John Sturges Steve McQueen: The Man & Le Mans The Spencer Tracy Legacy: A Tribute by Katharine Hepburn Steve McQueen: The Lost Movie 7 vågade livet 7 vågade livet Nätternas eld Den gamle och havet Den stora flykten Den stora flykten Örnen har landat Sheriffen i Dodge City The Hallelujah Trail Sheriffen i Tombstone McQ Marooned The Satan Bug The Satan Bug Fasans timmar Fallet O'Hara En man steg av tåget Sista tåget från Gun Hill Backlash Joe Kidd The Law and Jake Wade Fredlös främling Polarstation Zebra svarar ej Sergeants 3 Mördare utan ansikte For the Love of Rusty Chino Chino The Sign of the Ram It's a Big Country Shadowed Escape from Fort Bravo The Magnificent Yankee Underwater! By Love Possessed The Scarlet Coat The Girl in White Kind Lady A Girl Named Tamiko Right Cross The Walking Hills Keeper of the Bees The Man Who Dared Alias Mr. Twilight Sheriffen i Tombstone Om tycke uppstår... En kula för mycket Fast Company The Hallelujah Trail Thunderbolt They Knew What They Wanted Scattergood Meets Broadway Best Man Wins Syncopation Five Came Back: The Reference Films