Charles B. Griffith Little Shop of Horrors It Conquered the World Smaklig måltid Hollywood Boulevard Howard Atlas Attack of the Crab Monsters The She Beast Death Race 2000 Smokey Bites the Dust A Bucket of Blood Little Shop of Horrors Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II Wizards of the Lost Kingdom II Attack of the Crab Monsters Death Race 2000 Not of This Earth It Conquered the World Beast from Haunted Cave The Swinging Barmaids Naked Paradise The Undead Teenage Doll De vilda änglarna Forbidden Island Smokey Bites the Dust Eat My Dust Eat My Dust Creature from the Haunted Sea Djävulsänglarna Up from the Depths Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype Ski Troop Attack Gunslinger Ghost of the China Sea Ghost of the China Sea Forbidden Island Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype A Bucket of Blood Rock All Night Not of This Earth Death Race 2000 Attack of the Crab Monsters Beast from Haunted Cave Atlas Atlas Little Shop of Halloween Horrors Little Shop of Horrors Flesh and the Spur Flesh and the Spur The She Beast Hideouser and Hideouser Forbidden Island The Secret Invasion Little Shop of Horrors