H.G. Wells Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Dr. Moreau BBC: The Voice of Britain Världarnas krig Den osynlige mannen Island of Lost Souls The Time Machine Tidmaskinen Tiden skola komma Tiden skola komma The Island of Dr Moreau La merveilleuse visite The Island of Dr. Moreau Skuggor i natten H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds Gestapos fiende nr 1 The Shape of Things to Come Massornas krig The Food of the Gods Village of the Giants Längtan Kipps Country of Blind Country of Blind The Invisible Chronicles The First Men in the Moon Resan till månen Mannen som kunde göra underverk Людина, яка вміла творити дива Le Voleur invisible Человек-невидимка The Time Machine Nová metoda malíře Smithe The Magic Shop War of the Servers Человек-невидимка Mr. Pollys historia Волшебная лавка Dr. Moreau Have You Got Any Castles? The First Men in the Moon Il sogno dell'altro The Time Machine War of the Worlds Den osynlige mannens återkomst Kipps Eyes in the Trees H.G. Wells' The War of the Worlds Daydreams The Tonic Hollow Man War of the Worlds: The Attack The Passionate Friends The Wheels of Chance Bud Abbott and Lou Costello Meet the Invisible Man Den osynlige mannens hämnd The Battle of Grovers Mill Först på månen Prawdziwie magiczny sklep Fear the Invisible Man Как потерять вес The Magic Shop आधी रात के बाद The Invisible Man War of the Worlds: Goliath Världarnas krig The Invisible Man The Invisible Man Time Kid Mad Monster Party? Дверь в стене 透明人間現わる 透明人間 透明人間と蝿男 The Erotic Time Machine