P.G. Wodehouse Lucky Realy: the Portrait of a Doll Wogan on Wodehouse Plum: A Portrait of of the life of P.G. Wodehouse En flicka i knipa Oh, Lady, Lady Piccadilly Jim Piccadilly Jim Leave It to Me Rosalie Tales from the Hollywood Hills: The Old Reliable The Small Bachelor The Prince and Betty Brother Alfred A Gentleman of Leisure Piccadilly Jim Der goldene Schmetterling Step Lively, Jeeves! Anything Goes Summer Lightning En flicka i knipa En flicka i knipa Thank You, Jeeves! Those Three French Girls Gomorron Bill! Heavy Weather Blixt och dunder Rodney Fails to Qualify The Clicking of Cuthbert Dans ombord Forduljon Psmithhez Trésor party A Gentleman of Leisure The Man in Possession Oh Kay! Samhällets fiende no 13 A Damsel in Distress The Girl on the Boat Anything Goes Dizzy Dames Oh Boy! Älskaren By Jeeves Wodehouse Playhouse Wodehouse Playhouse Wodehouse Playhouse Wodehouse Playhouse Wodehouse Playhouse