Pamela Mason James Mason: The Star They Loved to Hate Five Minutes to Live College Confidential I Met a Murderer The Upturned Glass The Navy vs. the Night Monsters My Wicked, Wicked Ways: The Legend of Errol Flynn Sex Kittens Go to College Lady Possessed The Sandpiper Pandora och den flygande holländaren The Weird World of Weird Allt du skulle vilja veta om sex - men varit för skraj för att fråga om Fångad They Were Sisters Charade The Star of Bethlehem The Child Lady Possessed Lady Possessed I Met a Murderer Charade The Upturned Glass Omnibus The David Susskind Show Wonder Woman General Electric Theater Schlitz Playhouse of Stars The Steve Allen Show Panic! The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson Mayberry R.F.D. Hollywood Squares The Ed Sullivan Show Tonight Starring Jack Paar The Mike Douglas Show Love, American Style Love, American Style