Bernard B. Brown Sittin' on a Backyard Fence Cavalcade of the Academy Awards Bankdeckaren Hit the Ice The Brute Man Enter Arsène Lupin Det började med Eva Maybe It's Love Unfinished Business Farlig kvinna Buddy's Day Out Those Were Wonderful Days Gold Diggers of '49 Guldfågeln Arizona Trail Objuden gäst Who Done It? The Spider Woman Strikes Back Nightmare The Dark Horse Tanger - intrigernas stad The House of the Seven Gables Gypsy Wildcat Vita fångar i Söderhavet Sudan I Love to Singa Black Bandit Ghost Town Riders Riders of Pasco Basin It Comes Up Love Hi'ya, Chum Never a Dull Moment Give Us Wings The Leather Pushers Morgondagen är vår Att älska så... Danger in the Pacific Frisco Lil Little Miss Big Strange Conquest The Road to Reno Frankenstein möter varulven The Strange Affair of Uncle Harry Canyon Passage Rio Frankensteins son Den blodiga borgen Frankensteins vålnad Läkare misstänkt för mord Dolda makter Ögon i mörkret Frankensteins hus Skräckkällarens hemlighet Sällsam bekännelse Draculas hus I nattens skugga Honeymoon Hotel En 7-sjungande flicka Sherlock Holmes och terrorrösten Pirates of the Skies Congo Jazz Box Car Blues Hold Anything The Booze Hangs High Big Man from the North Ups 'n Downs Dumb Patrol Yodeling Yokels The Tree's Knees Smile, Darn Ya, Smile! Bosko Shipwrecked! Lady, Play Your Mandolin! One More Time Bosko the Doughboy You Don't Know What You're Doin'! Bosko's Soda Fountain Bosko's Fox Hunt Red-Headed Baby Bosko at the Zoo Pagan Moon Battling Bosko Big-Hearted Bosko Bosko's Party Goopy Geer Bosko and Bruno It's Got Me Again! Bosko's Dog Race Bosko at the Beach I Love a Parade Bosko's Store Bosko the Lumberjack Ride Him, Bosko I Wish I Had Wings Bosko the Drawback A Great Big Bunch of You Bosko's Dizzy Date Bosko's Woodland Daze Bosko in Dutch One Step Ahead of My Shadow Gambling Ship Hämnarna Kvinna i rött Skuggan av ett tvivel Pursuit to Algiers The Pearl of Death Sherlock Holmes och spindelmysteriet Sherlock Holmes i fara Sherlock Holmes tar nattexpressen All by Myself Sherlock Holmes och kvinnan i grönt Unseen Enemy Moonlight in Hawaii South of Tahiti The Mystery of Marie Roget Bombay Clipper Ingen ängel The Old Chisholm Trail The Alchemist in Hollywood A Cartoonist's Nightmare Bosko and Honey The Big Chance Cuban Pete Sabotör Tough as They Come Mug Town Keep 'Em Slugging The Mysterious Mr. Wong Night Monster Tusen och en natt She-Wolf of London Mannen som inte kunde dö In the Navy The Black Cat Hearts of Humanity Horror Island Fantomen på Stora Operan Mumiens hämnd Den osynlige mannens återkomst Gestapos fiende nr 1 Mumiens grav Mumiens ande Den osynlige mannens hämnd Mumiens förbannelse The Witness Vanishes Mr. and Mrs. Is the Name Döden kan ej vittna Buddy the Gob Buddy the Woodsman The Cat Creeps The Jungle Captive Buddy Steps Out Captive Wild Woman I Wanna Play House Eyes of the Underworld Nice Girl? Tänk, om jag gifter mig med chefen I've Got to Sing a Torch Song Between Us Girls The Mad Ghoul Pettin' in the Park The Sun Never Sets Blonde Alibi The Rage of Paris Let Them Live Ex-Champ River Gang Draculas son South of Dixie Green Hell Madame Spy Country Mouse Country Mouse Country Mouse Den osynliga kvinnan One Night in the Tropics Midnight Intruder Misstänkt South to Karanga Varulven Her Adventurous Night The Blow Out I Haven't Got a Hat Hollywood Capers Alpine Antics Into Your Dance My Green Fedora My Green Fedora Country Boy Beauty and the Beast The Girl at the Ironing Board Farlig mark The Lady in Red The Phantom Ship The Phantom Ship The Fire Alarm West i Västern Lady in a Jam Those Beautiful Dames We've Never Been Licked What We Are Fighting For