Captain Kidd and the Slave Girl pirate, captain kidd УнвонCaptain Kidd and the Slave Girl Соли1954 ЖанрAdventure КишварUnited States of America СтудияEdward small Production РехтанAnthony Dexter, Eva Gabor, Alan Hale Jr., James Seay, Richard Karlan, Noel Cravat ЭкипажLew Landers (Director), Jack Pollexfen (Producer), Aubrey Wisberg (Producer), Charles Van Enger (Director of Photography), Fred R. Feitshans Jr. (Editor), Aubrey Wisberg (Writer) Озод карданMay 20, 1954 Вақти корӣ82 дақиқа СифатHD IMDb5.40 / 10 аз ҷониби 4 корбарон Маъруфият0 Боргирӣ ScreenPix Apple TV Channel 4K Боргирӣ HD Боргирӣ HD Боргирӣ HD Боргирӣ SD Боргирӣ SD Боргирӣ SD Боргирӣ