Hamilton Luske Cavalcade of the Academy Awards Fantasia Lady och Lufsen Pinocchio Askungen Den fredliga draken Musse och Bönstjälken Alice i Underlandet Pongo och de 101 dalmatinerna Det svarta fåret Food Will Win the War Willie the Operatic Whale Pank och fågelfri Tjuren Ferdinand Pacifically Peeking The Goddess of Spring The Litterbug Tre små kissar Fly With Von Drake Elmer elefant Kalle Anka och hjulet Kalle i mattemagikens land Da'n före da'n Den trötta beckasinen King Neptune The Robber Kitten Ben and Me Hans Brinker, or the Silver Skates Pedro Disneyland: U.S.A. Scrooge McDuck and Money How to Catch a Cold Once Upon a Wintertime Trees Fantasy on Skis The Worm Turns Music Land Operation Undersea Babes in the Woods I jultomtens verkstad Father Noah's Ark Lullaby Land Morgonstämning The Pied Piper Contrasts in Rhythm Mickey's Mellerdrammer Spökflygaren Mickey's Gala Premiere Mickey's Elephant Gulliver Mickey The Grasshopper and the Ants Den stora stygga vargen eller Tre små grisar på nya äventyr Och jula vara skall till påska! Vår vän atomen Plutos domedag Who Killed Cock Robin? Peculiar Penguins Sköldpaddan och haren After You've Gone Walt Disney Sagobibliotek - Vol.3 Walt Disney Sagobibliotek - Vol.6 Understanding Stresses and Strains Holiday Time at Disneyland Snövit och de sju dvärgarna Tricks of Our Trade Den fula ankungen EPCOT Jag spelar för dig Saludos Amigos Spela för mig Peter Pan Kids Is Kids Mary Poppins All About Magic Mickey's Surprise Party Disneyland After Dark Den fula ankungen Gala Day at Disneyland The Legend of the Boy and the Eagle Disneyland Around the Seasons The Liberty Story Perilous Assignment Disneyland Goes to the World's Fair Disneyland 10th Anniversary I Captured the King of the Leprechauns Disneyland '59 Backstage Party Disneyland Around the Seasons An Adventure in Color/Mathmagicland Magic and Music Mediterranean Cruise Donald's Silver Anniversary Inside Donald Duck Carnival Time Man Is His Own Worst Enemy Inside Outer Space A Square Peg in a Round Hole Music for Everybody The Ranger's Guide to Nature Man on Wheels How the West Was Lost Nature's Charter Tours Nature's Better Built Homes Nature's Strangest Oddballs Monsters of the Deep The Adventures of Mickey Mouse Man in Flight The Fourth Anniversary Show Four Fabulous Characters Four Tales on a Mouse Jiminy Cricket Presents Bongo Three Tall Tales A Salute to Alaska Ben and Me/Peter and the Wolf In Shape with Von Drake The Truth About Mother Goose Disneyland, the Park/Pecos Bill Disneyland '61/Olympic Elk An Adventure in the Magic Kingdom