Budd Fine The Greeks Had a Word for Them Helan och Halvan i stenåldern Bannerline The Texas Ranger Kärlek och lättvikt The Nevadan Pie-Eyed Samhällets fiende no 13 Dumb Dicks The Promoter Viskande Smith The Best Man Wins Lazy River Man Of The People My Dear Miss Aldrich After the Dance Spring Madness Endast änglar ha vingar Thunder Afloat We Live Again Off Again, On Again Confessions of a Queen The Crime of Helen Stanley Oh, Yeah! Paradise Express Unge Edison Så går det till i krig Prärie Frank James hämnd Flykt Captain Caution Wildcat Bus Sinner Take All Carnival The Pooch The Soldier and the Lady The Sting of Stings Court Plaster Busy Buddies Miraklet Hasardspelaren Åh, en sån deckare! The Calling of Dan Matthews The Tall Target The Racketeer Be Yourself! Kvinnan i sjön The Window Getting Gertie's Goat Drift Fence Les Misérables The Gay Desperado