George Cukor On Cukor Scotty and the Secret History of Hollywood Cary Grant: A Class Apart Hollywood: The Selznick Years Marilyn: Something's Got to Give Cole Porter in Hollywood: Ça c'est l'amour The Men Who Made the Movies: George Cukor Marilyn Monroe: The Mortal Goddess Judy Garland: By Myself The Making of a Legend: Gone with the Wind Garbo James Stewart: A Wonderful Life 1939: Hollywood's Greatest Year Sid & Judy The Wonderful Wizard of Oz: 50 Years of Magic More Loverly Than Ever: The Making of 'My Fair Lady' Anna Karina, souviens-toi En skön historia En stjärna föds Sånt händer med flickor My Fair Lady Travels with My Aunt Kvinnorna Född igår Sylvia Scarlett Låt oss älska Feminint fenomen Adams revben Den heliga lågan Gasljus En kvinnas ansikte Dubbelliv Vild blondin i västern Justine Les Girls Susan and God Romeo och Julia Kameliadamen Middag kl. 8 The Personal History, Adventures, Experience, & Observation of David Copperfield the Younger En friare i societén Unga kvinnor Bhowani - station i Indien A Bill of Divorcement What Price Hollywood? The Marrying Kind Vild är vinden Edward, min son The Royal Family of Broadway The Blue Bird Two-Faced Woman Storstadens lockfåglar Älskaren Teatergalen Rockabye Rich and Famous Än en gång The Corn Is Green The Model and the Marriage Broker The Chapman Report Grumpy The Virtuous Sin Our Betters A Life of Her Own Winged Victory Dagar av hetta Zaza Desire Me Tarnished Lady Fången på Zenda The Animal Kingdom I Met My Love Again Something's Got to Give Duetten med mig själv Song Without End En timme med dig En timme med dig The River of Romance No More Ladies The David Susskind Show Oscarsgalan Tonight Starring Jack Paar The Men Who Made the Movies Flick Flack The Dick Cavett Show Abendschau