W.C. Fields Bankdeckaren Hollywood on Parade No. B-7 The Movie Orgy International House Alice i Underlandet I Know A Riddle Hollywood dansar och ler Manhattan The Hollywood Clowns Löjliga familjen Mej lurar ni inte Förlorarens chans Poppy Fools for Luck West i Västern Radioparaden 1938 The Golf Specialist The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David Copperfield the Younger Two Flaming Youths The Pharmacist The Dentist The Barber Shop The Fatal Glass of Beer Pool Sharks Mannen i den flygande trapetsen Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch Om jag hade en miljon Her Majesty, Love Äventyr på bröllopsresa Janice Meredith Grabben hela dan Äventyraren från Mississippi Äkta man på vift Sensation i Los Angeles So's Your Old Man Sally of the Sawdust Oops, Those Hollywood Bloopers! Hollywood Out-takes and Rare Footage Mannen som gör vad som faller honom in Running Wild Sensations of 1945 W.C. Fields: Straight Up Going Hollywood: The '30s Hollywood: The Selznick Years Song of the Open Road The Circus: Premiere Hollywood Heaven: Tragic Lives, Tragic Deaths Tillie's Punctured Romance Mina damer och herrar Mae West and the Men Who Knew Her The Big Parade of Comedy W.C. Fields: 6 Short Films How to Break 90 #3: Hip Action Show-Business at War Cavalcade of the Academy Awards Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? That's Entertainment, Part II The Potters The Silver Screen: Color Me Lavender That Royle Girl Down Memory Lane Hooray for Hollywood Bankdeckaren West i Västern Förlorarens chans The Golf Specialist The Barber Shop The Dentist Pool Sharks The Fatal Glass of Beer The Pharmacist Mannen i den flygande trapetsen Mannen i den flygande trapetsen Too Many Highballs Mej lurar ni inte Mina damer och herrar Löjliga familjen Wogan Star Life