfull, fantasifullt förvrängd, skarpt realistiskt och extremt tragiskt. Ewan McGregor spelar "till-och-från"-missbrukaren Renton, filmens berättare. Han kanske aldrig kommer att kliva av berg-och-dalbanan som han hoppat på. Vissa säger at han antagligen kommer att bäras därifrån. Men vi kan njuta av denna vilda åktur på filmduken - och sedan promenera iväg.


The Girl Who Leapt Through Time

The Girl Who Leapt Through Time 2006


17-åriga Makoto Konno får av en slump förmågan att hoppa bakåt i tiden. Hon bestämmer sig direkt för att utnyttja tidsresandet till att bättra på betygen och radera ut diverse tråkigheter. Men som vi alla vet manipulerar man inte ostraffat tiden. En toppenfilm med figurdesign av Yoshiyuki Sadamoto (Neon Genesis Evangelion) och design av medlemmar i Studio Ghibli. För regin står Mamoru Hosoda.


Katternas rike

Katternas rike 2002


Haru är en blyg, lite klumpig, flicka som räddar livet på en kattprins. Som belöning får hon tillträde till Katternas rike där hon motviligt börjar förvandlas till katt samtidigt som hon ska giftas bort med prinsen. Nu är det upp till hennes nyfunna vänner Toto, Baronen och Muta att hjälpa henne fly innan förvandlingen är helt klar.


Den lilla prinsessan

Den lilla prinsessan 1995


När hennes far tar värvning i den brittiska armén under andra världskriget åker den unga Sara till New York för att studera på samma internatskola där hennes mor tidigare gått. Hon blir snabbt populär bland de andra studenterna men kommer i konflikt med rektorn som nervärderar henne och försöker krossa hennes kreativitet och självkänsla. När hon sedan får nyhet om sin faders död tvingas hon till ett liv som tjänarinna. Nu behandlad som en lägre stående person av sina förra vänner, blir hon vän med de andra tjänarna och gör sitt bäst för att hålla hoppet och modet uppe.


Down a Dark Hall

Down a Dark Hall 2018


Kit Gordy är en ny student på en exklusiv internatskola, där hon konfronterar institutionens övernaturliga och mörka krafter.


Swing Girls

Swing Girls 2004


Några tjejer ger, av misstag, skolans band skämd mat och alla i bandet utom en blir matförgiftade. Nu måste de helt omusikaliska tjejerna själva ta över och delta i en talangjakt.



K-12 2019



Det sista offret

Det sista offret 2007


För 15 år sedan dödades Dianas bästa vän när en ensam gärningsman sköt ihjäl flera ungdomar på en skola. Nu lever Diana ett stilla familjeliv, men då årsdagen av den tragiska händelsen närmar sig rivs de traumatiska minnena upp, samtidigt som kusligt oförklarliga saker börjar ske omkring henne.



Tart 2001




Overflow 2020


Male college student Kazushi Sudou and his childhood friends, the Shirakawa sisters, end up bathing together.


Soul Eater Not!

Soul Eater Not! 2014


Ding-dong! Dead-dong! Class is about to begin, and you don't want to be late on your first day of school! Join Tsugumi Harudori in the "NOT" class at Death Weapon Meister Academy, a school dedicated to training transforming weapons like Tsugumi and the meisters who will wield them. Many "NOT" (Normally Overcome Target) students aspire to join the elite "EAT" (Especially Advantaged Talent) class. But it may take Tsugumi some time to find her confidence-- and a partner -- at this crazy school!



Ranetki 2008


This is a story about five schoolgirls, about their destinies, first loves, disappointments and dramas.


Puella Magi Madoka Magica

Puella Magi Madoka Magica 2011


She has a loving family and best friends, laughs and cries from time to time... Madoka Kaname, an eighth grader of Mitakihara middle school, is one of those who lives such a life. One day, she had a very magical encounter. She doesn't know if it happened by chance or by fate yet. This is a fateful encounter that can change her destiny. This is a beginning of the new story of the magical witch girls.


Who Sleeps My Bro

Who Sleeps My Bro 2016


The movie follows a group of freshmen in college as they navigate through the wild days of friendship, pranks, and love. ~~ Based on the song written about friendship growing apart after college.


Kill la Kill

Kill la Kill 2013


Honnouji Academy is forcefully ruled by the iron-fisted control of its student council and its president, Satsuki Kiryuin. Transfer student, Ryuko Matoi, arrives on campus carrying a giant sword, that is actually half of a scissor. She is looking for the woman who holds the other half of her sword who killed her father. It is said that Satsuki Kiryuin knows the identity of the killer but when Ryuko confronts her she is beaten by the student council and their powerful "Goku Uniforms" whom she cannot match in strength. However, once Ryuko receives her own "Kamui" by the name of Senketsu, the odds are lifted in her favor.


The Honor at Magic High School

The Honor at Magic High School 2021


A century has passed since magic - true magic, the stuff of legends - has returned to the world. It is spring, the season of new beginnings, and a new class of students is about to begin their studies at the First National Magic University Affiliated High School, nickname: First High. It follows the events of the original series as seen through the eyes of Shiba Miyuki, Tatsuya's sister. The life of an honor student comes with a lot of expectations...and unexpected hidden feelings?!


Video Girl Ai

Video Girl Ai 1992


High-school student Yota Moteuchi is so unpopular that his classmates have given him the nickname "Dateless." So it's no surprise when the love of his life, Moemi, is not interested in Yota but instead is in love with Yota's best friend, Takashi. Yota turns to a video rental shop for comfort, but little did he suspect that the shop was magical and that the cute girl on his rented tape would pop out of the television and try to fix his ruined love life!


Towards Zero

Towards Zero 2025


After a scandalous divorce, a tennis star, his ex-wife and a volatile mix of guests converge at a coastal estate. When murder strikes, a troubled detective must unravel the truth.


Yuru Camp△

Yuru Camp△ 2020


This is the story of a winter day. Kagamihara Nadeshiko, a female high school student who moved from Shizuoka to Yamanashi, rode a bicycle to see Mt. Fuji, but unfortunately, the weather was cloudy and Mt. Fuji cannot be seen. Tired, Nadeshiko falls asleep on the spot and wakes up at night. This is her first time going there and she didn't know how to return. Fortunately, Shima Rin, a girl who loves camping, saves her. They lit a bonfire to warm up and the sound of the blazing firewood permeates the silence of the lake.


Wasteful Days of High School Girls

Wasteful Days of High School Girls 2019


One day out of boredom, Tanaka decided to give her classmates nicknames based on their quirks. Her friend Kikuchi became "Ota" for her nerdy interests, and her other friend Saginomiya became "Robo" because of her expressionless personality. In retaliation, her friends decided to name Tanaka "Baka." These are the ridiculous days of three high school friends claiming (or not) the height of their youth.


The Girl's Speech

The Girl's Speech 2015


Haruna Tsubame, an inconspicuous high school girl, is always sensitive to people’s moods and keeps the peace in school. One day, she gets pushed to become the president of the student council by the people around her. Tsubame's encounter with a man who is a genius speechwriter, leads to a revolution in school. She struggles to change a school full of irrationality and dissatisfaction with the power of words.


The Moorside

The Moorside 2017


A two-part drama about the search in 2008 for missing Yorkshire schoolgirl Shannon Matthews.


Sailor Suit Rebel Alliance

Sailor Suit Rebel Alliance 1986


Kokuchou Academy used to be an elite school but it is now a nest of evil. Accordingly, spunky schoolgirls Miho, Yumi, Ruri and Kei form the Sailor Suit Rebel Alliance to eliminate wrongdoers from the school premises, wearing heavy makeup in order to keep their identities hidden.



Moetan 2007


Ink Nijihara is a girl in high school. Unfortunately her crush Nao Tezuka barely recognizes her. To make matters worse, she is very short. Now Ink meets a talking duck and becomes a magical girl that teaches Nao english in disguise.