Den röda filmen

Den röda filmen 1994


Valentine, en ung modell och student, möter en äldre pensionerad domare, av ren tillfällighet när hon kör på hans hund med sin bil. När hon kommer på att han avlyssnar sina grannars telefonsamtal börjar han berätta sitt livs historia, och hennes avsky vänds till fascination och medlidande. Hennes möte med den ensamme domaren som gått vilse i livets labyrint gör att båda kommer till insikt om ett av fundamenten i vårt sociala liv; engagemanget för vår nästa, den sanna innebörden i ordet broderskap.


Banking District

Banking District 2017


Summer 2011: the Swiss financial market is abuzz with the news that Paul Béguelin, the director-general of the private bank Béguelin, was found dead in his office. Is it a case of suicide or score settling? This question is going to haunt his sister Elisabeth. Catapulted to the center stage of the bank, she embarks on an internal investigation. This is the beginning of a long road toward the truth, which will immerse her in the murky mysteries of the bank, her family’s secrets and banking secrecy.


Fatal News

Fatal News 2016


West Germany, 1987. The politician Uwe Barschel (1944-87), member of the Christian Democratic Union party and Minister-President of the Schleswig-Holstein region, is found dead in very sinister circumstances. Reporter David Burger pledges to find the truth behind one of the most important political scandals in German history, investigating countless speculations and conspiracy theories as he fights his own personal demons.