Jill St. John Diamantfeber Spelaren Mrs. Stone: Looking for the Light in All the Dark Corners The Lost World Tony Rome Bond Girls Are Forever Slå på trumman bror Operation Likvidering Who's Minding the Store? Hennes italienske älskare The Concrete Jungle Hämnaren The Oscar The Calling Honeymoon Hotel Mooch Goes to Hollywood Holiday for Lovers Foreign Exchange Summer Love The Spy Killer Who's Been Sleeping in My Bed? The King's Pirate How I Spent My Summer Vacation Northpole The Christmas Carol Fame Is the Name of the Game The Act Decisions! Decisions! The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker Telethon Night of 100 Stars II Banning The Trip Eight on the Lam Something to Believe In Brenda Starr Out There Natalie Wood: What Remains Behind Old Faithful Saga of Sonora Inside 'Diamonds Are Forever' Tender Is the Night Tribute to Desmond Llewelyn The Men Behind the Mayhem: The Special Effects of James Bond Robert Osborne's 20th Anniversary Tribute Rooster James Bond: The First 21 Years Hart to Hart Bob Hope Comedy Special Happy 100th Birthday, Hollywood Magnum Seinfeld Burke's Law Love Boat - Kärlek ombord Batman Dempsey and Makepeace Vega$ Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In The Don Knotts Show Emerald Point N.A.S. Schlitz Playhouse of Stars Matt Houston Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre Den stora dalen Svindlande affärer The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Around the World in 80 Days The Mike Douglas Show The Name of the Game Fantasy Island DuPont Show of the Month J.J. Starbuck Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre Bob Hope Presents the Chrysler Theatre Love Boat - Kärlek ombord Love Boat - Kärlek ombord Love Boat - Kärlek ombord What's My Line? Golden Globe Awards Golden Globe Awards